Snow Blow to Greenburgh Budget

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WPCNR GREENBURGH GAZETTE. From Town Supervisor Paul Feiner. February 14, 2003: This week’s dispatch from Greenburgh by Town Supervisor Paul Feiner details the budget damage done by the snowy 2003 winter. Here is the Supervisor’s Report:

Greenburgh Snow removal labor costs have consumed approximately 40% of the overtime budget of $ll0,000 in the highway Department as of February 5th payroll. The cost of purchasing sand and salt has consumed approximately 50% of the $225,000 budget for this purpose. Snow removal costs in 2002 were minimal until the Christmas Day snowstorm. Crews earn triple time during holidays, double time on Sundays, time and a half overtime during weekdays after work and on Saturdays.
Greenburgh Snow removal labor costs have consumed approximately 40% of the overtime budget of $ll0,000 in the highway Department as of February 5th payroll. The cost of purchasing sand and salt has consumed approximately 50% of the $225,000 budget for this purpose. Snow removal costs in 2002 were minimal until the Christmas Day snowstorm. Crews earn triple time during holidays, double time on Sundays, time and a half overtime during weekdays after work and on Saturdays.

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The Quo Warranto Intermezzo: Attorney General’s Action Adjourned Again

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WPCNR WHITE PLAINS LAW JOURNAL. Special to The CitizeNetReporter. February 14, 2003. UPDATED, February 15, 2003: The usual suspects appeared before Judge Francis Nicolai in Supreme Court in White Plains Friday morning. The judge asked if attorneys for Mr. Delgado and Mr. Hockley had filed all the papers they wished to on Mr. Hockley’s motion for recusal of Judge Nicolai. When the attorneys said they had, the Judge adjourned the proceeding with no further action taken. This information comes to us directly from the Court Reporter who transcibed the action. The court reporter said the actual time in session was 4 minutes.

Jeffery Binder, attorney for Larry Delgado, confirmed Saturday that Judge Nicolai has assigned another law clerk to work with him on this case, replacing Diane Lundin, the woman who is applying for a city judgeship. Ms Lundin was named in Mr. Hockley’s motion for recusal because her application for a judgeship presented a conflict of interest for both the judge and Mr. Hockley.

Binder said Judge Nicolai lead him to believe that the Judge would have a decision on whether or not to recuse himself by February 20, next Thursday.

Binder noted that if Nicolai took himself off the case, that the next judge assigned might rule on the Hockley motion to dismiss the case for failure to be filed in a timely manner (four months after the election).

The Hockley-Delgado fracas has now gone on one year and one day from the actual day when the Delgado-Hockley matter was argued before the Court of Appeals in Albany. The Court of Appeals then took one month to uphold Hockley’s appeal, thus launching the quo warranto proceeding now in process

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Cappelli & Bland Showcase Hotel Designs and Health Club Topping New Garage

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WPCNR THE CAPPELLI NEWS. By John F. Bailey. February 13, 2003: Louis Cappelli took the wraps off detailed first rushes of his plans for a hotel and office complex on Main Street between Church and Court Streets Thursday evening and received enthusiastic response from the Common Council. The “Super Developer” brought back the design impresario for his City Center, Fred Bland, of Beyer, Blinder Belle of New York to present the designs for the 35 story hotel and 30 story office building in the distinct and eloquent Bland style.

ANOTHER BLOCKBUSTER FROM BLAND: The Fred Bland design for the 35-story Starwood Westin Hotel and Condominium complex presented to the Common Council Thursday night. Louis Cappelli plans a block long restaurant on the Main Street streetscape, 6 stories(192 rooms) of hotel above, and 29 stories of luxury condominiums bigger and more luxurious than rentals being built at his City Center.The building behind the hotel-condoplex is an office building Cappelli said would not be built on speculation. He is hoping for a single tenant corporate tenant to lease it before he starts the office portion of project.
Photo by WPCNR News

THE VIEW LOOKING SOUTH FROM CHATTERON HILL ACROSS HAMILTON AVENUE: In the foreground is the office building, that will be highlighted by a glass atrium entrance and foyer allowing clear views through the lobby towards the hotel fronting Main Street. Four floors of parking garage for 900 cars will be built below street level and four above. Parking will be for 1,430 cars and serve both the hotel and office tenant.
Photo by WPCNR News

