Encarnacao on the Republican Ticket. Lone Republican Running Against 3 Democratic Incumbents. Cerulli Petition Short on Signatures, Board of Elections Decides.

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WPCNR CAMPAIGN 2015. By John F. Bailey. July 22, 2015:

Co Chairman of the Westchester County Board of Elections Douglas Colety signed a ruling this afternoon denying Richard Cerulli of White Plains a position on the Common Council Election Ballot in White Plains in the November election, due to Cerulli’s petitions not having enough signatures. “He needed 326, and he only had 227. Someone challenged and we had to count them,” a employee in Colety’s office said.

Anne Marie Encarnacao’s petitions were approved and she will be the lone Republican on the ballot running against Democrat candidates Dennis Krolian, Milagros Lecuona, and Nadine Hunt-Robinson. Encarnacao will also have the Conservative line on the ballot.

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