Mr. Ryan advises sending Board of Elections Building Deal Back to Committee

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WPCNR COUNTY CLARION-LEDGER. By John F. Bailey. March 11, 2008: In a vote scheduled for this evening on the county plan to purchase a building from a large political contributer to County Executive Andrew Spano, for the purpose of housing the headquarters of the Board of Elections, County Legislature Chair William Ryan of White Plains is urging fellow legislators to send the legislation back to committee for further study.

Mr. Ryan, speaking to WPCNR at 5:30 P.M., said the legislature discovered within the last 48 hours that according to a state law, the county cannot move the Board of Elections without a vote of the people. He said, in view of this, the county should not proceed with the deal to purchase the building. He said he was urging the legislators to not approve the proposal as it now stands.

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The Comptroller is Coming to Tarrytown. County Association Presents Tom DiNapoli

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WPCNR FYI. March 11, 2008: The Westchester County Association, the organization of prominent business persons and public figures, will present New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli as part of a breakfast event from 8 AM to 10 PM on Monday, March 24 at the Doubletree Hotel,455 South Broadway in Tarrytown.

In a news release, the WCA noted that the organization invited Mr. DiNapoli to dicusse the impacts of the state budget on property taxes and the funding of infrastructure projects such as the Tappan Zee Bridge. DiNapoli will discuss those issues. The Comptroller recently, in a news release gave the opinion that private investment would be needed to cover such an expensive venture, expressing doubt that state bonding alone could fund the $15 to $25 Billion estimate of the bridge replacement, whatever it may be.

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The Parasites: You too Can Be a Party Hack-No Talent, Expertise Judgment Needed

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WPCNR News Commentary. By John F. Bailey.  March 11, 2008:  This column was ready to go Monday morning. But, I thought, I’m being a little rough. There are a lot of good people in government Perhaps the column is just a little too cynical. So I held it back.

However, based on yesterday’s events, it appears I was even more naïve than I thought. In light of the New York State Governor’s indiscretions which he apologized for yesterday. The column was not harsh enough.

So here is that column adopted in light of the Governor’s sheepish apology yesterday, where he did not have the guts to take questions:

WPCNR was shocked…shocked by recent revelations that leaders of political committees use political committee contributions to pay for their cars, and many of their dinners.  I mean how amateur and naive have I been? What does a political committee chair do, anyway at any party level? Some appear very well-fed and well-dressed, I’ll admit. But who knew some chairs bill their parties for entertainment, transportation and the like?

Yesterday we learned that even the Governor was not beneath giving himself some perks on the wild side. How long has this been going on? 

Yesterday’s news that even Governor Eliot Spitzer, the “cleanest” of them all has feet of clay and is susceptible to the temptations that wealth and power may bring – that not so well-heeled folks would even dream about.

The governor just succumbs to those temptation(s) without giving it a second thought?

 Until last Friday when he got a phone call or a visit from “the men in black,” he appears to never have given whatever proclivities he indulged himself in a second thought.

Like, maybe it was wrong? Did you ever think it was wrong, Mr. Governor? Did you ever feel guilty while indulging? And how often did you indulge?

Say it ain’t so, Eliot. But you didn’t. You apologized. Like Steve Martin’s “Excuuuuuuuuuuuse me” routine. As if that excuses his behavior.

Since Eliot the Governor, appears based on the federal court papers (being leaked so tantalizingly to the salivating media) to have spent time more than once in dealing with a very expensive piece of talent, (I mean what do you get for $1,000 an hour?)  

Come on. Doesn’t the Governor have better things to do on his nights off – like reading up on the state budget, perhaps –  which he has shown he does not even understand, based on his first budget — or at least could he have studied the illegal alien laws before he proposed them?

No, maybe he was arranging his next extra curricular recreation. To him, is being governor just like running a fraternity or a college boys club?

Didn’t Bill Clinton have better things to do than hitting or allowing himself to be hit on by a young woman half his age – like maybe fighting terrorism? Had he fought terrorism instead of thinking about an intern on Mr. and Mrs. America’s dollar, maybe 9-11 wouldn’t have happened. (Cheap shot? No, it is not. Clinton was a big show. That’s all. They all are.) 

I have to laugh at the well-known attorney last night on television who suggested we pay far too much attention to the sexy episodes of people in power, indicating what they were doing was personal.

The point is missed. If you’re worrying about where your next pleasure hit is coming from, there’s something wrong with you. People depend on you to pay attention when you have the “Con.” (Navy talk for the helm).

I as a reporter, have to keep myself absolutely clean otherwise what would happen to my credibility – obviously if governors, Presidents, congresspersons, public elected officials and appointed ones are only worrying about their next libido lashing – then they are worrying about the wrong things.

They are children – whose ability to control themselves has not progressed beyond teen pornographic fantasies. But noooooooo, we should condone their reprobate libidinous weaknesses as “personal life.”

And what about the rest of the ugly news?

What do our party chairpersons, who’ve been revealed as receiving payments out of party funds,  do as Party Chairs anyway? Do they think? Do they strategize? Do they plot? Do they excoriate possible candidates? 

Apparently they like to eat dinner out a lot and drive around town “on party business” in big expensive cars that run contrary to the County’s new effort to lower CO2 emissions when they do eat dinner out.

But what party business do they do?

They apparently according to a story recently,  use contributions to the party for supposedly party benefit – theirs. The sums for expenses and tasks these chairpersons get are nice pocket change, up to $25,000 and up for various expenses political party chairs filed for with their parties.

This is  another example of “How to Make A Living in Government Without Ever Really Working.”

