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WESTCHESTER AVERAGES 333 NEW CASES A DAY SUNDAY THROUGH WEDNESDAY. ROCKLAND AVERAGING 127 A DAY. Mid-Hudson, Long Island and New York City produce 5,000 new covid cases three consecutive days.

WPCNR COVID SURVEILLANCE. Statistics & Analysis by John F. Bailey. December 9, 2022 4:30 P.M.

The Westchester County new covid case count was 356 Wednesday a total of 1,333 Westchester residents lab-test verified infected Sunday through Wednesday.

Rockland County Sunday Tuesday and Wednesday was covid-tracked with an average 127 cases.

The Center for Disease Control has designated Westchester and Rockland as high risk and advised the county residents to mask indoors.

For the third consecutive day, the 9 counties of the Mid-Hudson Region and Nassau and Suffolk County over 2,000 new persons lab-verified tested for covid while New York City five boroughs was confirmed for 3,203 cases making Wednesday December 7 the third day that the Metropolitan area in New York State suffered over 5,000 new cases (5,568).

Westchester County and the rest of the Mid-Hudson region and Nassau and Suffolk counties are showing new infections at 42% of New York city with 40% less population. The Mid-Hudson Region counties are demonstrating positive infection rates of 8% of those tested, while Nassau and Suffolk Counties are showing positive infection rates consistently just shy of 9%

This is not good.

The sharp rise in new cases made the first 4 days of this week the largest number of infections in the first days of week in 4 weeks, although the infections have popping up higher earlier in each the last four weeks.

This is the strongest growth of new infections happening quicker and in greater numbers right after a weekend in 4 weeks.

At this rate of 333 infections a day in Westchester could bring Westchester a second week of over 2,000 new infections. Previously the county has averaged 1,000 new cases of covid a week for the last 40 weeks back to late March. The week of Thanksgiving November 20 to 26 showed 1,339 cases in a week. Last week cases up a third to 2,102 (300 a day)

The county is approximately 2,000 cases ahead of last November which started the strongest wave of covid the county has had by the last week of December and first two weeks of January.

At 333 cases a day, the county may record 2,331 cases this week through Saturday.

Latest figures on December 7:

Westchester infections, 356 positives of 4,354 tested, 8% INFECTION RATE

ORANGE, IS UP SHARPLY at 216 new covid positives of 2,124 tested, 10.5% INFECTION RATE


DUTCHESS, 91 new cases in 820 tests, 11.6% INFECTION RATE A REAL SPIKE

ULSTER 37 positives in 582 tests, 7% Infected

Putnam 38 positive of 407 tested, 9% infection rate

Sullivan, 20 positives of 466 tests, 4.3% positive

It should be considered that Nassau and Suffolk are spear-heading the gathering momentum of covid: Nassau reported 626 covid cases of 6,776 tested, 8.7% infection rate.

Suffolk recorded 806 new infections of 7,365 tested, an 8.8% infection rate.

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