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WPCNR MULTI-SYSTEM INFLAMMATORY SYNDROME UPDATE. From the Governor’s Press Office. July 28, 2020:
For two month at at time when Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome cases in children were progressing at 10 a day, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo has not given an update on the progression of Multi-system Inflammatory Syndrome In Children, the condition discovered in May.
Monday, the Governor reported the state of the new disease: Here is what he said:
“I was asked the other day about Kawasaki disease and what we’re seeing on that. The number of cases in New York has gone up slightly, we’re at about 240 cases now. That was about 15 or so more in the past month.
But, New York is not a good gauge for this because the number of cases is coming down across the board, right? We are seeing the numbers increase in other states where the cases are increasing, and what we’re seeing is the more you look for it, the more you find it.
If you’re not aware of it, you don’t see it. But, the findings of our State Department of Health here in New York have been published in the New England Journal of Medicine and we’re proud of that.
So, we’re getting the word out to the other health departments that they should look for this. And as they’re looking for it, they’re finding more across the country. But we have not seen it increasing significantly in New York, but then again we haven’t seen the cases increasing significantly in New York.
Last point, as we work through this situation, there’s a number of levels here, right? It’s three-dimensional chess. You want to number one – keep the number low and that’s my main priority and we’re doing that and we’ve been successful at that. Number two, you want to look ahead on the horizon – do you see any waves building that could be problematic? Is there a second wave? Could the increase nationwide have a more dramatic effect? Anticipate, anticipate, anticipate. The third level is what have we gone through that we can learn from and start to correct now and that level is actually exciting and positive and we’re exploring that all across the board.”
Doctors and parents can read the New York Department of Health article published this month in the New England Journal of Medicine at