A county legislator our source quotes says the county will hire election workers this year to handle the fall elections, but says those who will be hired will be really “patronage.” These persons will presumably have experience in managing elections but they might not. If they are party hacks, they won’t have as much experience.

How incompetent can our governments get? Don’t ask. You don’t want to know.

Government Patronage is defined in the dictionary thusly: “The power to make appointments to government jobs on a basis other than merit alone.”

Let’s take a look at the benefits that come to you as a Party Chair.

I always thought when I was contributing to a party I was paying for phone banks, posters, brochures, polling, things that won elections or fought for truth, justice and the American Way.

But no, I am paying if I choose to contribute,  for lunches, car leases, oh, man – the noive  (as they say in Brooklyn) of these political parties.  Do they all do it, or just the party chairs in “rogue” “loosey-goosey” organizations?

I’d like to take politicians to lunch and ask them questions. Like how come my taxes are going up $1,000 a year and they are not cutting the budget? I have not seen one budget cut.

 I mean do we have to have party hacks go out to fancy-schmancy bistros to discuss political business? A smoke-filled room is much less expensive.

How about the parties give complete accounting of what they pay out and who they pay every penny to… every three months? That would be real election finance reform wouldn’t it?

Remember when the White Plains Democratic City Committee was almost evicted…and now meets at the YWCA? White Plains citizens have the right idea…give no money. Could White Plains be the only honest Democratic political committee anywhere? Other than cavalierly removing sitting councilpersons by not nominating them for a second term; other than nominating persons strangely connected to their county bosses they might be the most honest political committee anywhere, aside from the usual request for party loyalty at the cost of independence. But are they the most honest political committee around?

WPCNR wonders about taking the time to delve into this interesting sidelight. Who knew party chairs even got paid?  How slick is this? What a stupid thing.

I naively felt that party chairs, except of course on the national level did not get paid. I guess I was born yesterday.

Now Governor Spitzer’s shenanigans coming to light – he investigated prostitution rings as attorney general.  Was he patronizing high priced talent then? Did he compromise his investigations then?

 You who contribute to parties actually thought you were contributing to parties to elect officials and to crusade for truth, justice and the American Way, didn’t you?

I know, I feel stupid too. Used. The Eliot Spitzers, the Bill Clintons, the Gary Harts, the McGreeveys, the Mark Foleys, the Wilbur Millses disgrace us all. I mean when you look at the number of persons in government caught playing around you have to wonder, really wonder if they are really paying attention to the job or just the perks that come with it – the cash, the favors, regardless of what they are.

On other hand, maybe, just maybe the individuals named in the  party chair stories I originally wrote this column about are no longer pals with the county Democratic Party hierarchy.

Perhaps as one city official mentioned to me, “We used to have a saying when something happened to somebody like this. We’d say somebody dropped a dime on them.”

Just perhaps someone in power gave the paper a line of inquiry, I can hear it now, “Psst if you want a story you should investigate the money so-and-so takes out of the Democratic Party for expenses. Take a look at these.” Perhaps the documents detailing this party chair gravy train were slipped to the reporters. Believe me, it is very hard to get those kind of documents.  

Imagine, saying, “Hi, I’m the CitizeNetReporter,  could I have your financial records for the last six months?”

Which raises the question of how, all of a sudden Eliot Spitzer gets lit up like the Hindenburg.

I mean reporters follow Eliot Spitzer around all the time. Nobody noticed this behavior? If you’re really good at reporting you note things like how much the person you cover does not go home, how often he appears with his spouse, what he does with his family. You notice these things. Apparently nobody in media noticed — even when he was Attorney General.

However, the story on the party chairs, the governor’s apology Monday,  underline the hubris of the politicians involved.

The party chair chumps actually accounted for the expenses in writing. How dopey. Should be strictly cash boys. At least, according to the federal investigation of Spitzer, they point out Mr. Spitzer used cash. But whose cash? Money talks, nobody walks. Least of all the person who is getting a vehicle leased by the party. Are you kidding me?

Well, now we know better. Any individual who contributes one more dollar to any political party in this area is a damn fool.  The parties just use it to pay for parties, lunches, even their very own cars.

The subtle irony  is the revelation that well-heeled individuals contribute equally to both parties.

Who knew? Why do they do that? Do you think they may be expecting a benefit, no matter who is in power or gets elected?  Time to wake up and smell the bribery.

A Third Sewer System.

There is the sanitary sewer, the stormwater sewer, and now, there is the money sewer, where money flows to lawyers, architects, hangers-on, consultants, party workers, community leaders, and appropriately fawning individuals, and the occasional high priced service provider.

These are the individuals  who can “play ball” and be “team players,”  who are shifted into government jobs that require no work, just earnest public relations types who can say “You’re right, I’ll have to look into that” with conviction. That is just a few of the ways your tax dollars are used.

Breathe in the sweet reeking smell of patronage from the money sewer. It makes you sick and it is making our society sick and ineffectual.

When persons with no expertise get appointed to county departments for salaries  and benefits of $100G’s – that’s patronage.

When persons with no experience or knowledge of election law get hired to run elections – that’s patronage.

When political contributors get a global warming study contract – that’s patronage.

When judges court persons declare are incompetent are reappointed – that’s patronage.

But, instead of shaking our heads when we see that politicians do not work for you, dear citizen, and being outraged — we read, cluck our tongues and keep working and voting for  the same no talent hacks.

We explain it away, by saying that’s personal. A person is entitled to their private life no matter how sordid.

Baloney. Why do we do this?

Because the truth leaves too bitter a taste  to be swallowed. It is a bitter taste that lingers.