HOTEL-CONDOPLEX IN THE CENTER OF THE CITY: A three dimensional model shows how the new “Cappelli Bland Hotel” will fit into the city scape. You are looking from the Southwest to the Northeast. Diagonally across from the two miniature white models of the hotel/condoplex is the City Center. The two City Center residential towers are at the right of your picture.
Photo by WPCNR News

THE NEW CITY SKYLINE, LOOKING WEST DOWN MAIN STREET: The two City Center residential towers are shown to the left on this miniature model of White Plains. The “Cappelli Bland Hotel” and Office Plex are the white models to the right fronting Main Street.
Photo by WPCNR News

HEY, WHAT IF WE ADD A HEALTH CLUB TO THE TOP OF THE GARAGE? That’s what Louis Cappelli asked the Council Thursday evening, and the council was enthusiastic. The health club or recreation related facility, perhaps even a bowling alley, as suggested by one member of the Council. only about 1/4 to 1/3 of the top of the garage would be used for the health facility, which would rise 20 more feet above the top level of the garage Cappelli said. The view is looking across at the garage from the Conroy Place entrance to the City Center.
Photo by WPCNR News

Mr. Cappelli prefaced the main event with a new idea for topping off the City Center garage, building a health facility on the top floor of the garage, using his partial air rights he has purchased from the city. He reported the City Center is chugging along with a target date to open October 15, with the City Center Garage targeted for mid-August. He noted that three major retailers were considering his vacant second floor of retail at the City Center.

THE VIEW OF CONROY PLACE FROM THE STEPS OF CITY HALL, showing the new health facility of the City Center Garage at center of the picture. The tall structure slightly to the right of center is the South Cappelli Tower on Matine Avenue. To the right in the foreground is the North Cappelli residential tower, to the left is the rendering for the envisioned Corner Nook/Deli/Main Street Bookstore property.
Photo by WPCNR News

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Slice! District drops Spending to $136.3 Million. 7 Merit Finalists Announced

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WPCNR SCHOOL DAYS. By John F. Bailey. February 13, 2003: The City School District advised the Annual Budget Committee last night that it had trimmed the 2003-04 projected school budget by $2,138,691. The abandoning of several new programs, including establishment of four in-house Special Education classes, a new Technology Specialist position and 5 new Security Personnel for after hours in the elementary schools, lowered the projected year to year increase in the new budget 7.3%.

The new budget calls for the district to spend $136,248,383 next year and was greeted with enthusiasm by the Budget Committee. The $136.2MM figure maintains existing programs, and reflects the string of retirements by veteran teachers announced last week, as well as adjustments to aid estimates.

All Pre-Kindergarten programs (Universal and Experimental) will be preserved and paid for by the district in the new budget, with the district spending $292,894 (instead of $350,000). Michelle Schoenfeld, Clerk to the Board told WPCNR that the Budget Committee was “very supportive” of that decision.

A School Board member told WPCNR that more cuts to the budget were possible.

Tax Increase cut to 9.59% if Assessments Flat.

The immediate effect of the lowered budget from a 9.4% increase to a 7.3% increase, lowered the expected School Tax increase for residents of White Plains to 9.59%, providing assessments remain at present levels.

What this means is that if your home has an $18,500 assessed value, (about the median priced home in White Plains, you would pay a school tax of $6,040 this year, and that figure would go up 9.59% or $579 to $6,619. If you are eligible for a STAR exemption, which Governor Pataki plans to eliminate in the New York State Budget, your assessed value would lower to $13,500. You would pay $429 more, or a total tax of $4,910, instead of $6,619.

7 Merit Scholar Semi-Finalists Make to “the Finals.”

It was announced at the regular School Board meeting held prior to the Budget Committee Meeting last night that seven White Plains High School Seniors had made the cut and are in the running to be named Merit Scholarship winners.

The “Magnificent Seven” are Peter Aronin, Marta Gorczyca, Adam Kaplan, Gleen Moody, Goutami Sanyal, Brandon Sherr, and Andrew Silverman.

The young men and women are among 15,000 from coast to coast who have made it to the final round for the prestigious Scholarships which can amount to thousands of dollars.

Two White Plains Schools Make Most Improved Schools List

It was also announced by Superintendent of Schools Timothy Connors that Post Road School and George Washington School have been named by the New York State Department of Education as “Most Improved Schools.”

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Democrats Dine Together March 20: Honor Hevesi, Spitzer.

