Legal Aid Society attorney Appointed to City Court

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Lynette Spaulding was appointed by the White Plains Common Council to fill the vacant White Plains City Court seat last night unanimously. Photo, Westchester Legal Aid Society

WPCNR WHITE PLAINS LAW JOURNAL. By John F. Bailey. March 3, 2020:

The White Plains Common Council appointed Lynette Victoria Spaulding, a career lawyer with the Westchester Legal Aid Society to the City Cour Monday evening by unanimous vote. Mayor Tom Roach said she was selected from a slate of candidates recommended by a judge search committee.

Judge Spaulding graduated from Syracuse University School of Law with a JD in 1980. She started working at the Society right after graduating Law School and has been a lifelong employee at the Society ever since. She retired recently and last night was appointed to a 10-year term to the seat on the court left vacant after the death last summer of Elizabeth Shollenberger. An associate told WPCNR “she is very experienced.

Judge Spaulding will be assuming the bench March 19.

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Hits: 34

WPCNR SCHOOL DAYS. From the White Plains City School District March 2, 2020:

The White Plains Public Schools will celebrate Census Awareness Day on March 31st at 10 A.M. with a districtwide kickoff at Post Road Elementary School. 

Superintendent of Schools Joseph Ricca and White Plains Teachers Association President Kara Lyons will lead the initiative to urge everyone’s participation in this vital process.  Dr. Ricca said, “The importance of the census cannot be overstated.  Information gained has a direct impact onfederal school funding and on Congressional representation.  Participating in the census is a way for parents and the entire school community to make their voices heard.” 

The school district is partnering with the White Plains Teachers Association, the Administrators & Supervisors Association, the Civil Service Employees Association, New York State United Teachers, and American Federation of Teachers and the City of White Plains in this important effort. President Kara Lyons shared, “In White Plains, we always want the very best for our children. We need everyone to participate in the census. Data obtained particularly affects programs that improve the health and well-being of children.” Students will be involved in learning about the process and every child and family participating will receive a special surprise sponsored by the White Plains Teachers Association, NYSUT and AFT.

On April 1st the federal government will begin the process which occurs every ten years – to count everyone living in the United States and collect demographic data.  All information obtained is confidential and cannot be disclosed.  #BeCountedWP

Invited Guests:

State Senator Andrea Stewart Cousins

State Senator Shelley Mayer

State Assemblyman David Buchwald

State Assemblywoman Amy Paulin

Westchester County Executive George Latimer

White Plains Mayor Thomas Roach

White Plains Youth Bureau Director. Frank Williams

White Plains Board of Education Members

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Hits: 99

WPCNR QUILL & EYESHADE. By John F. Bailey. Data New York State Department of Taxation & Finance, February 25, 2020:

Westchester County sales tax receipts increased 37% in January over the January of 2018. ($63,836,271 last month compared to 2018 $46,716,3810.

It was the first full month of the county’s 1% increase sales tax increase at the start of the county 2020 fiscal year. The 37% increase, if it is maintained the next 11 months on average would easily beat the 27% increase for the year prognosticated by the County Budget creators.

WPCNR asked the Department of Taxation & Finance if the euphoric result was based on unusual internet sales taking place just before Christmas and not reported until January.

WPCNR also asked if internet sales were up robustly throughout the metropolitan area and the state in January.

WPCNR also inquired if this was a single correction by the Department reflecting previous errors or miscalculations. WPCNR awaits the state, and perhaps the county explanation.

We await an explanation for this windfall.

If this county record is due to all internet action up close to Christmas, it is very good news for the county coffers and politicians looking to increase budget spending.

However, is  extremely grim for cities and towns with empty retail storefronts,  mall projects depending on in-person shopping, and casts a sense of apprehension about the high hopes for  ballyhooed and wooed, mixed-use residential projections going up across the county, developers are trying to build.

The most increases in sales tax receipts the county has received in month-to- month over the last 25 years have been in the 5% with the largest swings being 10% range.