Politics exists for the party hacks, the politicians who burn money like it was nothing, and do nothing for it!  When they do things they spend too much for them and the systems don’t work.

They think they are entitled to spend our money and reward their friends, sycophants, paramours and contributors with no-show, no-do jobs, millions in contracts and projects. Because they are doing so much good.

When I think of the handwringing that certain organizations around town do when they need money, pleading for budget increases because they have shortfalls, and political parties plow out the money to individuals for parties, lunches, fundraisers, whatever, not to mention the sweetheart deals that make a gravy chain of well-connected professionals rich, it is sickening. It is immoral.

Politics is the profession of the professional parasite.

The professional parasite is the political hack. 

Who is the hack?

It is the no-talent buddy who sucks up and pledges loyalty to those in power. Those in power reward professionals, not very good ones with jobs that are not needed, giving positions to these “hacks” as rewards for tasks and what have you, and their loyalty.

What is a hack? A person with no self-esteem or courage, who leaches on and swims with  politicians and elected officials and is well-liked.  And will compromise principles on demand. Very important!

He or she survives like a human pilot fish eating the scraps that the party machine money sharks chew up and spit out.

The big shark (Mr. or Ms. P — the powerful elected politician in charge) gorges on the rich green of tax payer dollars in the money sewer chum.

He or she is indiscriminate in whether they are greenbacks of developers, contributions of citizens, but he or she loves tax dollars. They never met a tax dollar they didn’t like.

Remember this people next time you learn of community organizations about to shut down because of lack of funds.

Ask the Democratic or Republican Party to give them a penny out of their coffers. Ask a politician to give out of his war chest to help you out. 

 Have they ever? If they did please advise the CitizeNetReporter. I don’t think so. Not often.

Remember  next time the party invites you to a fund raiser. If you feel you must contribute, ask that you want a complete accounting to you in writing on what the dollars went for.

Why should you trust them?

They are your dollars, aren’t they?

But you do not understand. The politicians, the  leaders,  the people who run this city, county, state and federal governments and the school districts around the state do not think those dollars are yours.

They think it is their money that you have and that they should take it from you and spend it on themselves and their supporters because they are so much better and smarter than we are.

If they did care about you they would spend more wisely.

They really think that.

They are arrogant. Self-serving. Pathological liars.  

The “I never had sex with that woman” utterance by the former President Clinton, comes to mind.

Now we have Governor Eliot Spitzer’s apology today. Apology? Gee, I’m sorry.

Now, is he to resign? Probably not. Unlike some cultures who when disgracing themselves publicly commit suicide out of shame. American politicians have no shame. Their first thought is to protect their pension and their power.

The recent quote from one of our local leaders, County Executive Andrew Spano, addressing Governor Spitzer’s Commission on Property Tax Reform, is wonderful in demonstrating the pathological intent to obfuscate, to wit:

“In times like this, Westchester County government tightens its own belt by finding ways to reduce costs, trim expenses, and become more cost-efficient and effective. The one thing we don’t do is shift county costs down to our localities.”

Really?  Isn’t this a hoot?

This is the County Executive who has not lowered the tax increase he put in for2008 to maintain services in the face of what he thought was a sales tax shortfall. Since that time the sales tax came in much closer to predictions. Has he lowered the tax increase? What do you think?

 No. He has generated a nice little surplus with that little sleight of hand on the sales tax handle. His legislators went right along for the cash ride.

Chairman Thomas Suozi, who runs Nassau County and listened to Mr. Spano make that statement, must have had a hard time keeping a straight face.

I want to thank Executive Spano for providing such a great example of saying things that simply are poppycock, but sound so good.

What politicians say may be obviously untrue, but they think it is true and so to them it is not a lie.

We want to believe them. We so want to believe them that we do.

We accept when they say one thing and do another because we think they made “a tough decision” and did their due diligence.

This need for us to believe is the political hack’s ultimate weapon.


We want to believe our government officials are helping us and want to help us.

We so want to believe they care about us. That Hilary or Bill or Chuck or  Eliot or Joe and Andy love us and are working for us.

The reality of the incompetence that they represent, the lack of principles, is too sobering to contemplate for too long without feeling a sense of doom and dispair.

Especially when columns like this are written year after year, and it does not matter to the citizens who read them.

Forgive them, for they do not know whom they elect.

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Watt Job: Con Ed Jacks Juice Cost 57%. Passthru Pummels Populace. More on Way

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WPCNR THE POWER NEWS. By John F. Bailey. March 10, 2008: Con Edison quietly raised the cost of electricity 57% as of the first of this year from 8 cents per kilowatthour (8.3400 cents) to 13 Cents  ( 13.16 cents)to  residential customers in Westchester County, for electrical heat customers it is slightly lower.

The 5 cent increase (4.82 cents specifically) needed no Public Service Commission approval.

 It was automatically passed through to customers, to cover the cost of the electricity Con Ed buys from suppliers, according to a Con Ed spokesperson, Alphonso Quiroz.

The increase may not be the last. The Public Service Commission today is hearing the matter of a requested increase in Con Edison’s Delivery Charge by $1.225 billion to help pay for infrastructure improvements.

Jim Denn, press spokesperson for the New York State Public service Commission told WPCNR, “The PSC regulates only the Delivery Cost, not the commodity cost, which reflects the change in the price of fuel.”

PSC Does Not Look at Suppliers’ Cost. Federal Government Does.