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WWPCNR Westchester County Clarion-Ledger. From The Democratic Party Media Relations. February 12, 2003:Westchester County Democrats will gather to honor five prominent Democrats – including former State Comptroller and 2002 Gubernatorial nominee H. Carl McCall – at their annual dinner to be held on Thursday, March 20th at the V.I.P. club on Davenport Avenue in New Rochelle. Guest speakers for the event will be newly elected State Comptroller Alan Hevesi and recently re-elected State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer.
Westchester County Democratic Chairman George Latimer reports that McCall will be present to receive the party’s Distinguished Service Award. Also recognized at the event will be two Democratic State Senators, Suzi Oppenheimer of Mamaroneck and Ruth Hassell-Thompson of Mt. Vernon, joint recipients of the party’s Leadership Award; Dennis McSpedon of I.B.E.W. Local 3, receiving the party’s Labor Award; and a special recognition award for years of service to David Alpert of Mt. Vernon, the party’s Immediate Past Chairman.

Prominent elected officials will be present including Congresswoman Nita Lowey and Congressman Eliot Engel; County Executive Andrew Spano; Democratic members of the State Assembly delegation; Board of Legislators Chair Lois Bronz and Democratic members of the County Board of Legislators; and numerous city, town and village elected officials and party activists.

“2002 was a successful year for Westchester Democrats”, noted Latimer. Despite the national results, “Westchester was carried by Alan Hevesi, Eliot Spitzer, Judge Sam Walker, Judge Joan Cooney, two incumbent Congress members, two State Senators, our Assembly Democrats, and by a majority of our candidates for the State Supreme Court. We have a base of success to build on in the years to come”, Latimer noted.

Ticket reservation and ad journal information may be obtained by contacting Ms. R. Richard, Executive Director at Democratic HQ at 946-8300.

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Abraham Lincoln: How a Leader Responds Under Pressure

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WPCNR CITY HALL HERALD STATESMAN. By John F. Bailey. February 12, 2003: February 12 marks the birthdate of President Abraham Lincoln. As part of a long-standing agreement between the city and its workers, City Hall is closed today in observance of the man who saved the Union.

In the days of Lincoln, media coverage was simply print media, however, the amount of reporting on the burning issues of the day was far more detailed than today with dozens of newspapers presenting the chronicles of the burning issues. For Lincoln’s presidency was the presidency of the nation’s greatest crisis in its eighty-five year history: The Civil War. It is interesting to note how President Lincoln conducted himself in dealing with America’s interests, its factions, pulling him to free the slaves.

When Lincoln was running for the Presidency in 1860 at the Republican Convention in riproaring Chicago, he was up against James Seward, a powerful New York politician. However, the western states at the time were highly distrustful of the New York political machine. Lincoln won over support by taking a position of what was good for the nation as a whole.

Taking a Position and Working To it

Lincoln first gave notice of his potential for the Presidency when he impressed Horace Greeley, influential editor of the New York Tribune with a fiery speech at the Cooper Union in February, 1860, delivering a sharp criticism of the South, hard on the heels of South Carolina’s secession from the Union. The speech included these words,

You say you will not abide the election of a Republican President. In that supposed event, you say, you will destroy the Union; and then, you say, the great crime of having destroyed it will be upon us! (The northern states) That is cool. A highwayman holds a pistol to my ear, and mutters through his teeth, “Stand and deliver, or I shall kill you, and then you will be a murderer!”

Greeley printed the speech in his Tribune the next day, scooping the other New York papers, by simply asking Lincoln for a copy of the speech. The subsequent printing in the popular Trib, sent Mr. Lincoln on his way. As William Harlan Hale’s biography of Mr. Greeley (Horace Greeley: Voice of the People)describes the scene at “The original Trib’s” offices, as remembered by Amos Cummings, a young proofreader:

Amos Cummings, then a young proofreader, remembered the lanky westerner appearing over his shoulder amid the noise of the pressroom late at midnight, drawing up a chair, adjusting his spectacles, and in the glare of the gaslight reading each galley (of the Cooper Union speech) with scrupulous care and then rechecking his corrections, oblivious to his surroundings.

A Comeback President

Lincoln had been a highly successful politician from Illinois in the 1830s and 1840s. He was three times elected to the state legislature, and The Kunhardts’ The American Presidency reports he was “a recognized expert at forming collations…he learned how to keep secrets, how to trade favors, how to use the press to his advantage. And he cultivated his relationship with the party hierarchy.”

Graff’s book writes that Lincoln was described as “ruthless,” that he “handled men remotely like pieces on a chessboard.” Humor and frankness were character traits.