If this unprecedented spending continues at the 30% rate, the county would earn $850,000,000 in sales tax receipts, $748 Million is budgeted.

This one month explosion may slowdown considerably but Mr. and Mrs. White Plains and Westchester, if this windfall continues to hum, could easily expect a substantial tax cut in the 2021 budget. I suspect this is the internet last minute rush contributing to the record January. But someone in Albany should figure this out. Towns, cities, governments need to know.


White Plains had a great month, too, experiencing its second straight $5,000,000 sales tax receipts month. With $5,830,213 recorded in December, and $5,084,046 in January beating last January receipts ($4,576,957) or 12.8%  is wonderfully ahead of  White Plains last fiscal year after 7 months. 

Through January fiscal 19-20, White Plains has increased sales tax revenues 9.1% $32,041,109 compared to $29,364,954 after 7 months of fiscal 18-19

Should White Plains earn the same tax receipts they did last year, the city will collect $20,778,513 and added to the $32,041,109 collected after the first 7 months, the city will finish with $52,819,622 in sales tax receipts, and perhaps even more. The city will love this because the sweat over the sales dollars is always a worry. We have barely made it the last few years. 2019-20 looks very as we turn the corner.

Is it the internet? Is it car sales? Is it more bar receipts?

The state needs to break down sales tax receipts and the distribution in much more detail and by demographic category by type of business. Cities can plan better and know when they are setting a development course that may or may not work because there is not information spelling out what is being bought in every city and where the growth in consumer tastes, methods of shopping, pace of shopping are going.

Right now cities and towns in Westchester and across the site are flying their budgets and planning through financial storms and fronts without instruments which can be readily developed on economic activity in much more detail, if the state wanted to do it.

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Free Hepatitis A Shots Today at County Health Department

Hits: 79

The Westchester County Health Department will provide free preventive treatment for Hepatitis A Tuesday through Thursday in White Plains for anyone who ate or drank at Fin & Brew restaurant at Factoria in Peekskill on February 15, 16 or 19, or at a private party at The Space, an event space there, on February 15. 

The preventive treatment is being offered because the Health Department learned that an employee with Hepatitis A at the event space at Factoria in Peekskill while infectious, so anyone who ate or drank at a private party thereon Saturday, February 15 may have been exposed. Because Fin & Brew shares an ice machine with the event space, patrons who ate or had drinks at the restaurant on Saturday, February 15, Sunday February 16 or Wednesday, February 19, also have potential exposure so are being offered preventive treatment in an abundance of caution. Patrons elsewhere in the complex are not at risk because the facilities are separate.

Preventive treatment is only effective if given within two weeks of the last day of exposure.  Therefore, those who ate or drank on February 15 must receive preventive treatment by February 29. Those who consumed food or beverages  on February 16 must receive treatment by March 1 and those who ate or drank there on February 19 must receive treatment by March 4

No one with a prior history of Hepatitis A vaccination or Hepatitis A infection needs to be treated. 

The health department will offer free preventive treatment at the Health Department Clinic, 134 Court Street, White Plains, on the following dates and times. Although walk-ins are welcome, advance registration is highly recommended. To register, go

·         Tuesday, February 25, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.

·         Wednesday, February 26, 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.

·         Thursday, February 27, 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.

·         For other times by appointment during clinic hours, call 914-995-7499

To provide consent, a parent/guardian must accompany anyone under 18 years of age. Restaurant patrons who were exposed also can seek preventive treatment from their own health care provider.

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“HAMILTON GREEN” Signature Project of Main Street, Developer Requests 3-Year Site Plan Extension. May Not Start Construction for up to 5 Years

Hits: 110


The attorney for the developer planning to build a new signature gateway project replacing the White Plains Mall, requested a three year site p an extension at the televised Common Council Special meeting last night. It is the second developer to ask for an extension in three weeks. Grid Properties was the other.

