Teen Halfway House Plan Shocker to Fisher Hill; City Investigates.

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WPCNR Matinee News UPDATED by John F. Bailey, Filed 3/13/02 2:30 PM: WPCNR learned Tuesday evening, that Fisher Hill residents are alarmed over acquisition of a residence, 139 Walworth Avenue, by the Jewish Board of Family and Children’s Services. Neighbors fear the home will be used to house youths with criminal pasts. The Mayor’s Office stepped into the matter today.

139 Walworth Avenue: Site of possible group home for emotionally disturbed youth under the care of Jewish Board of Family and Children’ Services.
Photo by WPCNR

Reacting to neighborhood contacts, the Mayor’s Office said it is in the process of scheduling a neighborhood meeting to discuss the issues. They reported they are working to learn more about the proposed use from the Jewish Board of Family and Children’s Services.

Meanwhile, the Building Department Mulls Usage Clarification.

GENTRIFIED STREET: Walworth Avenue, just off the Bronx River Parkway, showing residences neigboring proposed Jewish Board of Family and Children’s Services site.
Photo by WPCNR

WPCNR learned Wednesday morning that the usage of the 139 Walworth Avenue residence, located in a gentrified section of Fisher Hill just off the Bronx River Parkway, is in the process of being classified by the Building Department, where the application now sits. The Building Department has not gotten back to WPCNR on the issues involved in the classification.

A use as of right IF…

A knowledgeable WPCNR source within the city, familiar with such matters, said that occupancy depended on the number of residents planned. He said, if the residence houses a designated number of residents who “will live as a family,” they qualify as a “group home, single family residence” under the law, without obtaining a special permit, variance, or Common Council approval.

At issue, this source said is how many residents, what their health status is, and whether they are under the Department of Social Services as a “Domiciallary Care Facility” or the State Department of Health jurisdiction as a “community residence.” We await a Building Department statement on the matter.

Our source also added that this home was intended to replace the JBFCS group home closed by construction of the Clayton Park apartments in the Eastview section of the city, though he did not know if it was for the same residents.

Flyer Making Rounds

In a yellow flyer being distributed to residents, the Fisher Hill Association is asking the Common Council to follow through on the previously announced city plan to declare Fisher Hill “an endangered neighborhood.”

The flyer asks concerned citizens in the Fisher Hill area to write Common Councilmen and call the Mayor to “request them to introduce resolution stateing that Fisher Hill has more than its fair share of special needs housing and illegal rooming houses and they wish to discourage any further proliferation of this housing in our area.”

Check of Assessor’s records reveals mystery purchaser.

According to Claire Orlando, she had noticed that the residence at 139 Walworth Avenue was being renovated. It appeared to be being converted into small single rooms. She noticed that a person from the Jewish Board of Family and Children’s Services entered the house one day.

She said she checked the City Assessor’s Office land records and found that the Jewish Board of Family and Children’s Services was the new owner of the home. She inquired, ( it is not clear who told her the following information), and was told that the home was being planned as a residence for young persons whom she was told were troubled, but who would be “medicated.”

A stealth move.

Ms. Orlando told WPCNR that the Jewish Board of Family and Children’s Services has since refused to confirm the nature of the intended residents or their psychiatric condition. Orlando said the residents were not mentally disabled, but were young adults with a tendency toward disturbed behavior.

At the time we learned of this effort by Fisher Hill, the organization offices were closed and could not be reached to confirm their intent for the property.

As far as WPCNR has been able to determine, the Jewish Board of Family and Children’s Services has not attempted to communicate with Fisher Hill residents about the proposed home.

About the new owner.

The Jewish Board of Family and Children’s Services (JBFCS), according to its website, has treated social problems for over 110 years. It bills itself as “one of the nation’s largest and most respected nonprofit mental health and social service agencies,” serving more than 65,000 New Yorkers with 185 community-centered programs, residential facilities and day-treatment centers, employing 2,200 employees: professional social workers, licensed psychologists, and psychiatrists, and clinical support personnel in continuing day treatment and residential treatment centers. A corps of 2,000 dedicated volunteers work with our staff to help ease the burdens that strain and disrupt lives.

JBFCS is supported by two heavyweight charitable agencies: The United Way, and the UJA-Federation of New York.