Asked if the Public Service Commission looked at Con Edison suppliers to assure they are passing along fair increases in the price of fuel to generate Con Edison electricity, Denn said the Public Service Commission did not oversee suppliers (creators of electric power), that they only acted in advisory capacity. He said the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission oversaw suppliers. He said he would followup with WPCNR to explain in more detail how the PSC participated in FERC regulation of supplier costs.

Denn noted that coincidently on this very day (Monday) the Public Service Commission was taking up approval of Con Edison’s most recent rate case, the request for increase in the Delivery Charge

More to Come?

The cost of the Delivery Charge per Kilowatthour this year has gone down 2 cents from 7 cents/kwh to 5 cents/kwh. However this still leaves the customer with a net 40% increase in their kilowatthour charge between the two usage charges (Supply Charge and Delivery Charge) that are calculated on kilowatt hours used.

Quiroz , speaking for Con Edison said the costs are passed on directly by Con Edison from the suppliers. He said Con Ed does not mark them up. Asked what was responsible for the 57% increase in supplier costs, Alphonse said it was “Due to other forces around the world and that’s (Con Edison) buying on the market.”

WPCNR asked Quiroz if Con Edison was attempting to use the least expensive suppliers and sources of electricity. He said he would find out and call WPCNR back.

School District Pays Less

The City School District, according to its Business Office is required by law to buy its power from the New York Power Authority, which WPCNR was told had lower rates for electricity.  The District will present its budget tonight in a public hearing called for a 4% increase in Utilities in its present Draft Budget of $184.8 Million. 

Curious, WPCNR  asked New York Power Authority Press Spokesperson Michael Saltzman where the New York Power Authority gets its electricity. He said they make it themselves and buy it from suppliers. He said he would get the cost per kilowatt hour the Power Authority charges for supply. Asked if the Power Authority uses different suppliers from Con Edison, he did not know.  He said he would get a list of energy suppliers the Power Authority uses, and how much their kilowatt hour prices had gone up.

County Does Not Monitor Electricity Makers

 The county, with the possible exception of Indian Point, does not monitor suppliers of electric power and their costs. Donna Green, a spokesperson for the Westchester County Department of Communications said the county does not maintain a list of electricity suppliers, and does not monitor their prices.

Regarding the Con Edison rate increase request in the delivery charge, County Executive Andrew Spano testified strongly against the Con Edison request  for an increase in the Delivery Charge in January, in a letter to Westchester consumers he wrote:

The proposal from Con Edison calls for an increase of approximately 33% on the delivery portion of its bills in the first year alone.  This would apply to all electric residential customers as well as businesses, non-profits, and governments in the Con Edison territory—irrespective of whether electricity is purchased from some other supplier.  Undoubtedly, this will have a huge impact on the electric bills that your business, school, and government agency will receive beginning April 1st.  …….

I believe this is the largest rate increase ever proposed by Con Edison—a company that already has the highest electricity rates of any investor-owned utility in the continental United States and one which has been plagued by outages and communications issues.  

Con Edison is now asking ratepayers to pay a cumulative increase of more than 60% in delivery fees over three years when the general inflation rate is approximately 2% a year.  By no measure is this “just and reasonable,” the standard the PSC has long used in setting new rates.  Conventional wisdom says that the PSC will reduce the requested rate, but I believe that nothing less than an 80% reduction is acceptable. (Frankly, no increase is acceptable but under PSC guidelines, utilities are allowed a “reasonable rate of return.”)

Doubling the Bill.

Viewed in the knowledge that the pass-along increase is 40% net and 57% overall, Con Edison is looking at a virtual doubling of the rates if the PSC approves the Delivery Charge in addition to the pass-along ability Con Edison has already quietly passed on to Westchester and New York area consumers.

Con Edison Profits Up.

Con Edison reported to shareholders earnings of $3.49 per share in 2007, compared to $2.96 per share in 2006.

This Saturday, Con Edison will pay a  58 cents per share dividend to common stockholders.

This is the 34th consecutive annual increase in the annual dividend for the Con Edison common stockholder.  Robert Hoglund, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer stated in January that the dividend “reflects our commintment to offering a tangible reward to those who have invested in our company for the benefit of our customers, while retaining the balance of our earnings to reinvest in our system.”

The news release announcing the dividend notes, “After the New York Public Service Commission’s ruling in Con Edison of New York’s pending electric rate case, which is expected in late March 2008, the company intends to issue its forecast of 2008 earnings.

The announcement of the kilowatt hour increase in the service charge was not noticeable in the January Con Edison bill, nor was it announced in the media, or by any Con Edison press release to this reporter’s knowledge

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Spitzer Linked to Prostitution in Fed Tape. Apologizes- to Take Time With Family

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WPCNR ALBANY ROUNDS. From Wire Reports. March 10, 2008: The New York Times reported today  Governor Eliot Spitzer of New York was heard on a Federal wire tap arranging to meet with a high priced prostitute in Washington D.C. last month The recording was made by federal investigators in the course of their investigation of  a high-priced call girl ring, identified as the Emperors Club VIP. The governor is reported to have told his closest aids of his being implicated in the wiretap, and this information was leaked to The New York Times which published the information ontheir website early this afternoon.

According to WCBS Radio correspondent Irene Cornell broadcast on NewsRadio 88, according to the court papers, Mr. Spitzer (identified as Client # 9 on the wiretap tape) spent two hours with a prostitute in Washington D.C., on Valentine’s Day, and paid her  $4,800 cash for her services. Cornell reported the Governor had been under investigation since last summer in regards to “a money trail,” involving Emperors Club. 

Governor Eliot Spitzer on Day One: His Inaugural Day.January 1, 2007

Today, (Day 435) he apologized to the State and his family.


