The Republican 11: What Effects Will the Refusal to Approve Electoral Results Have on Certification of the Electoral Vote? None.

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Election Procedure Expert Stephen Rolandi interview on WPTV’s People to Be Heard after the Presidential Election.

WPCNR CAMPAIGN 2020. News and Comment By Stephen Rolandi January 4, 2021:

Editor’s Note: This weekend 11 Republican Senators announced they would not vote to certify the results of the Electoral College count unless certain state electoral results were recounted. WPCNR asked Stephen Rolandi to comment on what effects this action will have on as the U.S. Senate meets in Washington. Mr. Rolandi’s analysis follows:

Congress passed in 1887 The Electoral Count Act (see US Code Title 3, Chapter 1) which establishes procedures for the counting of the Electoral College votes by Congress following a Presidential election.

This is the last step in the process before a new President/V.P. takes office on January 20th.

The current Vice President (Mike Pence) along with Speaker Pelosi preside over the January 6th joint meeting of House and Senate.

VP Pence has little discretion in this meeting, and a Federal judge threw out a lawsuit brought by Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas to give Pence authority to unilaterally overturn the election results.

In the joint meeting, members of the House may “object’ to a state’s electoral votes. If one Senator agrees with the objection, the both houses adjourn to separately debate and vote on the objection.

Previous objections were raised in 2001 and 2017, but no Senators joined in the objection.

Hypothetically, if enough House and Senate members voted to sustain an objection, a given state’s electoral votes could be disqualified; if enough states were disqualified, then no candidate would have an electoral majority, thus forcing a contingent election by Congress. The last time this occurred for a Presidential election was in 1825.

It looks as if about 120 House members and 12 Senators will object to one or more state’s electoral votes, but that will not be enough (majority required) to disqualify any states.

The meeting on January 6th will be lively, no doubt. Biden and Harris will be certified as the winners by Congress.

In my view, this is nothing more than a ploy to keep the Trump base happy and is the opening salvo in the race for the 2024 GOP Presidential nomination.

Stephen Rolandi analyzed the Presidential Election for WPCNR predicting a Joseph Biden victory. Mr. Rolandi’s views of the Georgia Primary runoff Monday published earlier today are solely his own opinions and do not reflect the views of his employers, Pace University and City University of New York.

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