Lincoln was elected a congressman, only to serve just one term.

Lincoln had been practicing corporate law privately and had lost interest in politics by 1854, until the repeal of The Missouri Compromise, which had restricted slavery to the southern states. Lincoln felt stirred to come back. He spoke out against the spread of slavery, running for the senate in 1858 against William Douglas, unsuccessfully.

Saving the Union His Mantra

As the furor over slavery and the South’s threats to secede grew, a crisis of spirit and purpose in this nation which makes today’s concerns about terrorism as a threat to America, pale in comparison, Lincoln realized that the Union was the larger issue.
He expressed this in response to Horace Greeley, editor of the New York Tribune, an influential figure at the Republican (Whig) Convention in Chicago in 1860. Greeley was the kingmaker at the 1860 Chicago convention who eventually swung the western states for Lincoln, giving the man from Illinois the nomination on the third ballot over William Seward, the candidate of the Thurlow Weed “New York Machine.”

Greeley then tried to influence the President-Elect to free the slaves. (Lincoln was being lobbied by the still-powerful Weed-Seward faction to compromise with the southern states on the issue of slavery).

Standing Tall Against Pressure.

Lincoln refused to free the slaves as one of the first acts of his presidency, standing firm to hold the union together, when he announced his attention not to do so, on his way to Washington after being elected. His words in this time of international tension, are worth remembering as America considers starting a war for the first time. Lincoln said:

I have often inquired of myself what great principle or idea it was that kept this Confederacy (the Union, he means), so long together. It was not the mere matter of separation of the colonies from the motherland, but that sentiment in the Declaration of Independence which gave liberty not alone to the single people of this country, but hope to all the world, for all future time. It was that which gave promise that in due time the weights would be lifted from the shoulders of all men, and that all should have an equal chance.

Seeing the Big Picture.

After Fort Sumter was fired upon, Lincoln was pressured harder to free the slaves. Still, Lincoln held firm. Mr. Greeley published a blistering open letter to the President, he called “The Letter of Twenty Millions,” meaning his readers (slightly exaggerated)in The New York Tribune. Greeley’s letter took the President to task for not freeing the slaves now that the Civil War was on, writing, “all attempts to put down the rebellion and at the same time uphold its inciting cause are preposterous and futile.”

President Lincoln responded with an open letter which Greeley published in The Tribune. President Lincoln’s letter is instructive as to how a President moves in crisis, when a nation is ripped apart to calm and state his position. He begins with a conciliatory tone, calming Greeley’s bombast:

…If there be perceptible in it (Greeley’s letter) an impatient and dictatorial tone, I waive it in deference to an old friend whose heart I have always supposed to be right.

As to the policy I “seem to be pursuing,” as you say, I have not meant to leave any one in doubt. I would save the Union. I would save it in the shortest way under the Constitution.

The sooner the national authority can be restored the nearer the Union will be – the Union as it was.

If there be those who would not save the Union unless they could at the same time save slavery, I do not agree with them.

If there be those who would not save the Union unless they could at the same time destroy slavery, I do not agree with them.

If I could save the Union without freeing any slaves, I would do it – if I could save it by freeing all the slaves, I would do it – and if I could do it by freeing some and leaving others alone, I would also do that.

What I do about slavery and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save this Union, and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union.

I shall do less whenever I shall believe what I am doing hurts the cause, and I shall do more whenever I believe doing more will help the cause.

I shall try to correct errors when shown to be errors, and I shall adopt new views so fast as they shall appear to be new views.

I have here stated my purpose according to my views of official duty, and I intend no modification of my oft-expressed personal wish that all men everywhere could be free, Yours

A. Lincoln

Wearied by War

Horace Greeley described the toll the Civil War had taken on Mr. Lincoln, seeing him in person shortly beforeGeneral Lee surrendered. Greeley wrote:

Lincoln’s face had nothing in it of the sunny, gladsome countenance he first brought from Illinois. It is now a face haggard with care and seamed with thought and trouble…tempest-tossed and weatherbeaten, as if he were some tough old mariner who had for years been beating up against the wind and tide, unable to make his port or find safe anchorage…The sunset of life was plainly looking out of his kindly eyes.”

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County Passes Contingency Budget Anchored by 14.8% Property Tax Increase.