Mayor Roach expresses concern about the slowdown in the Hamilton Green, and attorney Bill Null responds, while Councilpersons Kirkpatrick and Puja call for explanations. 10:33 0f Inside Development Talk Video Capture off WPTV CH. 75

Bill Null the Hamilton Green attorney, said the mall is still occupied by the Department of Motor Vehicles and a  dialysis center and there was no certainty as to when the property could be ready for demolition. He also pointed out the equity financiers the developer is negoting with, was reluctant to finance all the project at once and preferred to fund in two stages.

Null suggested an arrangement similar to the Bank Street project done in two stages.  He said a one-year extension would not do much good because even if demolition began by October that might not be time enough to start the project where the property need remediation of contaminants.

He gave no timetable when financing could be arranged.  He said his client did not want to be held to doing the underground parking below the open space project first. Mayor Roach showing visible disappointment at the news asked when financing might be completed. Null said he could not commit to one.

In questioning by Common Council persons Jennifer Puja and Justin Brash, Null said Puja was being unfair in criticizing the PILOT agreement, which had not, Null said, been hammered out yet as the owner was still paying property taxes and deriving income from the property.  He told Brash the project might not start for 5 years due to the two-stage financing  equity partners were requesting. Brash alluded to the practice developers in the recent past have had in achieving a site plan approval, not starting the project and selling the property instead. Null said his client is committed to developing the property.

Councilman James Kirkpatrick asked Null to arrange to have the principals of the developer come in and address the council. (Drew Greenwald the principal of Grid Properties did address the council four weeks ago. on his project, The Boulevard, that has not started after 4 years of site plan extensions. Greenwald told the Council, his company was committed to the project. )

In other action Monday evening, Richard Hart Commissioner of Public Works described a project extending the Greenway Trail to Bolton Avenue which he expected to be completed by the spring.

Hart also introduced a replacement of light towers at recreation fields, replacing them with LED lights which would earn the city $614,000 over ten years.

Judith Mezey, The Deputy Commissioner of Planning outlined a plan to revise Community Development eligibility requirements to  reinstate elighibility of condominiums and co-ops and commercial buildings in areas targeted by the city and introducing the ability to fund “soft costs”.  The targeted areas would be introduced in late June. The Deputy Commissioner also said homeowners in all areas of the city could be considered for community development funds for minor repairs.

Karen Pasquale, the Executive Assistant to Mayor introduced a plan where the city would charge 5 cents per paper bag supplied by stores, mostly supermarkets, which are prohibited from using plastic bags beginning March 1.  She said the plan would have the city would receive 20% of  funds raised by the  5 cent tax per paper bag. Council President Nadine Hunt-Robinson observed plastic bags are often used for garbage bags in homes throughout the city. Councilman Brasch suggested the 20% cut the city gets could be used to provide reusable bags to citizens to cut down on paperbag usage.

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What Would Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis Do?

Hits: 127

WPCNR VIEW FROM THE UPPER DECK By “Bull” Allen. February 23, 2019:

Hello there everybody.  Bull Allen here standing on the green green grass of home: legendary Al Lang Field of Springs Past for the first games of the 2020 Grapefruit League season.

I’m smoking a White Owl Wallop slowly watching the blue smoke rise in memory of the way I used to care about this game . I’m drinking a Balentine Ale remembering the feeling of baseball past, and sick about the Houston Astro cheating.

The ruling by the Commissioner of Baseball, Robert Manford says even if we caught you, it’s all right to cheat. Saying he is not going to punish the Astros for cheating in 2017, (and probably 2018 and 2019, too.

Manfred needs help.

What is curious is no one has pointed out the Black Sox scandal of 1919.

The Cheating Astros as they will be forever be known just as the Chicago White Sox of 1919, are forever known as the Black Sox, eerily the Black Sox were exposed 100 years ago for throwing the 1919 World Series. (Baseball is so cyclical.)

The Black Sox were the eight players in the 1919 World Series who were bribed by gamblers to throw the series to the Cincinnati Redlegs so gamblers could clean up. (The White Sox were the strongest team in baseball at that time, again an eery coincidence, heavily favored to win the series with heavy money on them.)

