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WPCNR LETTER TICKER. JULY 30, 2017 (Editor’s Note: the following email was sent to voters containing a video prepared by Candidate for Mayor Milagros Lecuona:Ms. Lecuona’s petitions to run in the September 12 Democratic Primary are being challenged in court Tuesday morning as to their validity by the City Democratic Committee.)
Dear friends!
Please watch and SHARE this important 4-minute video about the current White Plains mayor’s attempt to deny the 2700 signatures collected for Milagros Lecuona for Mayor and the 2000 signatures for Michael Kraver, Saad Siddiqui, and Alan Goldman to get them all on the Sept 12 Democratic primary ballot.
(Editor’s Note: the Lecuona video may be seen by copying and pasting this link in your browser or clicking on the following link.)
The incumbent mayor is acting completely undemocratically, trying to prevent anyone but his slate being on the Democratic primary ballot for Mayor and Common Council this Sept. 12.
He is trying trying to disqualify signatures expressing the clear desire of thousands of people to have a real choice in the Democratic primary election.
Please ask all your friends to continue to share this video, and to ask their friends to share it as well. We don’t have a newspaper that covers us regularly, so we need to rely on all our supporters to spread information.
Hope you’re each having a good summer!
Anne Bobroff-Hajal