City Sales Tax Collections on Target to Meet Last Year’s Collections IF April-May-July $$ EQUAL 2014. County DOWN 3.5%

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WPCNR QUILL & EYESHADE From the State Department of Taxation and Finance. April 22, 2015:

The City of White Plains economy held its own in February and March, sales subject to sales taxes declined 3-1/2 % in snowy February, but were up 1% in March from a year ago. The Department of Taxation and Finance reports that going into the last fiscal quarter of the city fiscal year the city has collected $38.6 Million in sales receipts.

Should the city equal the $13.1 Million collected in April May and June last year, the city will come within $100,000 of equaling the $51,872,987 it collected last year.

June 2014, it should be noted, though was a $5.4 Million  month last year, an all time record in White Plains exceeding even previous Christmas figures.  Should April May and June receipts hold up, the city will collect $51,708472, a .003 % decline. This means essentially that White Plains sales tax receipts are not keeping pace with the 2% inflation rate.

The county sales tax figures for the first quarter are reported down 3.5% for the first quarter to $119,554,691 down from $123,827,422 last year.

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