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No Delgado-Hockley Decision Today. Maybe Thursday

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WPCNR DRIVETIME EDITION, Filed 3:30 PM EST: The law clerk for the New York State Court of Appeals reported this afternoon that there would be no Court of Appeals decisions today, meaning that Glen Hockley and Larry Delgado, will continue to wait in suspense for the State’s highest court to resolve the election impasse. Laurene Tacy of the Court of Appeals advised that decisions might come Thursday, but not necessarily the Hockley/Delgado decision. The Court has had the case since February 14.
Obviously, the state’s highest seven justices may be wrestling with the case more than they expected. Chief Judge Judith S. Kaye, Justices George Bundy Smith, Howard Levine, Carmen Ciparick, Richard Wesley, Albert Rosenblatt, and Victoria Graffeo have been grappling with the historic case since mid-February, when attorneys expected swift resolve of the case.

As 2 PM decision came and went, and no decision was available, the suspense now mounts for Thursday when some decision(s) are promised by the spokesperson for the court, Laurene Tacy.

However, those justices may be having the same trouble that WPCNR “justices” had. In the second-most-responded-to WPCNR Poll, we encountered widespread disagreement among White Plains CitizeNetReporter readers as to how the judges should rule.

A total of 78 votes were cast in the WPCNR Poll, “If You Were on the Court of Appeals How Would You Rule Hockley-Delgado Case?

A total of 29 persons or 37% said they would uphold the original trial court decision calling for an election in District 18 among all 6 council candidates.

While 31 persons or 39.74% said they would declare Glen Hockley the winner, saying the lower courts erred.

Only 8, or 10%, said they would uphold the Appellate Court decision which called for a citywide election between just Hockley and Delgado only.

The final group of 10 said they would define the impact of procedural errors in Case filings (13%).
Obviously the more folks thought about this, the more complex the issues surrounding the case became.

Perhaps the justices who actually have to makethe decision have had the same experience.

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Amy Paulin’s Albany: Tougher Sex Offender Law Awaits Governor’s Signature

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Amy Paulin’s Albany, Filed from the Office of Amy Paulin, White Plains Assemblywoman, 3/12/02: White Plains legislative voice in Albany, Amy Paulin reports today that the New York State Assembly has passed her legislation that will improve the state’s sex offender registration system. Having cleared both houses of the legislature, it awaits Governor George Pataki’s signature.


“Megan’s Law is helping keep New York safe from sexual predators,” Paulin said. “The measure we passed today will make the law even stronger by helping protect our communities from sexual predators who might otherwise slip through the cracks.”

Identified Sex Offenders from other states will have to register upon arrival. Targets offenses.

Paulin’s legislation would require sex offenders registered in other states to register in New York if they intend to work or attend school here. It also adds more sex offenses to the list of crimes requiring registration.

In addition, the measure would:

• ensure lifetime registration for sexual predators;

• require sex offenders to notify the registry if they attend or work for any higher educational institution in New York State; and

• require law enforcement to notify appropriate local authorities if a registered sex offender moves into the community.

“The new provisions allow New York to comply with federal requirements and continue our eligibility for federal grants aimed at reducing violent crime,” Paulin said.

“Strengthening Megan’s Law will help keep us safe from the criminals who would prey on our loved ones.”

The legislation is part of Paulin’s continuing effort to crack down on sex crimes. She sponsored a law that classified copycat versions of the date rape drug gamma hydroxybutrate acid (GHB) as a controlled substance (Ch. 565 of 2001).

Commonly known as ‘liquid ecstasy,’ GHB is often used as a sedative by sexual predators and young people. Paulin’s law bans drugs and chemicals that metabolize into GHB when ingested.

Assemblywoman Amy Paulin of the 88th Assembly District represents the city of White Plains in Albany. She reports regularly to WPCNR on issues affecting White Plains. You may reach her at (914) 723-1115, in Westchester, or in Albany at (518) 455-5585, or e-mail the Assemblywoman at paulina@assembly.state.ny.us.

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Gilda’s Club Hosts Lymphoma Q & A Session for April

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WPCNR Health Herald, Filed 3/12/02: Dr. Morton Coleman will be leading an Ask the Doctor about Lymphoma program at the Gilda’s Club Westchester presented by the Lymphoma Research Foundation, April 16, from 6 PM to 8 PM.
The Gilda’s Club is located at 80 Maple Avenue in White Plains. There is no fee to participate but we ask that attendees RSVP by April 2nd to Jami Hansel at 914-644-8844.

Morton Coleman, M.D. serves as the Co-Director of the Center for Lymphoma and Myeloma at the New York Presbyterian Hospital-Cornell Campus.

