In White Plains: Memorial Day is Not About Remembering–It’s About Giving Out Parking Tickets at Street Meters to Visitors Unaware of Meter Enforcement on Holiday

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WPCNR PARKING NEWS. From a White Plains CitizeNetReporter. May 26, 2014:

A WPCNR-er phoned in a report  at noon Monday that White Plains Parking Enforcement Officers are “swarming” Mamaroneck Avenue, Greenridge Avenue and Post Road ticketing unsuspecting motorists who are unaware that White Plains enforces metered parking on holidays including Memorial Day.

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A string of approximately six cars on the metered portion of Greenridge was caught and ticketed late Monday morning while an event was going on at The Hebrew Institute.


2 Cars and and the van below were Red-Ticketed on Mamaroneck Avenue. However, walking around the complete Martine, Court and Main Street area between 12:45 and 1:15 PM. WPCNR spotted expired meters with cars parked at them which had not been ticketed, raising questions whether Parking Enforcement Officers were only blitzing during Memorial Day Parade hours Monday morning until noon.

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This van parked in front of Sam Ash, got Ticketrashed.

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East Post Road was worked too. There was even a “boot” applied to a car on Mamaroneck Avenue.

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Sidestreets were not spared either. Though I did not see one ticket on cars parked on Mitchell Place, while American Legion Hall wss holding their veterans’ reception. Again, this raises the issue of whether Parking Enforcement was targeting visitors during parade and ceremony hours.


“What amount of ill will is going to be generated by this ticket blitz?” our correspondent asked, exasperated that his city was welcoming Memorial Day Parade attendees with a $20 rememberance they will always remember, and won’t come back. “I know it has to be the biggest parking ticket day of the year for the city, but is it worth it? They complain about the sales tax, and their decreasing parking ticket revenue?”

It should be pointed out that most cities and towns do not enforce street parking regulations on holidays.


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