Nothing has Changed in Document Dump, Independent FASNY Plan Analysts Say

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WPCNR THE LETTER TICKER. October 28, 2014:

Ron and Marie Rhodes, thorns in the sides of the Roach Administration for the Rhodes’ consistent and extensive critiquing of what they perceive as shortcomings in the French American School of New York site plan the last year, have done a “Man Riding By on a Foam-Flecked Horse” perusal of what they call the latest FASNY “document-dump” on the city Friday, so extensive, the City has postponed this evening’s proposed continuation of the FASNY Site Plan Special Permit/Hathaway Lane closure hearing. They have sent the Mayor and Common Council this letter shared with WPCNR:

Dear Mayor and Common Council,
Thank you for postponing FASNY’s scheduled meeting for today and for putting FASNY’s Revised Site Plan on the City’s website for all of us to review.
While we haven’t had a chance to review all the FASNY details yet and will report back to you when we do. . .our initial Big Picture feeling is that. . .the changes FASNY made are not going to reduce the risk to our Children and Seniors from FASNY’s Traffic, nor improve Fire Safety for nearby residents, alleviate potential Water Problems from FASNY’s Construction nor restore Property Values to the levels they would be without the threat of this proposed FASNY project.
And FASNY still has not presented any Public benefits from closing Hathaway Lane, a Public street.
And while the Common Council has to follow the rule of law. . .it appears FASNY is trying to “slip by” their own version of what our Comprehensive Plan, Zoning and other local laws and regulations allow.
In other words the FASNY project still does not fit and is not in harmony with the character of our residential neighborhood and is a significant threat to the health, welfare and safety of our Children, Seniors and community.  
On a positive note it is great that the Common Council, City Departments and residents will all be able to study FASNY’s Revised Site Plan at the same time before your review meetings begin again so at the least we all are looking at and commenting on the same FASNY pan. . .which hasn’t been the case in the past with the FASNY discussions.
Our suggestion for the Common Council regarding the updated comments you will be receiving from the various City Departments. . .while “mitigation” was attempted with certain issues, such as Traffic. . .it has been our contention all along that our Children, Seniors and Citizens in general. . .are still left with a considerable Public Safety Risk from this FASNY project.
So could you ask each City Department responding to answer the following question. . “Based on your years in White Plains. . .what is your personal opinion on how FASNY’s Revised Site Plan with mitigation efforts already attempted. . .fits into the Gedney Farms residential neighborhood. . .and impacts the Public Safety of our Children, Seniors and other residents?”
A question like this to our experienced City Staff. . .will provide good input for the Common Council and residents.
Thanks again for postponing the meeting,
We report. . .you decide.
Your Truth Police, Team Rhodes




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