In a news conference at 2:15 PM today, Governor Spitzer apologized for acting in a way that violated his obligations to the people of New York and his family.  He said he would be spending time with his family. The quote:


“In my eight years as attorney general and one as governor, I tried to uphold a vision of progressive politics that would rebuild New York and create opportunity for all.

“We sought to bring real change to New York and that will continue. Today, I want to briefly address a private matter. I have acted in a way that violates my obligations to my family and it violates my, or any sense of right and wrong. I apologize first, and most importantly to my family. I apologize to the public whom I promised better. I do not believe that politics in the long run is about individuals. It is about ideas, the public good, and doing what is best for the state of New York.  But I’ve dissappointed and failed to live up to the standard I expected of myself.

I must now dedicate some time to regain the trust of my family.  will not be taking questions. Thank you very much. I will report back to you in short order.”


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Not One More Tree.

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WPCNR GLOBAL GAZETTE. News & Comment by Smokey The Bear as told to John Bailey.  March 10, 2008: As the Renaissance of White Plains stalls in its tracks because of developers approved for projects not being willing to proceed because of tight money or fear the projects will not fillup with buyers, only one development is undergoing the approval process – The Venue. The chi-chi mall proposal for Bloomingdale Road.

Smokey Says — Only You Can Prevent Global Warming in White Plains and The Venue Would Be a Good Place to Start.

As The Venue , connected with all the right players in development in White Plains, goes before the council, and receives the usual political once-over, an important event occurred in the last month that dramatically effects it:

The County Executive’s Conference on Global Warming and his lofty goal of reducing carbon dioxide emissions in the county by 20% by 2015 and 80% by 2050.

A tree breathes carbon dioxide through its leaves and turns it into oxygen through photosynthesis (thank you, eighth grade Biology!). So, for every tree development cuts down, the developer instantly ups the carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere increasing global warming.

In any consideration of developments in the future, if the county and each of its towns and cities is serious about cutting emissions, and the County Executive is not just whistling a public relations tune on global warming (which he, the District Attorney, and others have been known to do so in the past – remember the gang initiative?) .

Every tree cut down by a proposed development has to be replaced perhaps with two new trees, or three or 30 – somewhere, whatever the immature tree to the mature tree ratio of carbon dioxide reduction meets . Otherwise, the global warming initiative of the County Executive cannot hope to succeed.


Arborcide Assault Escalates Global Warming.

In another intriguing development plans were referred to departments for The Venue a 15 store plus restaurant shopping center at 120 Bloomingdale Road, across the way from Bloomingdale’s department store. It is described as a 46,000 square foot retail development to go on the parking lot of the former Nestle building (currently the offices of the New York State Department of Labor). The site is shown above, across from the entrance of Bloomingdale’s, looking West. The shopping center would be built on the parking lot.

So, in addition to its Environmental review, White Plains should apply a new standard – the global warming impact review  – to consider approval of The Venue.

Last August, the school district “accidently” cut down about a hundred trees at its high school on a whim. They are now replacing those trees.

The Venue development is going to take away a good 100 trees. That’s a lot of carbon dioxide. On this basis alone The Venue should be denied – if you’re serious about global warming carbon dioxide reduction.

The city should as part of any Special Permit granted charge The Venue developers a fee to replant trees around the city to replace the trees they destroy. However the fee should be proportionate – replacing the number of young trees needed to replace the mature tree carbon dioxide removal capacity.

Is this unreasonable?

I do not think so – if the Democrat Common Council is serious about following through on their idol Andrew Spano’s refreshing global warming initiative.

Let’s do it, Common Council.

Let’s make The Venue developers our poster child for responsible development in the new era of the County Executive’s Global Warming initiative. Development that develops without contributing to the end of our planet.


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The Run, Part 2: White Plains Run to their 4th Gold Ball in 4 Years

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WPCNR COURTSIDE. By “Rims” Sheehan. March 9, 2008 Part 2 of 2 Parts: Mount Vernon (MV) had a 21-1 record, had beaten WP twice in the regular season, was ranked the #2 girls team in the State, had averaged 75 points a game in the playoffs and had three star players – guard Taylor Palmer, forward Kwinyatta Mercer and center Nadia Duncan – all of whom could easily score in double figures.  WP had already over achieved by getting to the County Center and getting to the finals.  Should they just be happy to take their picture at center court and try not to look bad against the top ranked Lady Knights?

Here’s the story of that game.

Another Photograph for the Wall

Photos by Tim Sheehan

But coming this far emboldened the Tigers, who knew that they had three good defenders (Tharkur, Hayward and Aguirre) to try and stop the MV big three scoring machine, while the other starters (Rexhepi and Fields) could also keep the MV 4th and 5th scorers in check as well.  Then WP brought out its good luck charm, former WP star and present Penn basketball player, Kim Adams (below), who traveled from Quaker land to the County Center to cheer her team on.

Once A Tiger, always a Tiger: Kim Adams, now playing for Penn, leader of last year’s Champions lent her support.

                MV came out hard and gave WP a taste of its own medicine, with a tough man to man defense and a trap press that reminded me of the choking defense that Nottingham used in the first half of the State championship 3 years ago. But WP defense did make MV work for its shots at the other end, and Angelei Aguirre slashed her way to the hole enough to get WP back into the game.  Then WP took the lead at half 19 -16 and the County center was abuzz with the smell of upset, particularly because basketball aficionados knew that a low scoring game favored underdog White Plains.

