State Senator George Latimer Pays Off Town of Mamaroneck Parking Tickets

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WPCNR CAMPAIGN 2017. October 31, 2017:

Monday State Senator George Latimer paid off the parking tickets he owes the Town of Mamaroneck, according to a LoHud story posted this morning. You can read the story linked here and pasted below.)

In a statement released this morning, the Astorino campaign  manager, William F.  O’Reilly issued this statement in a news release on Mr. Latimer’s payment:

“George Latimer is an Albany politician who think the rules don’t apply to him; there’s an extraordinary arrogance in that. Mr. Latimer had to be caught by the news media repeatedly lying about his illegal driving and unpaid tickets before paying what he owed, but he still hasn’t paid the five years and nearly $50,000 in property taxes he owes. With one week to go before the election, the taxpayers of Westchester need a straight answer from George Latimer: ‘When is he going to pay his property taxes?’”


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