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WPCNR CRIMESTOPPERS NOTEBOOK. From the White Plains Chief of Police to all neighborhood associations, by Joseph Castelli. July 1, 2020:
There have been incidents of thefts from cars, and one stolen car that was recovered, one night last week. Several residents had made reports including areas off Old Mamaroneck Rd, Prospect Park area, and Hillair circle area. As always the White Plains Police Department is doing our best to identify the perpetrators of last week’s thefts, and to deter future crimes.
Again we remind all residents to not keep valuables in your cars and to lock your cars even in your driveways. Also as many residents have home security, if there is any video you would like to share with the police, you are encouraged to do so.
For more information on safety tips, and how to contact and share information with the Police Department, you may go to: wppublicsafety.com.
Also, please remind all that as we go into phase III of the opening of Westchester, to remember gatherings are limited to 25 people and social distancing and masks are still recommended and mandatory in some cases. although individually, one may not be worried about their health, it is important to keep in mind the concerns and health of neighbors, friends, family, and coworkers.
Lastly, it is certainly understood that the relationship between police and the community is a hot topic of debate. The White Plains Police Department continues to strive to be the most professional, ethical, empathetic organization geared toward community service.