This program is designed to provide patients with important information about radioimmunotherapy treatments that have recently received Food and Drug Administration approval for lymphoma or are currently under late-stage FDA review.

Dr. Coleman will discuss what radiolabeled antibodies are and how they are administered, radiation safety issues, the common side effects associated with antibody treatment and information about ongoing research in radioimmunotherapy.

For additional information about the Ask the Doctor about Lymphoma program or the Lymphoma Research Foundation’s other educational programs and patient services please call 800-500-9976 or visit www.lymphoma.org.

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Child Care Subsidy Process Difficult for White Plains Daycare Moms

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CitzeNetReporter Sunday Morning News & Comment By Teresa Kramarz, Filed 3/10/02:Sandra Young was 19 when she had her daughter, now 2 years old. She earned $1,000 a month working as a receptionist at St. Agnes Children’s Rehabilitation Center in White Plains, but after paying for childcare she had $350 left to live.
The County of Westchester is one of a few in the State of New York that offer childcare subsides to low-income parents like Young. But getting the government’s help is no easy task.

It’s hard to get.

Parents and childcare providers described the process of qualifying and applying to the subsidies as being long and complicated, and many complained that the Department of Social Services, which administers the program, offers little help to get through it.

Income Qualifier: One Level Fits All Areas?!?!

To qualify for a subsidy, a parent’s income must fall within a certain range of the federal poverty level. For example, following the New York State Eligibility Chart, a family of four earning up to $39,700 a year may be eligible to receive funds under a program called Title XX.

But a federal guideline does not differentiate between varying costs of living across the country.

“It does not make any sense. It’s not the same living in Idaho as outside Manhattan, or in Manhattan for that matter,” said Marcia Corning-Landsman, executive director of the White Plains Daycare Association, a non-profit organization that operates seven local daycare centers serving 400 children.

A vicious cycle?

Many parents also get caught in a vicious cycle. To qualify for a subsidy the parents must be employed, but they cannot secure employment if they do not have someone to care for their children. Meanwhile, childcare centers are not supposed to accept a child until the parents’ subsidy application is approved, said Corning-Landsman.

The application process can be very tough for the parents, and so is getting answers from social services, said Corning-Landsman.

“We have a couple of our staff that, in addition to their regular responsibilities, dedicate much of their time to help parents get through the application,” she added.

Paperwork and more paperwork.

Zotica Medina-Weiner, director of the Early Head Start Program, is one of those staff members. She calculated that she spends 60 percent of her time helping parents with their applications and following up with caseworkers at the Department of Social Services. She has even made her own forms, explaining how to complete the application.

She said parents have often come to her in tears because they were poorly treated and could not get anyone in social services to explain to them what they needed to do.

The Paper Chase.

The applicant must collect documents from different sources including verification of income from their employer, a statement from their landlord, a form from their child’s daycare and, in the case of a single parent, a notarized letter showing the absentee’s parent contribution, said Medina-Weiner.

But because many documents are time sensitive, a delay in securing one can cause others to expire, said Mary Ann Tedesco, executive director of the YMCA childcare program. It is also difficult for parents because many work off the books and cannot get a letter from their employers verifying their employment and income level, she added.

Social Services Sluggish.

Although “social services says it is supposed to take 30 days to process an application, it usually takes anywhere from 30 to 90 days. It typically takes 45 days for parents to hear on the status of their application,” said Medina-Weiner.

Sandra Young waited three months to receive approval. She was lucky, however, because in the meantime she was able to borrow money to cover her childcare costs and go to work.

Others simply lose their jobs because they cannot pay their childcare providers while they wait for a subsidy approval, said Medina-Weiner.

Demand for Child Care Up.

Demand for childcare subsidies has increased dramatically since they were first offered in 1994. Leslie Perdy, of the Childcare Council of Westchester, remembers when they started managing the program in 1994 with a caseload of 400 children per month.

The Department of Social Services, which administers the program now, reported that in 2001 an average of 5,500 children per month received subsidies, said Deputy Commissioner Dennis Packard.

Packard said the application is fairly straightforward and they provide documentation to explain how to fill it. He said they take 30 days to process it, but incomplete documentation from the parent causes delays.

The child can attend daycare once the application is approved. The law specifies “you are eligible for daycare from the day we make an eligibility determination,” said Packard. If parents take their child to daycare before then, they do it as a “business risk.”

Tapping unlicensed providers.