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WPCNR COUNTY CLARION-LEDGER. February 11, 2003: Westchester County’s Board of Legislators voted 9 to 5 Tuesday evening to increase property taxes 14.8% and enact $10 Million in spending cuts to balance the county budget for 2003.
The budget cuts $3.6 Million in county pay raises, eliminates $2 Million in funding for private and public organizations, and $1.9 Million from the District Attorney’s budget. Fifty-nine layoffs are planned and 300 jobs will be cut. Other areas reportedly cut include legal aid, day care, and drug treatment programs. No county police cuts are planned.

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Bradley Intros Medicaid Cap; Says Cty Prop Tax Hike Eased By Deductibility

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WPCNR Afternoon Tribune. By John F. Bailey. February 11, 2003: UPDATED WITH CORRECTIONS, February 12, 2003 Adam Bradley announced to WPCNR Tuesday that he is very “sensitive” to Westchester County’s argument that state Medicaid mandates increase county costs and has introduced a bill today to “cap” all New York State counties at last year’s Medicaid spending level. “This will force the state to look more closely at the need to increase Medicaid,they will be required to pay for the increased mandated costs,” Bradley said.

Assemblyman Adam T. Bradley also told WPCNR today that Westchester County legislators have overstated the impact of the possibilities of an increased county property tax. This direction is reportedly being considered Tuesday by the County Legislature . Bradley said, any increase in the property tax is tax deductible on New York State and Federal Income Tax returns, reducing any increase by as much as one-third so in his view, any increase is only 1/3 of the stated amounts of increases.

These increases range, by WPCNR’s estimate from $104 per $1,000 Accessed Valuation in White Plains (for an $18,000 accessed home with a county-estimated 14.8% property tax increase)), to as much as over $400 per $1,000 in a typical bedroom community like Hastings.)

Challenged in Senate.

WPCNR asked what chances his Medicaid bill had of being passed by the Republican-controlled New York State Senate, Mr. Bradley said he was working with Senators to introduce the legislation.

Bradley said the bill would transfer the burden to the state for all increase in state-mandated Medicaid payments, in future years, capping the county’s shares at the 2002 level if the bill were passed this year. In Westchester County, the county pays 50% of state Medicaid costs, the state, the other 50%, and the Federal Government the remaining 50%. The bill if passed would keep Westchester County at the 2002 level of spending for the current year, providing, Bradley said budget pressure relief for the county.

WPCNR asked if this was too little, too late, in that the Assembly delegation from Westchester refused to sponsor an increase in the 1% sales tax. Bradley said rhetorically, “does that mean we should do nothing, I am committed to working with the county to providing other ways to relieve these budget pressures.”

WPCNR asked what measures were forthcoming, and Bradley said he and the rest of the delegation were “committed to looking into more gap-closing measures for the county.” He also said that he would be concentrating on working to restore some of the cuts in education another area of great concern.

Medicaid Bill Combats “Great Tax Shift.”

Mr. Bradley said “Governor George Pataki campaigns as a tax-cutter, but what he has really done is preside over The Great Tax Shift, passing tax increases deguised as mandates, that counties have to pass along to localities and school districts have to pass along in the form of property taxes and sales taxes, the most regressive forms of taxation.” Bradley characterized this as a taxation mistake.

Bradley added that he did not feel that Westchester County had made the right choices in how to cut the County budget without the 1% sales tax, but added that he stood by to work with the county in mitigating the impact.

Mr. Bradley observed on the Westchester County dilemma, “You cannot cut property taxes three years in a row, then use a tobacco settlement to cut taxes just before elections without someday having to raise taxes.”

Bill is a Start.

In the official news release announcing his Medicaid Cap Bill, the bill is described as “landmark legislation would have the state bear responsibility for any increase in escalating state mandated Medicaid payments. The state currently passes on 25% of the total costs of Medicaid to the counties. Bradley’s legislation would cap the counties’ share of Medicaid payments at the level set at the close of the immediately prior fiscal year (2002, if the bill is passed and signed by the Governor this session). By accepting responsibility for any Medicaid costs above the current level the state would significantly aid the counties during difficult budgetary periods, Bradley’s release said.

Bradley’s official statement

“We need sensible long-term solutions to the current fiscal difficulties our counties are facing. This measure will provide relief to Westchester and other counties for years to come. Importantly, it will provide the state an incentive to contain its own escalating Medicaid costs”

Meanwhile: Silver would not advance the sales tax without Delegation Consensus.

Bradley provided details to WPCNR on the reported conference held Monday between New York State Assembly Speaker, Sheldon Silver, and the Westchester Assembly delegation. Bradley said the conference took place by telephone because Assembly Speaker Silver was absent from the capitol yesterday for personal reasons.

