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WPCNR LETTER TICKER. April 27, 2017:
Just read again the statements of the Westchester County Board in your piece – I am amazed at their ignorance and inability (willful?) to understand SEQRA. What they said is EXACTLY what SEQRA is for.
Did you read the Settlement Stipulation (of 1981)?
There is a legal doctrine called “collateral estoppel” – what the County committed to the Stip (following SEQRA) is exactly what they stepped into (they had no choice – it’s the law) 36 years ago – that commitment to follow SEQRA continues until that SEQRA law is repealed.
The Board is estopped from claiming SEQRA does not apply to the decommissioning (of Indian Point) when such a major impact will be 1) an elimination of 35% of the area’s electricity at contracted for rates- the literal economic vitality of this region depends upon that plant; 2) there is no Plan B presented 3) a spike in electricity rates forcing businesses to close and Citizens to leave; 4) etc……
SEQRA is a mandate in this instance – There are also federal concerns. This is truly disgusting that our Bd will evade an environmental law meant to inject public participation in a meaningful and organized fashion. Piece meal does not cut it – that went out with slavery thing.
Dan Seidel
(Attorney,part in the 1981 case)