County Receives $800,000 in Grants–Half Will Repair Playland Carousel Favorite Ride

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WPCNR PLAYLAND GO ROUND. From the Westchester County Department of Communications. December 19, 2018:

Westchester County has been awarded nearly $800,000 in grants from the New York State Regional Economic Development Council. The grants will go towards three projects: restoration of the Playland Carousel, Updating the Bronx River Watershed Management Plan and the Westchester-Putnam Workforce Development Board.

Westchester County Executive George Latimer said: “This is a good day for Westchester Residents as the County has received money from New York State to work on three very important projects. I want to thank Governor Andrew Cuomo and the Mid-Hudson Regional Economic Development Council for being so generous with Westchester County and recognizing the importance of our historic buildings, environment and workforce.”

The County was awarded $450,000 for the Playland Carousel Restoration.  The County will reconstruct the fire damaged 1928 Carousel building at the National Historic Landmark Playland Park.

The unique octagonal building with a lamella roof houses the treasured 1915 Grand Carousel, only one of four in existence featuring hand-carved horses and chariots by famed carousel maker Charles Carmel. Fire broke out in the building in the summer of 2017, the Carousel has been closed to the public since.

“Playland Carousel has been closed for far too long, the damage was devastating.  But, now I am thrilled that the Carousel will once again be an essential part of summer in Westchester County,” said Latimer.

For the update to the Bronx River Watershed Management Plan, the County was awarded $245,428 for work in partnership with the Bronx River Watershed Alliance. The dollars will be used to undertake a collaborative, multi-jurisdictional planning process to update the Bronx River Inter-municipal Watershed Plan incorporating a climate resilience strategy. The updated plan will identify critical management strategies and recommendations that will lead to a healthier and more resilient watershed for residents and wildlife.

Additionally, $100,000 has been awarded to the Westchester-Putnam Workforce Development Board for “Westchesters Promise.”  The project will provide training to individuals seeking employment as Medical Administrative Assistances, Phlebotomy Technicians, and Electrocardiography Technicians.  The program will go a long way toward closing the skills gap in the healthcare field, something long focused on in the County

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