According to Wikipedia, which cites the book, “Eight Men Out” : The issue of the 1919 Series came to the public eye in September 1920, when, after allegations that a game between the Chicago Cubs and Philadelphia Phillies on August 31 had been fixed, a grand jury was empaneled in state court in Chicago to investigate baseball gambling.

Additional news came from Philadelphia, where gambler Billy Maharg stated that he had worked with former boxer Abe Attell and New York gambler Arnold Rothstein to get the White Sox to throw the 1919 Series. Al Cicotte and Joe Jackson were called before the grand jury, where they gave statements incriminating themselves and six teammates: Williams, first baseman Chick Gandil, shortstop Swede Risberg, third baseman Buck Weaver, center fielder Happy Felsch and reserve infielder Fred McMullin. Williams and Felsch were also called before the grand jury and incriminated themselves and their teammates.[87]

 Through late September, the 1920 American League season had been one of the most exciting on record, with the White Sox, Cleveland Indians, and New York Yankees dueling for the league lead. By September 28, the Yankees were close to elimination, but the White Sox and Indians were within percentage points of each other.

On that day, however, the eight players, seven of whom were still on the White Sox, were indicted. They were immediately suspended by White Sox owner Charles Comiskey.[88] The Indians were able to pull ahead and win the pennant, taking the American League championship by two games over Chicago.

Part of the reason the 8 players took money to throw the series was because Charles Comiskey, owner of the Pale Hose was a cheap owner, who thanks to the old reserve clause, now defunct, could pay his players what he wished. He also had the best ballpark at the time, the original Comiskey Park

When this came to light, Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis, just appointed the first Commissioner of Baseball, suspended the 8 Black Sox for life from playing major league baseball. Let me repeat that: Landis in his first year as Commissioner, gave the Black Sox 8 lifetime suspensions. Even though they appealed for reinstatement serveral times, they were denied.

The lifetime suspensions worked. There were no more instances of players throwing games. Signs went up in stands around baseball saying “No Betting.” (Gamblers –bookies frequently attended baseball games.)

There were no more thrown games. Unless you account for the New York Giants under Leo Durocher, a known cheat and thief and consort with showbiz and gambler types. Durocher was gotten rid of by the New York Yankees because Babe Ruth caught Durocher stealing the Babe’s money from his Yankee Stadium locker and beat up Durocher severely.

In 1951, Durocher devised a scheme to steal signs from the Polo Grounds clubhouse with a binocular and buzzer system in the Polo Grounds bullpen. The book, “The Echoing Green,” explained the system. The Giants went 47-7 in their last 54 games in 1951 and took Brooklyn in the 3 game playoff 2 games to 1, with homers off Ralph Branca. Yet when this game to light, there was no effort to strip the Giants of that pennant.

So Mr. Manafort has suspended the Astro General Manager and Astro Manager for a season. He has not punished one Astro on the roster. Not one.

Manafort’s excuse was he needed Astro cooperation to prove the cheating.

Well. He also said the union would most likely fight suspensions of the Cheating Astros. He gave the players a plea bargain.

We know what Kenesaw Mountain Landis would have done. Every player on the roster would be suspended for life if they did not confirm the cheating.

All would have been thrown out of baseball for life. Or better, Landis could take away the franchise from the Houston owner. The owner is ultimately responsible for the performance of his team and therefore by not knowing this was going on, baseball should relieve him of ownership of the franchise. And take the team from the city.

Landis would strip him of the investment. It is unfortunate Judge Landis did not strip Charles Comiskey of the White Sox. What happened was 30 years of horrible White Sox teams because Comiskey, like Clark Griffith and Connie Mack were penurious owners who built franchises into contenders, then sold their players off to other teams.

Houston players do not pay for their shattering the image baseball has always enjoyed–integrity– except in the steroid scandal in the 1990s.

The swaggering of the Astros since the cheating was announced is very similar to the way corporate titans are let off the hook, and defend obvious wrong doing. Wall Street. Big Pharma. “Non-Profit” Hospitals come to mind.