WP’s Aguirre, Tharkur and Heywood did a great job of limiting the MV big 3 to just one quarter of good offense (Duncan had 7 in 2d Q, Mercer had 7 in 3d Q and Palmer had 5 in 2d) each, which prevented an offensive explosion that all in the house knew MV was capable of. Significantly, MV’s Mercer and Palmer hit their 3’s on open looks but those were limited and they did not shoot well with a WP hand in their face the rest of the time, all of which led to the lowest scoring output (40) for the MV season.

WP scoring was kept alive by Aguirre’s all world performance during the first three quarters but she was finally outscored by her team in the 4th Quarter, with Rexhepi scoring her only 5 points at crucial times, including a dagger 3 pointer with 1:33 left to give WP some breathing room.  MV’s press started to fall apart as Valde Hayward began to dribble up the sideline and Angelei Aguirre could not be stopped, as she scored 33 points.

All in all, a great upset win and an unprecedented 4th consecutive gold ball for a Cinderella WP team, which leads to a team celebration at midcourt and a television interview for Angelei Aguirre (see below)

The Gold Ball Back in the Tiger Den


Ms Aguirre Interviewing with News12 Sports Anchor Walt Fowler



March 4, 2008 at New Paltz vs. Kingston

Section 9 champion Kingston, who beat WP in the regional finals last year, lost star Lindsey Timbrouk but kept point guards Rachel Coffey and Amanda Horvers, one a lightening quick point guard and the other a deadly 3 point shooter.  After shutting down the high powered MV offensive stars, did the WP lady Tigers have enough gas in the tank on one day’s rest to deal with the Kingston backcourt duo? 

The game started off sluggishly for WP, who trailed 12-4 after the first quarter (Shelby Fields had the four points for WP) and 27-16 at half, though Angelei Aguirre scored all 12 points for WP and it seemed that they might shake off the cobwebs for the second half. 

In the second half, WP’s lackluster play continued at both ends of the court.  Coffey was slicing her way through the WP defense and Horvers was left open too often for her trademark 3 pointer.   On offense, WP could not respond when Kingston packed the zone against Angelei Aguirre and dared the other WP players to shoot the ball. 

 Unfortunately, WP’s best outside shooter, Danika Rexhepi was stone cold and didn’t score until the 4th quarter.  With no outside threat to stretch the Kingston defense, the Kingston packed-in zone prevented Angelei from penetrating and forced her to take off balance shots from farther out.

Coach Adams Center Encourages one More Tiger Rally

However, WP dug down and came back, closing the gap to 7 points with just over 4 minutes left.  Angelei launched a 3 pointer that just missed and Danika threw up 2 more that went “in and out” – any of which could have cut the gap.  The bottom line was that WP players just ran out of gas and could not sustain another grueling man to man defensive effort on such short rest.

One silver lining to playing the game was the fact that Angelei Aguirre scored her 1000th High School point in the game and had a chance to pose with her family after the game.

Ultimately, the regional loss did nothing to tarnish WP’s improbable playoff run which resulted in an unexpected and unprecedented 4th Gold Ball.  Congratulations to the players and Coaches Adams, Flooks and Owen for a job well done.




Mark Aguirre with his daughter Angelei and Family — Ms. Angelei’s 33 point performance against Mount Vernon — when she was being triple teamed and MV could not stop her — was Jordaneaque! It was one of the great individual performances you will ever see and those who saw it unfold will never forget it.


Next year, coming back, the Tigers will have junior Shelby Fields (who improved greatly despite only playing basketball for a few months — she shut down Ursuline’s Sferra and North Rockland’s Mary Abram with great defense, and junior Bree Bradley (who did not play in the playoffs due to illness), plus sophomore Mishara Aguirre (she’s at far left in photo above ) as a nucleus. They also have some potentially good freshman guards coming in and, just like this year, might do much better than expected.

 The win over MV this year was as big an upset as the Jets over the Colts in Super bowl 3!  

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Condo Heads Oppose 18 Cell Antenna Deal at 30 Lake. Seek Forum to Stop Deal.

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WPCNR WHITE PLAINS WIRED. By John F. Bailey March 8, 2008: A meeting called by owners of condominiums at 30 Lake Street enlisting the aid of other Condominium building Presidents in the city, has raised indignant opposition to a contract where Verizon would install 18 cell phone antennas on the roof of 30 Lake Street. The residents of 30 Lake Street and the representatives of two other condominium apartments in the area were seeking a public forum to vent the safety issues of cellphone antenna concentration in the downtown and in close proximity to Eastview School, the middle school.

No “Cell-Out” Just Yet. Residents of 30 Lake Street and two Condominium Presidents of neighboring buildings discuss the 18-cell antennas proposed for the Lake Street building. (Adjacent to Clayton Park, in the immediate vicinity of Eastview School.

At the meeting Saturday morning, two condominium Presidents chided the 30 Lake Street Condominium Board for not presenting both sides of the cellphone radiation health effects to the Lake Street residents. The two Presidents also resented that the Lake Street building had not informed them of the plan to increase (by 18 antennas) the amount of cell transmissions beaming across the city at their buildings. It was made clear at the meeting that federal communications law did not allow towns and cities to deny cell antenna locations for health reasons.

At the meeting, Drago asked the Lake Street board if they would put the matter of whether to go ahead with the installation to a vote of the entire ownership. A member of the board said the board would not comment until they spoke to the Board’s lawyers.  At this point the matter of a condominium owner wide referendum on the cell phone arrangement appeared moot.

The President of the Board said they had used a city consultant to evaluate whether the antennas were safe, and they had been assured it was. He said the board had referred residents to websites for further information. This did not go over well with two condominium presidents of other buildings in the city. One termed this information gather “absolutely ludicrous.”

