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WPCNR CORONAVIRUS MONITOR. From NY State Covid Tracker. July 28, 2021:
The Covid tracker today was late in reporting 82 new Westchester County cases of Covid of 4,519 tested, with a lower infection rate from Monday’s 2.3%, but slightly more cases than Monday. In 7 days 31,266 have been tested.
Of the 31,266 Weschester persons tested, 522 (1.6%) have tested positive in 7 days since Monday the 21st of July.
Those 522 may in the next 10 to days may produce as many as 3,000 new cases in the county according to Covid 19 “spread” rates calculated by Johns Hopkins University. The last week’s infections started after the end of the July 5 close of the Indpendence Day weekend.
The impact these 522 cases in a week on spreading the virus has yet to be felt.
The sustainability of new cases making their way ominously towards 100 new cases a day now averaging 75 a day for a week the insidious presence of covid continues out there, steady and you do not know where. You would be safe to assume it is everywhere.
The county Covid tracker singles out Yonkers as the largest growing covid infestation with Mount Vernon second (72), New Rochelle second (72) , and White Plains third (57). Greenburgh has 38 new cases. Cortlandt 33, Harrison 30 and Mount Pleasant and Yorktown with 29.
So far there have been no indications from the state, the county on resuming mask wearing regulations, cutting back occupancy of restaurants, entertainment venues, mandatory vaccination for entry into businesses and restaurants, except in New York City (at request of its Mayor).
The Center for Disease Control today announced new mask restrictions based on rates of infections, throwing out their relaxation of masking for vaccinated people of just two months ago, ostensibly because some vaccinated persons are coming down with the Delta Covid variant.
The problem with this Masks-off, Masks-on, must-be-vaccinated, must social distance but not outdoors jiggering of what you should do annoys people and sends two strong unpredictable effects.
It leads the population to think the disease is beaten. If more people had masked and not socialized and beached, and partied, young and old, we would not have this Third Wave of infections this month in this county. Easy-for-me to write, but the push by the state, counties, the cities to reopen can now be seen to have created a bigger problem than we had.
Schools want to open this fall. Fully open. How is this going to happen if not all eligible children are vaccinated? This wave of new infections in the county is jeopardizing that “back to normal” fall. Decision-makers have to weigh the consequences of a not fully vaccinated student body, a not fully-vaccinated staff and parents not being cooperative, and have to consider strong vaccination requirements.