Houston fans are the losers. They have to live with the fact their team cheated their way to the championship. As the WFAN host Chris Moore said yesterday, you don’t want the World Champion in your sport to cheat, “it’s like the high school validictorian had the answers to the test.”i

Another bad decision by Manafort tragically ironic in retrospect is making a deal to bring major betting organizations to involve baseball in the online gaming craze.

Well the Cheating Astros have thrown that out the window. Manafort’s pragmatic plea bargain has put baseball integrity up for sale. It’s open season on setting up outcome bets; who will hit the most homers; who will win home run derbies; over and unders. All such betting is easily fixable.

The Players’ Association has betrayed the integrity of the game for not suspending those players without pay for at least a year, perhaps two for the prime of their earning years, or taking away their major league pension.

If Manafort had suspended for life, this maybe would have gone to court, but the President of this country would probably pardon them anyway.

But Manafort could have done that: “all right boys if none of you will identify who operated the system, the whole team will be suspended from Major League Baseball for 3 years. That would cost the players millions, far more than the world series winning share of 2017 which was $438,901.57. Why would they cheat?

Since my last spring training article, there has been little, if any detailed explanations of the new rule changes: the 20 second pitch rule; the step-out–of-the-batter’s box rule, and the three batter minimum pitching rule, as well as the obvious flaws of the electronic ball-strike calling, as well as the flawed replay of plays.

Of course the real Yankees are playing the Torontos, but pitchers will be supposed to deliver each pitch within 20 seconds, as we wrote you about last season. However the “working” sports press and Major League Baseball did not explain the details of how the pitch clock will work, and what situations it will be in effect.

The “working sports press” have not explained the pitcher must face three batters minimum rule in effect this season. Please. Do a little work and hold baseball accountable for explaining this rule.

Since no one in the “working” sports press asked major league baseball, I asked John Bailey to check out what the rules were.

Mr. Bailey  called the Major League Baseball Communications Department, asking for details on how and when the 20 seconds-to-pitch rule would be enforced, or whether it was going to be in effect all the time in every situation. To their credit, they immediately responded to his email request

Bailey sent me  a statement from Michael Teevan,Vice President, Communications for  Major League Baseball that read as follows:

“We expect to have more detailed information on the plans for the pitch clock during spring training in the days ahead. I’ll let you know when we do.”

So yours truly will be watching closely, because there are a lot issues for a pitcher to take care of in those 20 seconds. Here are just a few:

  1. Does the 20 seconds start when a pitcher gets the ball back from the catcher? Or when he steps on the pitching rubber. (My guess is when he gets the ball back from the catcher.)
  2. Can the pitcher step off the rubber once he gets on it? (My guess is no—if he can he could violate the balk rule (moving to the plate then stopping).
  3. Does the pitcher get a fresh 20 seconds when he gets a base runner, or is the 20 seconds time limit to pitch not in effect.  This is important because with 20 seconds to pitch in effect, the pitcher can throw over to keep the runner close only once, and if he throws over twice, he will have to rush his pitch. It also means to the runner that once a pitcher throws, the base runner can take a huge lead and walk to second (a tremendous advantage for the runner). If the 20 seconds to pitch is waived after there are baserunners, then the pitcher maintains advantage over the runner. Also, if you keep the 20 seconds during runners on situations, the defense is strengthened by the runner not having to be held on, but double plays will be reduced because runner at first gets bigger jump. This will mean a lot more runs, in my opinion. Innings will last longer. More blowouts will happen early.
  4. How will the pitch clock go off? A siren. A buzzer? Or is it umpire’s judgment. This will impair umpire’s judgment of the pitch he will not be set if watching the clock. Hence more messed up strike calls might happen. Or will the second base umpire or first base or third base umpire clockwatch, which could district the man in blue from a pickoff play.
  5. I suggest that a catcher may be directed to make more pickoff throws to first with runners on: to third, second, or first, to allow the pitcher to concentrate on his pitch in the 20 seconds. I guarantee that will prolong the innings. Trick plays, (sneak-ins behind the runner(s) may happen to curtail extensive leads (after a throw over).
  6. Can the catcher call time during any 20 second period to check signals, discuss pitches. If the catcher is not allowed to do that, it really gives advantage to the batter.
  7. Is a pitchout considered pitching the ball? A pitchout can be used to pickoff a runner taking an extend lead (after a pitcher throws over once during the 20 seconds). Protecting the vulnerability against the steal will increase pitchout activity and may inadvertently prolong the inning, not shorten it.