Corning-Landsman said that many families find the process too difficult and simply give up trying to get government assistance. They end up choosing a type of daycare they can afford, which means an unlicensed provider that works in potentially unsafe or unsanitary conditions, she said.

But in Sandra Young’s experience, a State licensed provider was no guarantee of adequate childcare. Many times she found her sitter napping and her baby playing alone on the floor. The carpets were dirty and smelled, and the sitter, who did not own a highchair, fed the baby in a car seat on the floor, she said.

“Quality childcare programs are vital to our economy and to the development of children. We know every dollar spent in early childcare saves $5 to $7 in later remediation,” said Corning-Landsman citing a study from the Children’s Defense Fund. “The children are the ones that really lose out.”

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King Komments:Councilman Patrols Battle Hill. Observes. Suggests B&Bs

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King Komments, by White Plains Councilman William King, Filed 3/8/02: The peripatetic Councilman walked the streets of the Battle Hill neighborhood this week, and noted these conditions.
I walked along Tarrytown Road to City Limits for breakfast and then back the length of Robertson Ave. in Battle Hill. Could I point out a couple of things?

1. Need a trash receptacle or two along Tarrytown Road – there’s one in the parking lot across from City Limits but what about at Chatterton Ave., another at School Street – wouldn’t hurt.

2. There’s what looks to be an old fire alarm box pole or something with a wire hanging out near the intersection of Battle Ave. and Tarrytown Rd. that has been there forever. It’s in the greenspace between the street and the sidewalk. Can we get that out of there? It’s really unsightly.

3. Can a city cleanup crew go into the forested areas near the houses that border the greenspaces along Tarrytown Rd. and pick up all the trash that’s there? This is a major city gateway and should be pristine. Volunteers can help at different times but it would be a big boost if city employees could spend some time on these things so we are not totally dependent on volunteers.

4. I noticed some leftover pavement in the greenspace near the sidewalk along Tarrytown near Robertson. It would be nice if this was ripped up and replanted with grass. Maybe then neighborhood kids could play some informal games of baseball and soccer in this area. I know there has been talk over the years over having some of this space for a veteran memorialization area.

5. There is a lot of litter along people’s fences and walls, etc. along the sidewalks of Harding Ave. Again, can a city crew go off-street a little to pick stuff up? Maybe ask the neighbors in a letter to help volunteer? Ask the neighbors to show up for a cleanup day and see if anyone shows up? They might appreciate the attention.

6. Something could be done with the Harding & Robertson firehouse on the outside – how about coming up with some plantings – could be done at the same time as the ‘neighborhood cleanup day.’

7. There’s an old, white, rusty, ‘bad looking’ guardrail along property on the east side of Harding just north of the intersection of Battle Ave. Can this guardrail, which has served its time, be replaced with a more attractive, residential style wood guardrail? I think wood guardrails should replace the metal ones in residential neighborhoods – a much better look.

8. Ultimately, I think it would be great if the streetlights along Harding and elsewhere on this side of Battle Hill were replaced with a more historic ‘gaslamp’ style of light that would highlight the turn-of-the-century (and earlier) appeal of this neighborhood.

As Tom Roach has imaginatively suggested, this would be a great area for a bed & breakfast or two, close to the train station, if it was rezoned to allow.

(Editor’s Note: There already is an operating Bed & Breakfast in White Plains, Soundview Manor. It advertises on the internet at www.soundviewmanor.com, and is mentioned and pictured in the Westchester County “Westchester Way” lodgings brochure.)

9. The bench on Battle Ave. between Harding and Tarrytown needs to be replaced with one of those new black steel benches like in the Downtown that you have on order.

These are all low-cost items that would together make a difference.

Councilman William King

“King Komments” is William King’s weekly commentary he circulates to city officials and to WPCNR with his observations on neighborhood and city issues.

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Youth Bureau Sponsors Free Computer Camp on Spring Vacation

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WPCNR NewsReel, Reported By City Hall News Bureau, 3/7/02: The City of White Plains Youth Bureau is very excited to be sponsoring a free mini vacation computer camp at their new technology center located at 11 Amherst Place in White Plains for middle school students.
This computer camp will run from March 25, 2002 through March 28, 2002 from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. These 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students will learn how to do a Power Point presentation, surf the Internet and how to do research on the computer. Limited space is available. To register, please contact Raymond Tribble at the City of White Plains Youth Bureau at 422-1378.

