Affordable Health Care in Business Day 1: Only 4% of Companies with 50 or Less Workers have Signed up for Health Plans.

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WPCNR HEALTH NEWS. From the Business Council of Westchester. (Edited) January 1, 2014:

On the phasing in of the 2014 Affordable Health Care Act, the vast majority of responding Westchester companies responding to a Business Council of Westchester Survey,  report that they are already offering insurance to their employees.

However, just 4% of Westchester companies with less than 50 employees report that their company has already enrolled in the NY State of Health Exchange, and only 13% are planning to do so in 2014.

How is the NY State of Health Exchange website to navigate?

  • Of the people who visited the NY State of Health Exchange website, about two-thirds claimed it was relatively easy to navigate the site, but most were not fully satisfied with the healthcare offerings.
  • Of the people who visited the Federal Affordable Care Act website, just 15% responded that it was easy to extremely easy to navigate the site.
  • More than 30% of the respondents had attended a free The BCW healthcare workshop, and nearly 7 out of 10 attendees found the workshops to be very informative and well-organized to extremely informative and well-organized.

The findings came from a section of a survey conducted by the Westchester Business Council Survey dealing with federal and state health care issues.


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