Just some thoughts that should be kept in mind while watching these spring games.

Now this season, any pitcher coming into relieve in the middle of the inning has to pitch to at least three men (effectively eliminating the lefty-right pitch change if you have three right hand hitters in a row, or three left hand hitters in succession coming up).

Lot of questions on this one:

Can the reliever coming in call for an intentional walk, dodging a lefthand hitter or right hand hitter to get at a same side as throwing arm batter?

Can he intentionally hit a batter to put him on with bases empty, thus getting thrown out of the game, allowing the manager to bring in a same side thrower to face a right-hand batter,/left hand batter depending whether a right-hander, left-hander would be coming up after the hit batter? And then the manager of the team batting can call for a pinch hitter for the batter suddenly even upped with a same side pitcher. This new rule is going to cause longer delays.

If a pinch hitter is announced, and the already-waved in from the bullpen pitcher suddenly fakes an injury and can’t pitch, will the umpire allow him (the pitcher)to be replaced?

This hit the batter intentionally thing can be used when you’re trying to stop a rally even with bases full.

You have a 4-run lead and Ruth Gehrig and Meusel are coming up. a righty pitcher brought in to face Ruth with bases loaded, can either hit Ruth, forcing in a run, then if the pitcher is thrown out, or if the righty intentional walks Ruth, forcing in a run to meet Gehrig (a lefty hitter) , the thrown out pitcher then can be replaced by a lefthander to face Gehrig.

Have any of the geniuses in the baseball lab even thought of this?

Made a ruling that you can’t do these obvious subterfuges? Faking injuries is a form of cheating and we will see it in these situations, I’ll bet

Now the electric eye calling of balls and strikes. In the league where the system was being tested, Frank Viola the old Met was thrown out of a game when he protested a strike that was called on a ball that bounced in front of the plate and crossed the plate. This is proof the electronic strike zone machine does not see three dimensional depth of the pitch.

Bull Allen getting ready to Join Red, Phil, Harry, Suzyn and John in the gondola and watch what happens.

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Hits: 89

John Vorperian right of White Plains Historical Society with “George Washington” at Jacob Purdy House site of the First President’s birthday party tomorrow from 1 to 4 PM at 60Park Avenue

WPCNR MILESTONES. Reprinted from the WPCNR ARCHIVES. February 22, 2020:

Today , Saturday, is George Washington’s Birthday again.

The time when we remember the first leader and the best. It is instructive to look at our first leader, George Washington, the father of our nation — America — that used to be.

One cannot help be reminded of the snowy winter at Valley Forge, when the bedraggled, poorly equipped rebel army suffered but held together, and attacked the Hessians in Trenton on Christmas Eve, 1776, crossing the Delaware River at night. What kind of man was he that George Washington could inspire his troops against all odds?

Washington was a man of tremendous character. Of principle.

Where did he get this character?

He specialized in self-control at an early age. That congressmen, lobbyists, and pundits and yes, Presidents,  means mind-control, reason and responsibility.

According to  the book, The American President, Washington, at sixteen, had formed a code of conduct. He had written a book of etiquette with 110 “maxims” to guide his conduct in matters. In this etiquette book he had written:

Every action done in company ought to be done with a sign of respect to those who are not present. Sleep not when others speak; sit not when others stand; speak not when you should hold your peace; walk not when others stop;…Let your countenance be pleasant but in serious matters somewhat grave…Undertake not what you cannot perform but be careful to keep your promise.