Robert Marshall, a resident of 30 Lake Street, speaking with WPCNR noted that his concern was with risk assessment to future condo value, possible future health risks that might be discovered. He said that the matter was in the process of applying for a permit to build the antennas.

 Steve Drago, a 30 Lake Street resident, who has lead the opposition to the plan where the Lake Street building would receive $40,000 a year for 25 years in return for the antenna installation, called the meeting, and invited Councilman Glen Hockley to observe.  Drago noted that though the 25 year deal was irrevokable and the contract signed by the Board, he felt that if enough community opposition surfaced, Verizon may back off the deal.

Bill Palmer, President of the 30 Lake Street Condominium Board denied his board had not conducted appropriate due diligence, noting that the deal had been planned for a decade, and only now that the organization had gone ahead with the project, had opposition surfaced.


Coucilman Hockley will lobby for a forum if Mayor does not.`


Councilman Glen Hockley  addressing the meeting said that if the Mayor of the city, Joseph Delfino was not inclined to pursue a public forum on the perceived threat to health of the cell antennas,  he would attempt to join with another member of the Common Council to place such a hearing on the council agenda. Hockley said he would only intervene if the Mayor was not inclined to pursue the matter. Hockley said there was conflicting information on the safety or non-safety of cell antennas from what he had discovered.

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The Run: White Plains Girls Never-to-be-Forgotten Run to the 4th Gold Ball

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WPCNR COURTSIDE. By “Rims” Sheehan. March 8, 2008: The White Plains Lady Tigers loss to Kingston in the Regional Semifinals Tuesday night in New Paltz did nothing to diminish the Cinderella season turned in by this fine group of student athletes. A recap of this amazing season and the improbable run through the playoffs that resulted in an unprecedented 4th consecutive Gold Ball (Section 1 Championship), won at the County Center, when White Plains knocked off the Number 2 team in the State Rankings, the Mount Vernon Lady Knights. Here is the first of a two–part recap of another season to remember:

How About That?  The 2008 Section 1 Basketball Champions.

Photos by Tim Sheehan.




Going into the playoffs, White Plains draws a 10 seed based upon a 10-10 record that mixed some quality wins with some head scratching losses.  Nonetheless, the team improved from its opening game loss to Maria Regina and under the tutelage of Coaches Sue Adams, Debbie Flooks and Laura Owen, and late season rematches with Section powerhouses Ursuline and Mt. Vernon – though losses – were much closer games.  In fact, WP was leading MV by a point with less than a minute left and was the only team to hold the high scoring Lady Knights under 50 points in the regular season.




February 15 at John Jay East Fishkill vs. #7 seed Patriots

I had a tear in my eye as I entered the “Skip Ransom” gym where I once played high school ball.  It was easy to root against the alma matter when they came down to play WP in the regular season – won by WP – but it would be tougher to do that here.  WP’s early season win against JJEF was fueled by the emergence of two defensive stars for WP, as senior Simone Tharkur smothered JJEF scoring ace Caitlynn Moran and sophomore Shelby Fields stifled JJEF’s lefty center Kristin McIntyre.  Could WP hold JJEF’s “M & M” girls off in their home gym on the rematch?


Where’s 44?


The answer was yes, as WP mixed man to man coverage with match up zone to take a 3 point lead at halftime.  In the second half, the defense concentrated on stopping JJEF’s Moran (#44).  Even the traveling Tiger rooters, notably including former NBA superstar Mark Aguirre, were attuned to the whereabouts of #44.  Aguirre’s booming voice – “Don’t lose #44, Stay on her – could be heard all over the gym.  At one point, it seemed that Moran turned around to find out who was calling out her number from the stands.




By the third quarter, WP had an 8 point lead.  WP senior Angelei Aguirre was humming along at both ends of the court, assisted on offense by a high/low post setup with Shelby Fields.  This created space for Aguirre in the low blocks and she scored 36 points to lead WP to a first round upset of the lower seeded Patriots.  JJEF’s Moran had 21 points but Kristin McIntyre (seen guarding Aguirre, below) was held to just 8 points.





February 20, at Number 2 seed Ursuline


Though Ursuline beat WP twice in the regular season, the second game was much closer and it is said that it is tough to beat the same team 3 times in one season.  This fueled the Tigers as they invaded the cramped Ursuline gym looking for both redemption and revenge.


It was a tight fought game for the first half and though Ursuline star Shelby Sferra was forced to the bench early in the second quarter, Ursuline was still ahead by 5 points when WP star Angelei Aguirre was whistled for her second foul with less than 2 minutes left in the half.  With Aguirre forced to grab some bench, Ursuline had to feel pretty good and seemed poised to add to their lead.  However, instead of folding without their star scorer, WP scored a couple of quick hoops, the last on a nice drive by Valde Hayward, and took a one point lead going into the locker room that stunned the Ursuline crowd.

In the third quarter, Ursuline focused too much of their defense on stopping Aguirre, who found open teammates as easily as he hits her pull up jumper.  She fed teammates Shelby Fields and Valde Hayward for layups and outside shooter Danika Rexhempi hit some key buckets as well as the WP Tiger scoring was spread out rather nicely and WP maintained its slim lead going into the 4th quarter.

A key sequence occurred with about 4 minutes left in the 4th quarter, with WP trying to extend a 5 point lead and Ursuline trying to get back into the game. Shelby Fields missed a short shot, two Ursuline defenders seemingly had the rebound scooped up and all other players headed up the Court. All except one—WP’s Simone Tharkur—who poked the ball loose, scrambled to snare it and instead of waiting for her teammates to come back for help, went right back up to the hole and got fouled. She converted a foul shot to extend the lead and Ursuline just could not get it together after that.

