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Governor Andrew M. Cuomo in remarks Monday expressed concern that New York hospitals are not administerng vaccines to their staffs fast enough.
“This is a management issue of the hospitals. They have to move the vaccine. They have to move the vaccine faster,” Cuomo said.
The governor said the city Health + Hospitals corporation distributed just 31% of the vaccine doses it was given. He said Nassau University Medical Center, gave out just 19% of its doses, Westchester Medical Center, 32%.
“I am impatient. that it has been three weeks and the vaccines haven’t been administered. I’m impatient,”
Westchester County Executive George Latimer at 6:15 PM issued this statement on the situation at Westchester County Medical Center:
“I take my responsibilities as County Executive very seriously and I welcome any additional responsibility if it helps us effectively distribute the vaccines to our residents.
“The County Government does not have ‘authority’ over the Westchester Medical Center (WMC); it is ably run by Michael Israel and the Board of Directors of WMC. It is a private hospital (WMC was once part of County government over 20 years ago), with its own leadership team and structure.
“However, if the State is giving us the task now, as of today, to work with the Medical Center to help get the best possible results, then I am confident our partnership will help. We have spoken with leadership at WMC and are prepared to move forward vigorously and make sure the supply of vaccines are administered.”
Mayor Tom Roach of White Plains in his weekly coronavirus update telephone call Monday night: confirmed White Plains was experiencing more new cases of coronavirus:
The data continues to confirm new COVID cases in Westchester County and in White Plains. There are 9,389 active cases countywide. There are currently 570 active cases in our City up from 517 a week ago. (Editor’s Note: a 12% increase in number of new cases)
We have seen an average of 46 new cases per day over the last week.
Many people are asking when they will get the vaccine. The priorities for distribution are set by the state. Further information is available at covid19vaccine.health.ny.gov.
While the vaccination process is underway, everyone should continue to wear a mask, practice social distancing, wash their hands frequently, and avoid social gatherings.
At White Plains Hospital the number of COVID patients continues to hold steady. The Hospital is still performing elective procedures and encourages all community members to go to the hospital if they are in need of emergency care. They are in the process of vaccinating their employees to protect them from COVID-19.
Vaccines are being distributed based on strict guidance from the Department of Health and are not available to the public yet.
White Plains Hospital has created a COVID vaccine page on its website, wphospital.org, that provides helpful and trustworthy information, including a list of Frequently Asked Questions.
Unfortunately, we are starting to hear about scams related to the vaccine. It is important to remember that you can’t pay to put your name on a list to get the vaccine; You can’t pay to get early access to the vaccine; and Nobody legitimate will call you about the vaccine and ask for your Social Security, bank account, or credit card number. These are all scams. As we receive information from the state on vaccine distribution we will provide it to you. “
En Espanol:
La información recibida confirma nuevos casos de COVID tanto en el condado de Westchester como en White Plains. Hay 9.389 casos activos en todo el condado y 570 casos activos en nuestra ciudad, en comparación a los 517 de hace una semana. Hemos visto un promedio de 46 casos nuevos por día durante la última semana. Mucha gente se pregunta cuando les tocara la vacuna. Las prioridades de distribución las determina el estado. Para más información visite covid19vaccine.health.ny.gov. Mientras se lleva a cabo el proceso de vacunación, todos deben seguir usando una mascarilla, practicar el distanciamiento social, lavarse las manos con frecuencia y evitar las reuniones sociales.
En el hospital de White Plains, el número de pacientes con COVID se mantiene estable. El Hospital todavía está realizando procedimientos de rutina y anima a todos los miembros de la comunidad a ir al hospital si necesitan atención de urgencia. El hospital está en proceso de vacunar a sus empleados para protegerlos de COVID-19. Las vacunas se están distribuyendo siguiendo las estrictas pautas del Departamento de Salud y aún no están disponibles para el público. White Plains Hospital ha creado una página con información sobre la vacuna contra el COVID en su sitio web: wphospital.org, que brinda información útil y confiable, incluida una lista de preguntas frecuentes.
Desafortunadamente, hay gente que está tratando de estafar a otros aprovechando de esta situación. Por favor recuerde que no hay que pagar para poner su nombre en una lista para recibir la vacuna. Tampoco se puede pagar para ponerse la vacuna antes que otros y nadie lo va a llamar para pedir su número de seguro social, cuenta bancaria o tarjeta de crédito. Todas estas son formas de estafas. Le proporcionaremos más información en cuanto a las vacunas a medida que la recibamos del estado.
El reciclaje de papel se reanuda este miércoles 6 de enero. Ese día, si es necesario, puede usar su tarro de basura en caso de que tenga mucho papel. Mantenga la tapa abierta para que el departamento de sanitación pueda ver que tiene papel y por favor no mezcle papel y basura en el mismo tarro.
Nuestra próxima llamada será el lunes 11 de enero. Hasta entonces y recuerde que estamos más juntos al mantenernos más separados