The character sketch provided by the authors of The American President, indicates this personal “rulebook” was a book that Washington wrote over the years and referred to it often, for, they write, for the following reasons:

“for self-control, to avoid temptation, to elude greed, to control his temper. Reputation was everything to him. It had to do with his strength, his size, his courage, his horsemanship, his precise dress, his thorough mind, his manners, his compassion. He protected that reputation at any cost.”

Earning respect by example. Quelling rebellion with a few words.

Washington inspired by example.

He lived with his troops. He shared hardships with them, and there was so much respect for him that he was able to talk them out of armed rebellion at the end of the American Revolution.

Washington had been asked by the army to join them to overthrow the Continental Congress, and make himself King.

Washington had been asked by one of the officers of the rebels to join them, and he wrote them,

You could not have found a person to whom your schemes are more disagreeable. Banish these thoughts from your mind.

Hearing that the rebels who were planning insurrection against the new country due to not having been paid by the Continental Congress, Washington rode to Newburgh, New York, (not far from White Plains,NY,USA) on March 15, 1783, to meet with the dissident insurgents. Washington spoke to the rebellious group, saying,

“Gentlemen, as I was among the first who embarked in the cause of our common Country; as I never left your side one moment, but when called from you on public duty; as I have been the constant companion and witness of your Distresses…it can scarcely be supposed …that I am indifferent to your interests. But…this dreadful alternative, of either deserting our Country in the extremest hour of her distress, or turning our Arms against it…has something so shocking in it that humanity revolts from the idea…I spurn it, as every Man who regards liberty…undoubtedly must.”

The would-be rebels fell silent, digesting what he had said. Then Washington withdrew a letter from Congress, but could not read the text, withdrawing some eyeglasses from his tunic, remarking,

“Gentlemen, you will permit me to put on my spectacles for I have not only grown gray but almost blind in the service of my country.”

The men present were reported to have tears in their eyes at this gesture of Washington’s and abandoned their plot out of respect for their leader.

Washington retired from the military, surprising the entire new country. His action surprised King George III of England, who was astonished that Washington had refused to hold on to his military authority and use it for political or financial gain. The defeated King of England, remarked, “If true, then he is the greatest man in the world.”

Seeker of Diverse Views. How to pick a cabinet.

As President, George Washington invented the Presidential Cabinet, whom he referred to as “the first Characters,” persons who possessed the best reputations in fields and areas of the jobs he was filling. Washington said on political appointments,:

“My political conduct and nominations must be exceedingly circumspect. No slip into partiality will pass unnoticed…”

Washington tolerated the relentless clashes between Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State, and Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury, but lectured them on the necessity for tolerance and moving beyond partisanship:

“I believe the view of both of you are pure, and well meant. Why then, when some of the best Citizens in the United States, Men…who have no sinister view to promote, are to be found, some on one side, some on the other…should either of you be so tenacious of your opinions as to make no allowances for those of the other? I have great esteem for you both, and ardently wish that some line could be marked out by which both of you could walk.”

The Constitution Should be Protected

When George Washington left office after two terms, he made a farewell address which warned future generations of Americans about foreign entanglements and partisanship in the republic:

I shall carry to my grave the hope that your Union and brotherly affection may be perpetual; that the Constitution may be sacredly maintained; and that free government…the ever favorite object of my heart…will be the happy reward of our mutual cares, labors and dangers.”

Washington died in 1800, three years after leaving office in 1797. He was saluted on the floor of congress as being

First in war, first in peace, first in the hearts of his countrymen.”

He was the first and best. The ultimate role model for any leader.

Today, February 22, 2019 is a day that tries Americans’ souls.

It is hoped that some of our “leaders” in Westchester, in Albany, in Washington might read the words I have quoted above and take them to heart in future deliberations. George Washington’s vision of his country is being challenged by those who know not what they do.

But we who remember, and read these words must refocus.

I hear you, Mr. Washington, and we heed.

Note: The American President By Philip B. Kunhardt, Jr., Philip B. Kunhardt III, and Peter W. Kunhardt (Riverhead Books. Penguin-Putnam, Inc.,1999) is the source for this information on George Washington.

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