Ripping the Koalas at the Charity Stripe

Ursuline was forced to foul WP for the last 3 minutes of the game in order to try and get the ball back.  WP hit enough of their foul shots (see above) and stopped Ursuline from getting open three point shots and secured the next upset win 62-54.  Moreover, Shelby Fields stopped Ursuline star Shelby Fields from dominating inside and Valde Hayward and Simone Tharkur stopped Ursuline guards from driving or spotting up for easy 3 point shots.  Aguirre led the Tigers with 23 points while Valde Hayward scored 13. 

On to the County Center for a 4th straight year!


 February 28 at the County Center against #6 seed North Rockland

North Rockland beat WP in the regular season, had Division I player Mary Abrams and two other girls over 6 feet tall and scored 78 points in its quarterfinals upset of #5 seed Ossining.


Raiders Stymied by the Women in Black

The first quarter was low scoring for both sides as they got used to the much larger confines and crowds of the County  Center.  Using a suffocating man to man defense, with an occasional zone, the Tigers began pressuring the NR guards and made it difficult for them to get the ball inside to their tall low post players. 

 By halftime, WP had opened up a 9 point lead 29-15.  Angelei Aguirre had 16 for WP while NR star Mary Abrams had only  2 points.  In the third quarter, WP scored 9 points but the story of the quarter was the Tiger defense, which completely shut out NR, who scored ZERO POINTS.        

North Rockland scored a couple of three pointers in the closing minutes to make it somewhat closer but WP prevailed 41 to 29.  Angelei Aguirre had 18, while Danika Rexhepi had 17 points for the victorious Tigers.  Amazingly, NR star Abrams never scored again after her first bucket!

 (Tommorrow: The Championship Round)

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Push In on Coolidge. 3 Charged. Key Officers in Arrests Saluted for Their Work.

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WPCNR POLICE GAZETTE. UPDATED 5 PM EST, MARCH 7, 2008: Police are investigating the motives behind a home invasion on Coolidge Avenue off Soundview Avenue Wednesday night. According to Deputy Commissioner of Public Safety Daniel Jackson. Thursday afternoon police announced three suspects had been apprehended and charged with burglary in the first degree and criminal possession of a weapon.


“On Coolidge, two subjects pushed their way into the home, which was occupied by a woman and her children. Both subjects were armed. The woman was able to call us and we responded. The two subjects were apprehended in the area and two handguns were recovered. There may have been another subject who remained outside that fled the area. MTA, County, and Greenburgh canines assisted, as well as the helicopter. Motive under investigation. Both subjects were from the Bronx.”

White Plains police officers Hart, Ford, Bucci, Kearny, Carenas and Suben pursued the subjects. Officers Hart and Ford arrested Juan Polanco and recovered a Ruger 45 caliber handgun.  Shortly thereafter, Metropolitan Transportation Authority Police Lieutenant Kerwick and his K-9 “Hero”arrested Carlos Mercado and recovered a Smith & Wesson 40 caliber handgun. The third subject, Leo Sosa, surrendered yesterday.

At a news conference Thursday aftertoon, Commissioner of Public Safety Dr. Frank Straub announced that three suspects had been taken into custody.  Two suspects were apprehended Wednesday night as described  in the vicinity of 20 Coolidge Avenue, a home owned by the Sanchez Family. Straub said the suspects and the Sanchez family members knew each other, and this figured into why the break-in was attempted. A third suspect surrendered voluntary this morning.

Deputy Commissioner of Public Safety Daniel Jackson said the Sanchez family owned bodegas in the Port Chester vicinity that  offered ATM machines. Straub said the family a business known to deal with a lot of cash and speculated this was why the brother, sister and sister’s son who were in the house at the time of the push-in were targeted.  The suspects have been charged with Burglary in the First Degree and Criminal Possession of a Weapon. The guns recovered from the scene are being processed, Straub said, by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and County labs at this time.

Straub said the sister hid in the bathroom when the suspects first entered the home at gunpoint, and dialed 911 at 10: 11 PM.. Straub said White Plains units arrived within two minutes and secured a perimeter, and the Greenburgh and County Police came in to assist. 

At which point two suspects fled the house, one surrendering, and another fled into the night, eventually being apprehended and  secured by the MTA (not Greenburgh as first reported) Canine Officer and his dog.

The Police Dog cornered  and kept the suspect at bay until  the  Greenburgh officer secured the suspect, while in communication with a Westchester County Department of Public Safety helicopter hovering overhead “lighting up the scene.” The officer informed the helicopter he was affecting an arrest, and Deputy Commissioner Jackson said, the officer’s assurances he was in control relayed to the helicopter kept the officer from harm thanks to the seamless communication with them.

Commissioner Straub thanked the Town of Greenburgh Police Department, the MTA Police,  the County Police Department for working with the WPPD in such harmony and coordination. Mayor Joseph Delfino thanked all the officers involved for their performance.

Action in the Afternoon

Commissioner Jackson also provided these details on the high speed chase along the Cross Westchester Expressway Wednesday afternoon through White Plains in a seperate scenario: “The chase was initiated in Yonkers by Yonkers PD. It ended in the Garetson/Chadwick area. We assisted in the search which resulted in two apprehensions. There were several accidents during the chase. At least 1 on Westchester Ave. Apparently, the incident was drug related. Yonkers has the details on the arrest.”


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