FRANK WILLIAMS SHOWING OFF THE YOUTH BUREAU NEW TECHNOLOGY CENTER, where the Vacation Computer Camp will be held. The facility has 12 new computers, and 3 new printers, purchased by the city through community development funds, as part of Mayor Joseph Delfino’s Digital Divide initiative.
Photo by WPCNR

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Drought Drains. Spano Taps White Plains Louise Doyle H2O Chief. County Prepares.

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WPCNR NewsReel, from Westchester County Department of Communications Reports, Filed 3/8/02:County Executive Andy Spano appointed White Plains resident Louise Doyle to head the County’s new Water Agency in response to the County’s continuing drought. County water reservoir waterlevels are filled to half of their capacity as of this week. In an average year they are filled to 86%.
Ms. Doyle’s appointment was one of several steps the county government is taking to prepare for a potential drought Ms. Doyle will coordinate the county’s drought effort.

Doyle, a professional engineer, has worked for the county’s Department of Health since 1988, first as a senior engineer and since 1994 as an associate engineer. She has provided engineering supervision of the Land Development Program, particularly as it relates to the implementation of the New York City Watershed Rules and Regulations. She has been a member of the Westchester Water Works Conference since 1983 and has extensive knowledge of Westchester’s water suppliers.

County Executive Readies

Saying he would not wait to act for an “official announcement of a drought emergency” — one that comes from New York City — Spano said the county is gearing up on many fronts on the assumption that mandatory conservation measures are inevitable.

County water reservoir waterlevels are filled to half of their capacity as of this week. In an average year they are filled to 86%.

In the meantime, he reiterated his request that residents and businesses voluntarily conserve water.

“All expectations are that there will not be enough rain over the next few months to fill our reservoirs,” Spano said. “While the official declaration of an ‘emergency’ may not come for 4-10 weeks, we will not wait until then to act. We want to be prepared.”

Public Works Moves to Stop “Water” Leaks

He added, “And we as the county government have taken steps to save as well. Our Department of Public Works has an ongoing maintenance policy to repair water leaks or other water problems as they are reported. County vehicles are not being washed at our county garage, but are being brought instead to outside places that use recycled water. Our county buses are being washed less frequently and with less fresh water and more recycled water. And caution is being used on all county construction jobs to identify water lines to prevent any breakage.”

County Parks Finetunes Plantings

The county’s Department of Parks, Recreation and Conservation will not be doing its usual spring plantings of annuals that use a lot of water.

“In place of these plants, we will place wood chips and a sign that explains that we are conserving water,” Spano said.

Why Westchester Water Depends on New York City Policy

Westchester gets about 85 percent of its water from the New York City reservoir system; therefore it follows the lead of New York City in regards to the water shortage. Westchester and New York City previously declared a “drought warning,” which calls for voluntary conservation and education measures.

The next stage – a “drought emergency” mandates certain water restrictions. These get more severe if the drought persists.

How White Plains Will Have to Sacrifice

Should the prolonged drought continue, and a draught emergency declared, White Plains residents can expect a range of enforced savings from limits on when or if lawns may be watered, cars washed and swimming pools filled and when water may be served at restaurants.

Businesses will have to cut back water use 15-25%.

In addition, if an emergency is declared large, non residential water wpcnr_users must develop and implement plans to reduce their use 15 percent to 25 percent, depending on the severity of the drought.

New County Water Policies

The county government is contacting schools, day care centers, nurseries, landscape associations, municipalities, businesses, landlords and building owners to acquaint them with what the law will require of them if a drought emergency is declared.

Specifically, all businesses and governments that use more than 1,000 gallons of water per day would have to develop a plan to decrease water usage by 15 percent. In the meantime, the county is asking these businesses to check for and repair leaky faucets and pipes and take voluntary measures to conserve.

Restaurants Called on for Voluntary Water Conservation

The county has asked restaurants to participate in a voluntary effort to conserve water by not serving water except upon request. The county has distributed posters and menu cards to restaurants for them to display to explain this policy. If a drought emergency is declared, restaurants would be barred from serving water except upon request.

County Acts to Increase Water Awareness

The county has posted on its website, www.westchestergov.com, water conservation information, and this site will be expanded in coming weeks.

• The county has “blast faxed” letters to all chief elected officials asking them to help promote water conservation, to check for water leaks, distribute water-saving tips posters, post information about water conservation on their own websites and on public access TV.

• The county has contacted the various water suppliers, offering to provide them with “Water Savings Tips” inserts for their water bills.

• The county has printed posters with water-saving tips that it is distributing throughout the county, including to municipal buildings, supermarkets and other large retail stores, businesses and schools.

