“Vee NEVAIR have enough…BLOOD!” White Plains Hospital Dramatizes the Ever Present Need for Citizens to Donate Blood. Launches Blood Drive. You can Give Blood Monday Through Friday

Hits: 53 WPCNR MAD SCIENTIST NEWS. From White Plains Hospital Blood Donor Center. October 29, 2015: The White Plains Hospital Blood Donor Center staff dressed up in costume Wednesday to give a festive, Halloweeny spirit to the serious business of the … Continue reading

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Common Core Task Force Announces Regional “Listening Meetings” First in New Rochelle Thursday 4 PM. Public may attend, make comments on Task Force website

Hits: 62WPCNR ALBANY ROUNDS. From the Governor’s Press Office. (Edited)October 28, 2015: Today, the Common Core Task Force announced its public meeting schedule, which includes 12 meetings across New York State beginning tomorrow, October 29, in New Rochelle. Public Session … Continue reading

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The Feiner Report: Millenial Moves Change Demographics on Central Ave. Seeks Parking Solutions for Overflow Overnight Parking at 4 Corners

Hits: 38WPCNR THE LETTER TICKER. From Town of Greenburgh Supervisor, Paul Feiner. October 25, 2015: QUESTIONNAIRE–E HARTSDALE PARKING PROBLEMS…WHAT SHOULD WE DO? In recent weeks some residents of E Hartsdale Ave have contacted me expressing concern about the lack of … Continue reading

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