172 White Plains Residents with coronavirus, Mayor Roach Reports

Hits: 168

Today the county supplied us with the following data: There are close to 10,000 positive cases in Westchester County out of over 35,000 tested.

There are currently 275 Westchester County residents who are hospitalized.  172 people with confirmed White Plains addresses have tested positive for the virus up from 156 yesterday.

The specific community numbers lag the county total by several days and do not include individuals for whom the county lacks address information.  There have been 25 deaths related to the virus county wide.

There have been many complaints of people discarding disposable gloves, masks or wipes in streets sidewalks and parking lots after using them, presumably while shopping. Stop it!

Last night I announced that Stepinac High School would be hosting an American Red Cross blood drive at Stepinac on Thursday.

It was the hottest ticket in town.  Within hours the 50 slots were filled and people continued to offer to donate.

I would like to thank those who signed up and the many who tried to sign up—it speaks volumes about our community and our commitment to each other. Thank you Stepinac and the volunteers who made this happen.

This Friday at 6pm we will be celebrating essential workers who are doing so much for us every day by applauding them from our homes! Windows, driveways, lawns, balconies and doorways all work, just make sure you stay 6 feet apart!

Remember we are standing together by staying apart

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