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Rosedale Residential Association, 
PO Box 199, White Plains, New York, 10605


•    White Plains Mayor Thomas Roach

•    The Common Council of White Plains

•    Members of the White Plains Building Department

•    Residents of the Rosedale Neighborhood

Date: January 21, 2025

Subject: Community Concern Regarding Cannabis Dispensary at 1200 Mamaroneck Avenue


Dear Mayor Roach, Common Council Members, Building Department Officials, and Fellow Residents,

It has recently come to our attention that an Adult-Use Retail Dispensary License was issued to RSSQ Holding LLC on August 9, 2024 and a building permit was issued by the White Plains Department of Building to Mr. Ranjit Singh for the development of a cannabis dispensary at 1200 Mamaroneck Avenue, directly across from Lombardo’s Pizza, in the heart of the Rosedale neighborhood.

As a community, we are deeply concerned about this decision, which appears to have been made without any public notification, hearings, or community input. Despite the significant impact this business will have on our neighborhood, there has been no outreach or transparency from the City of White Plains.

We respectfully ask for clarification and answers to the following questions:

1.    Why was this decision made without any notification to residents, public hearings, or a vote?

2.    Why was a retail license approved in a neighborhood primarily zoned for single-family homes, schools, and places of worship?

3.    Given the existing five cannabis dispensaries in White Plains’ 9.77 square-mile area, why is a sixth deemed necessary, particularly in a residential area?


This location is in close proximity to several schools and childcare centers, including but not limited to:

•    Ridgeway Elementary

•    Leffell School

•    Ethical Culture Fieldston School

•    Windward School

•    Harrison High School

•    ENA Learning Center

•    Kids’ Base

•    Louis M. Klein Middle School

•    Stepinac High School


In addition, there are several places of worship nearby, including:

•    Young Israel of Harrison

•    Our Lady of Sorrows

•    Ridgeway Alliance Church

•    The Living Word Church


Furthermore, given that the Rosedale Residential Association (RRA) is a long-standing and active group that works closely with city officials on neighborhood matters, why was there no outreach to the RRA or the community from those involved in the decision-making process? This lack of communication feels dismissive of a community that values its collaboration with the city.

This decision appears to have been made surreptitiously and without consideration of its impact on the residents of Rosedale. The absence of communication from city officials or the mayor’s office is alarming.

The residents of White Plains are prepared to take the following steps:

1.    Notify the Parent-Teacher Associations of all schools within a two-mile radius to ensure parents are aware of this project and provide them with contact information for city officials.

2.    Circulate a petition—both online and door-to-door—to halt this development until proper community input is gathered.

3.    Contact local news outlets, including LoHud and News 12, to bring attention to this issue.

4.    Distribute flyers and utilize social media to inform the community about this decision.

The Rosedale Residential Association believes it is essential to give residents a voice in decisions that impact the character and safety of our neighborhood. A cannabis dispensary does not align with the original intent of this area, which has historically been a community of single-family homes, schools, and places of worship.

We respectfully request that this matter be revisited, and that city officials take immediate steps to communicate with the residents of Rosedale regarding this development. Additionally, we urge Mr. Singh to consider reimagining his intended business and engage in dialogue with the community to address concerns.

Contact Information for City Officials

We encourage all Rosedale neighbors to reach out with their concerns:


Mayor’s Office:

•    Thomas M. Roach, Mayor

•    Email: mayorsoffice@whiteplainsny.gov

•    Phone: 914-422-1411

•    Address: Mayor’s Office, 255 Main Street, White Plains, NY 10601


White Plains Common Council

•    Email: commoncouncil@whiteplainsny.gov

•    Phone: 914-422-1200

•    Address: City Hall, 255 Main St., White Plains, NY 10601


Common Council Members and Staff:

•    Victoria Presser (Council President): vpresser@whiteplainsny.gov | 914-946-5608

•    Jeremiah Frei-Pearson: jfrei-pearson@whiteplainsny.gov

•    Justin C. Brasch: jbrasch@whiteplainsny.gov | 212-267-2500

•    John M. Martin: jmartin@whiteplainsny.gov | 914-686-0239

•    Richard Payne: rpayne@whiteplainsny.gov | 914-490-3162

•    Jennifer Puja: jpuja@whiteplainsny.gov | 914-607-2041

•    Elizabeth Cleary (Legislative Aide): ecleary@whiteplainsny.gov | 914-422-5114


White Plains Building Department

•    Damon Amadio, P.E. (Commissioner): damonamadio@whiteplainsny.gov

•    Kevin Hodapp, P.E. (Deputy Commissioner): kevinhodapp@whiteplainsny.gov

•    Address: 70 Church St., White Plains, NY 10601


This letter will be sent via email, certified mail, and entered into the public record at the next Citizens to Be Heard hearing.

We look forward to your prompt response and action on this matter.



Rosedale Residential Association

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