Bradley reported that Silver learned yesterday the Assembly delegation from Westchester still did not have a consensus agreeing that the Westchester County requested bill increasing the county sales tax 1% to cover the county budget gap should reach the floor. “Assemblyman Silver is not in favor of presenting bills the Assembly delegation did not have a consensus on.”

White Plains ½% Sales Tax to be advanced to the Assembly Floor as a separate bill.

On the issue of the White Plains biannual request to extend their “sunset” ½% sales tax, Bradley reported that he is personally sponsoring the bill as a measure separate from the traditional omnibus spending bill passed routinely later in the year.

Bradley said he is working to get the bill onto the Assembly floor, and is working in cooperation with Senator Nick Spano to get it introduced in the State Senate to get the bill passed faster.
Property Tax Impact Overstated due to tax’s deductibility.

Mr. Bradley voiced his opinion to WPCNR that the property tax as advanced to the Assembly delegation by the county was appropriated only 25% to the communities, and 75% to the county to help cover the county budget deficit, and he felt this was not appropriate, given that the cities were allowed to keep 100% of their sales tax.

He added that the impact of the increased property tax on homeowners was mitigated by the advantage of being tax deductible against the federal and state-income tax rates.

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Quo Warranto Waltz Continues. Recuse Motion Has Capacity to Extend Case

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White Plains Law Journal. By John F. Bailey. February 11, 2003: Councilman Glen Hockley has now been in office since March, 2002, just about 11 months now, and Thursday’s latest move (WPCNR, February 7), could extend the process perhaps another four months to a year.
The remedy of quo warranto as being the speedy process his attorney, Adam Bradley championed 11 months ago, is becoming clearly not speedy at all. It took the Attorney General seven months to bring a quo warranto proceeding after the Delgado legal team (who eschewed quo warranto in the first place, adding to the delay), marshalled the evidence for a quo warranto proceeding.

First there was the Hockley effort to throw out the concept of looking at the voting machine, which Judge Francis Nicolai refused to go along with, saying, “I wear these robes to right wrongs.” The judge ordered the machine to be examined. Then, when all present examining machine (19 persons) agreed it had jammed, the Judge called for a new election in District 18.

The Hockley camp objected to this as the wrong procedure violating Article 16 of the Election Law and not within the scope of the Election Law. The Appellate Court in Brooklyn threw that appeal out, and Hockley took it to the Court of Appeals, which based on off-the-record remarks WPCNR has been told, upheld Hockley’s appeal because “it was afraid of having the courts swamped with election cases.”

Enter the Innocent.

Until now, the only persons hurt by the long Hockley-Delgado saga, have been the voters of White Plains District 18, but with Mr. Hockley’s new motion to dismiss, two others stand to be hurt personally: Diane Lundin, Judge Francis Nicolai’s law clerk, and Judge Nicolai himself.

Diane Lundin, an innocent professional, is playing an unwitting new role, by applying for the vacant White Plains City Judgeship. She has given the Hockley camp a new life.

“Cloud of Questionmarks”

The Hockley attorneys imply in their new motion for recusal of Judge Nicolai, that Ms. Lundin’s application for the judgeship creates a conflict of interest for Judge Nicolai.

The brief, written by new player in the Hockley lineup, Elizabeth Shollenberger, noted as assistant to Counsel Thomas Abinanti, takes note that Judge Nicolai himself announced Ms. Lundin’s application at the January 23 Preliminary Conference, and said he would entertain any questions for recusal at the next convening on the matter.

Hockley’s motion to dismiss brings Ms. Lundin in as a reluctant player putting her in an uncomfortable position as her application for a judgeship with the city is considered, and raises this question in its brief:

The brief muses that Mr. Hockley and Judge Nicolai (to whom according to the brief, Ms. Lundin is described as “a key member of his staff, he relies on professional expertise” would be open to question on motivations in light of the Lundin judgeship candidacy:

Whatever action Mr. Hockley takes on Ms. Lundin’s candidacy (or,indeed, if he should sit on his hands, allowing others to make the decision, observers could conclude that Judge Nicolai’s decision in this case were affected by Mr. Hockley’s action or reaction on Ms. Lundin’s candidacy, or on the other side of the coin, could conclude Mr. Hockley’s votes as a Council Member were influenced by this policy matter.

