1,591 People Test Positive for Coronavirus in Westchester County, Friday, Saturday,Sunday

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WPCNR CORONAVIRUS REPORT. From the New York State Workbook Covid Tracker. November 30, 2020 UPDATED 4 PM E.S.T.:

Sunday results of Covid Testing in Westchester County are in.

They are not encouraging.

In 9,975 persons tested in the County yesterday, 583 tested covid positive requiring quarantine. That is 5.8% the highest infection rate Westchester County has seen in the second wave of growth in Covid infections since September 3.

In the last three days alone,testing has found 1,601 persons have tested positive. In the last 9 days from Friday November 20, through Sunday, November 29, 5,252 have tested positive for covid. The infection of persons tested is up to an average

Persons in Westchester County testing positive for coronavirus continued the spread of persons Covid-positive at the rate of 500 new cases a day over the weekend.

Friday, the 27th 544 tested positive for Covd-19 of 10,790 tested, an infection rate of 5%. Saturday, the 28th, 464 tested Covid-infected out of 9,875 persons, an infection rate of 4.7% .

For the 9 days through Sunday, the infection rate was 4.6%, compared to the 1.1% infection rate the NY State Commissioner of Health has determined keeps the virus from spreading.

The round of 464 new covid cases reported Saturday and the additional 583 Positives unfortunate enough to test positive Sunday raise the number of positive cases in Westchester to 50,693.

In the last nine days, there have been 5,252 new covid cases. Potential hospitalizations from this group should start in two weeks.

The impact of theses 5,252 new cases in hospitalizations remains to be seen and should start to make its impact in two weeks.

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