• The county has prepared and distributed Public Service Announcements for airing on TV and radio urging conservation.

• The county will use its “outbound calling system,” to call Westchester homes with a recorded message urging conservation.

• Previously, the county appointed a Drought Emergency Task Force, whose job it is to oversee some of the public education efforts and establish administrative procedures to enable it to monitor compliance with the county’s water conservation program. The task force, along with the water agency, will work with the business community to formulate and implement water conservation plans.

Information in this report was provided by the Westchester County Department of Communications and edited by WPCNR.

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County Chamber of Commerce Endorses NYPH Biotech/Proton Accelerator Complex

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High Noon News, From Marsha Gordon, 3/8/02, 11:00 AM:The Westchester County Chamber of Commerce voted Wednesday to support the New York Presbyterian Hospital’s proposal to create a biomedical research center at the Hospital White Plains Campus.
However, no specific site on the campus was singled out in the Chamber’s statement as preferred location.

Gordon speaks

Chamber of Commerce President, Marsha Gordon, strongly supported the biotechnology initiative in Westchester County, saying, “The development of Westchester County as a Biotech Corridor will enhance our scientific capabilities, create high quality jobs, and ultimately, spin off new industries which meet the needs of society’s future. Biotechnology creates the future of medicine.”

Board of Directors Votes Support of Proton Accelerator/Biotech direction, sees it as “hospital use.”

Dennis B. Kremer, County Chamber Chairman of the Board saw the biotech center/proton accelerator proposal as consistent with the New York Presbyterian Hospital “mission,” stating,

“We (the Board of Directors) agree that the New York-Presbyterian Hospital’s project embodies the types of medical research and clinical uses already there. We are pleased that the New York-Presbyterian Hospital views their research capabilities as a key piece to forging partnerships with other biotechnology efforts in Westchester County.”

Development Chief Weighs In

Warren Lesser, County Chamber Area Development Vice Chair remarked, “The mission of the Area Development Council is to further positive business development in our County. New York-Presbyterianb Hospital’s Proposal clearly meets this mission. We are pleased to offer our support.”

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Council Demands Heavyweight Fire Expert for Police/Fire Study

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Milkman’s Matinee News, by John F. Bailey, Filed 3/7/02 2:00 AM EST: Councilmen Tom Roach and Robert Greer raised serious questions about the ability of the CGR fire consultant’s ability to evaluate the White Plains Fire Department Wednesday night, and requested the CGR Project Manager to find a fire consultant who had experience running a professional fire department instead of a volunteer department.
Charles Zettek, Jr., Director of Government Management for CGR, the Center for Government Research, based in Rochester, New York, said he would address this concern brought up by Roach and Greer, and would find a fire consultant with those qualification.

Zettek explained how CGR would conduct its study of the efficiency of the White Plains Public Safety Department to Councilpersons Rita Malmud, Roach and Greer at a Special Meeting of the Common Council meeting to consider hiring the firm to execute the long-awaited study.

A four-month Time Frame

The Council learned the study would take a minimum of three months before a first draft was presented, and a fourth month to complete the finish product based on Council questions.

Conducted in 4 Phases

Zettek said the study would begin with listing confidential interviews of police and fire personnel and other personalities CGR feels appropriate to the study, as well as any persons the Council felt should be included.

In the second phase they would schedule and conduct interviews. In the Third Phase they would identify trends borne out in the interviews they conduct, and consult with their own experts to verify and weigh what they are finding through the interview process, culminating in a rough draft, which the Council would see and comment upopn. with the fourth and final phase, the completion of the study.

Police Expert, a 32-year veteran of the Rochester Police Department

Zettek said the firm’s police consultant had spent 32 years with the Rochester Police, a department serving a city of roughly 220,000 people.

Mr. Roach actually raised the question of the kind of experience the CGR fire expert brought to the table. Zettek described his fire consultant as having been the professional manager of a volunteer fire department for the suburb of Rochester, the Gates-Chili Volunteer Fire Department.

This fact troubled Mr. Greer, who solemnly expressed concern that the White Plains Fire Department was a professional department and that the whole purpose of the survey was to put aside once and for all, without question, whether the splitting of the departments was or was not efficent.

Zettek said he would check back with his offices before turning in his final proposal, and find an expert with this kind of background: professional fire department management.

Zettek is due back Friday with his final proposal. The study will cost the city $84,000, and if a study of Emergency Medical Services is included, $96,000.

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