The brief raises further questions:

Not only would the motivations of both the Council Member (Hockley) and the Judge be thrown into question if Ms. Lundin succeeds in ascending to the bench (either by filling this current vacancy or by appointment later in 2003 to another anticipated vacancy), she would be starting her judicial career under a cloud of question marks – observers could speculate on the motivation for her appointment.”

The section on Lundin concludes that Judge Nicolai recusing himself would promote public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary, and allow Mr. Hockley to perform the functions of his council office without concern about the appearance or reality of undue influence.

What about the Lundin Viewpoint?

From Ms. Lundin’s standpoint, she could question the Mayor’s Selection Committee if they do not select her, because Mr. Hockley has raised this issue. If she is not selected, Ms. Lundin might assume that she was unfairly excluded from consideration by the Mayor’s Committee, because of her employment with the Hockley judge. She might have a legitimate complaint against Mr. Hockley and his attorneys for prejudicing the Mayor’s Selection Committee against her, giving them a reason not to select her for the city judgeship.

The sad situation Ms. Lundin finds herself is due to Mr. Hockley’s legal bid to get another judge to consider his case all over again, with no thought at all to the position in which her mention in his motion places Ms. Lundin.

There are conflicts of interest everywhere, it seems. Judge Nicolai did not have a problem with her application, and brought it to everyone’s attention at the Preliminary Hearing.

The brief rests its motion to recuse , in part, reguarding the Lundin question on the judicial law prohibiting the appearance of impropriety.”
Of course, considering that approximately 40 or more persons have applied for that judgeship, it would be very curious if Mayor Delfino’s committee selected her. The odds are long.

What is even more curious is that Mr. Hockley is quoted as saying it would be a conflict of interest for him to vote on her if he was sitting on the council. Does this mean that Mr. Hockley would vote against her? Or vote for her because her application furthered his case? Or that, if Mr. Delgado were returned to the council by Judge Nicolai, perhaps Mr. Delgado might vote against Ms. Lundin as a judgeship in a vindictive move?

But, does Ms. Lundin’s application become a conflict of interest for anyone until Mayor Delfino’s committee selects her from the 50 or so applicants? Obviously, in order for Ms. Lundin to figure as a conflict of interest, we just have to wait and see until the Committee makes its recommendation. So Judge Nicolai might very well simply declare a wait and see attitude, and not rule on the motion.

Hockley Will Not Abdicate

Of course, now that a quo warranto suit has been joined, Mr. Hockley could resolve this problem of having to vote on Ms. Lundin’s appointment, or any appointment by taking a leave of absence from the Common Council, until it is resolved. He was not appointed to the council until after the original lawsuit was resolved.

WPCNR asked Mr. Hockley last week if he would consider resigning from his council seat and abdicating in favor of Mr. Delgado as a good will gesture to bring the matter to a close, and he said he absolutely would not. Of course, the Common Council President, Benjamin Boykin, would then have the responsibility of appointing Mr. Delgado.

Journal-News, Quote of Judge Nicolai at issue.

Section (b) of the motion moves that Judge Nicolai recuse himself for commenting “I don’t see any reason to recuse myself” when asked for comment by Journal New reporter Susan Elan about the quo warranto proceeding in which Attorney General spokesperson Marc Violette noted that the Attorney General had requested Nicolai be given the case for an efficient resolution to the case.

According to Ms. Shollenberger’s brief, Nicolai violated The Rules of the Chief Administrator of the Courts Governing Judicial Conduct, which read: A judge shall not make any public comment about a pending or impending proceeding in any court within the United States or its territories.

The brief points out that if the quote is accurate, it appears that Judge Nicolai had already been considering the possibility of recusing himself, and had made up his mind not to recuse. This, the brief maintains, would indicate that Judge Nicolai has violated this rule of judicial conduct, and the brief is maintaining this “preprejudiced position” as a second reason for Judge Nicolai to recuse himself.

Judge accused of preducial attitude towards the case

Ms. Shollenberger’s motion, continues to her third argument for Judge Nicolai to recuse himself: statements the Judge made in the Preliminary Conference indicating he was not inclined to reexamine the evidence and previous findings of fact.

Her argument draws on the definition of quo warranto : “entitling the defendant the right of discovery, including the right to a jury trial. The returns and certificates are deemed only prima facie evidence and the parties are permitted to go behind them and show what took place at the election, the number of votes cast…and in controversies of this character that they will be shown by any available legal evidence.

Ms. Shollenberger contends that Judge Nicolai both in the original Article 16 proceeding last year and in the Preliminary Conference of January 23, “has prejudiced the scope and outcome of this proceeding.”

She cites Judge Nicolai’s remarks at the January 23 conference, where he mused on what the effect was of the Attorney General’s finding that Mr. Delgado won the election. Shollenberger argues that the attorney general’s “finding” is akin to a District Attorney’s fact-finding in a case, and she concludes, “only a jury can act as the finder of fact in this proceeding.”

She notes the Judge listened to Mr. Abinanti’s request for discovery and the notion of accepting the attorney general’s findings as fact, and the judge responded, “There are no questions of fact here.” She quotes Judge Nicolai’s retort to Mr. Abinanti’s request for discovery:

I don’t know what there is to discover. There cannot be any question in any reasonable, logical, clear-thinking person that this machine was not broken, can’t be. Nineteen people came in and said that.

She notes his subsequent remarks to Thomas Abinanti “if you waste my time, I’m going to sanction you. Do not make the simple complicated, gentlemen. I sense this may be the goal here. I won’t have it. We’re in recess.”

The brief notes “A judge does not customarily state that there are no disputed factual issues in a plenary action even before a defendant has answered . Judge Nicolai’s view of this proceeding is colored by his having presided over the Article 16 case.”

“Narrow Prism of Facts”

Ms. Shollenberger underscores the point, noting also, that Judge Nicolai appears “impatient with any factual or legal issues not directly connected with one voting machine in one election district and that has prejudged the issues herein, and for this additional reason, Mr. Hockley moves herein for his recusal.”

Citing People vs. Zapacosta, Shollenberger points out that the bench in ruling that the judge should have recused himself because of prior knowledge of a case involving the defendant, was also aware that the defendant was faced with the option of choosing a jury trial or a trial in which the judge had that prior knowledge. Shollenberger accuses Nicolai of viewing the case through “the narrow prism of facts” he encountered in the Article 16 Delgado vs. Suderland case. In People vs. Zapacosta, according to the brief the defendant confessed to a crime, then implicated the defendant who was then tried by the same judge based on testimony of the previous defendant’s confession.

The Quo Warranto Marathon Descends into Murky Gloom thanks to The Court of Appeals.

The irony at work here is that if a new election were held in White Plains today, Mr. Hockley, based on his performance on the Common Council, his walkabouts, his voting record, and his 11 months of accomplishment, might very well defeat Mr. Delgado in District 18, and he might certainly win if the election were held citywide.

Mr. Hockley, by refusing to go along with an election in the first place, now with this motion to recuse, shows he was never interested in finding out the will of the voters ever. It is all about keeping his seat.

By possibly compromising an honest effort of Diane Lundin to further her career, as a means to get Judge Nicolai thrown off the case, Mr. Hockley’s legal team is embarrassing Ms. Lundin, making her an innocent victim of this exercise in election law semantics and procedures.

Speaking of Procedures: Did Attorney General err by requesting Judge Nicolai?

In another thought on this matter, this entire conflict of interest question has been precipitated by the Attorney General’s specifically asking for Judge Nicolai to consider the case.

Perhaps this was not the most brilliant thing for the attorney general’s office to suggest.

A Legacy of Dubious Effectiveness.

The questioning of Judge Francis Nicolai, the interference with Ms. Lundin’s career to buttress a case, the questioning of a reporter’s asking a judge for comment, all have been the net effect of the New York State Court of Appeals refusing to interpret Election Law (allowing the courts to fashion a remedy), in the original Delgado-Sunderland appeal last March.

The New York State Court of Appeals Justices apparently wear their robes for different reasons than Judge Nicolai does.

Judge Nicolai’s reason for wearing his robes was heard by this reporter in December of 2002, when I heard him say as he touched his black robed sleeve, last December “I wear these robes to right wrongs.”

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Board of Education Meeting Rescheduled for Wednesday at 6:30 PM

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WPCNR SCHOOL DAYS. From Michelle Schoenfeld. February 11, 2003:The Special Meeting originally scheduled for 7:30 P.M. (Annual Budget Committee) will begin at 6:30 P.M., with the business meeting originally scheduled for Monday, February 10th that was cancelled due to weather conditions.

The 6:30-7:30 portion of the meeting will take place in the Board Room at Education House, 5 Homeside Lane, and is open to the public. At 7:30, the Annual Budget Committee meeting will take place, as planned, in the Assembly Room.

The Special Education and Section 504 discussion originally planned for February 10th will be rescheduled for a later date.

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