“Uncommon Council” OKs NYPH Development With Controls. Calls for Land Talks.

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WPCNR Common Council Chronicle-Examiner. By John F. Bailey. August 7, 2003: The Common Council 6-1 decision early Tuesday morning approved development of a six story biomedical research and proton accelerator cancer treatment center to be built on an interior site on New York Presbyterian Hospital below Bloomingdale’s. Councilpersons each had their reasons for approving the project that they eloquently expressed.

Gavel to Gavel video tape converage of this historic decision can be seen this evening beginning at 5 PM on Government Access Channel 72 within White Plains city limits.

MY GOAL IS TO CHANGE THE MIND OF THE COUNCIL said Councilman William King as he began his public commentary just prior to Tuesday morning’s historic vote. The Common Council listens to Councilman William King, (far right), surrounded by books, charts, index cards and a dictionary, as the Councilman attempted to persuade three of his colleagues to turn down the NYPH project. A 5-vote majority was needed because the site is environmentally sensitive. Note Council Chamber Official Clock is not correct.
Photo by WPCNR

Council Continues to Hold the Reins.

The stunning decision enables the city to retain control over the scope and nature of hospital development. At the same time, its environmental findings provide the hospital a definition of what development the city will accept and how it will accept it on other sites on the property.

This was how Common Council President, Benjamin Boykin described and analyzed the impact of the Council’s historic vote to reporters after the vote was taken.

Shocker in the Night.

The resolution approving the project was approved by voice vote after Councilman William King spoke for fifty minutes from 12:42 A.M. to 1:32 A.M., attempting to change the minds of Glen Hockley, Tom Roach, Robert Greer, Rita Malmud and Mr. Boykin on the resolution

After the longest-running, tumultuous and emotional public hearings in recent memory was closed at 12:30 A.M. Tuesday morning, Mayor Joseph Delfino invited the members of the Common Council to express their positions on the issue.

THE KING FILIBUSTER: William King, praised at various times by opponents of the project for his opposition to the plan, who this weekend revealed to The Journal News the voting intentions of his colleagues, attempted to change his colleagues’ minds.
Photo by WPCNR

King discoursed for 50 minutes, saying “My goal is to change the mind of the council,” citing four reasons:

1.)the resolution violated the single family zoning now permitted on the site.

2.) The New York Presbyterian Hospital Master Plan calls for more biotech structures.

3.) It conflicts with zoning.

4.) Site 8 is the least desirable site (in his opinion).

King said the hospital “did not really consider” as a site, the land he suggested, a “Site 9” located behind the Memorial Methodist Church off Bryant Avenue. He elaborated at length on the feasibility, in his opinion, of this site, pointing out that it could be entered through St. Agnes Hospital, and St. Agnes could also supply parking.

King is All Over It.

The dissenting Councilman said approving the project as proposed, disregarded the element of housing he said would be needed on the property to house what he described as “low paid” research workers.

He criticized the architecture of the proposed six-story building on Site 8, that would house the biotech structure and proton accelerator, saying it did not “mesh” well with the historic architecture on the hospital oval.

He attacked the conclusion of the resolution that the usage would be “ancillary,” questioned the safety of the proton accelerator, using the thickness of the concrete walls as evidence that it was unsafe, and expressed doubts the proton accelerator would ever be built due to New York State budget problems.

He also read specific sections of the zoning code which, in his opinion, the resolution violated. He maintained the city Master Plan adopted in 1997, characterized the hospital property as “quasi public” and drew from that the resolution before the council violated this spirit.

Reads letters from public.

King read extensively from letters of comment sent in by citizens against the project. He warned that approving the resolution, the council was approving “de facto” acceptance of the hospital master plan for the entire site, which he felt was operating in an “arbitrary and capricious manner.”

Moratorium called for. Westchester County Planning Board Renders No Opinion to Date.

He concluded by calling for a moratorium on New York Presbyterian Hospital development , suggesting a land swap with the hospital be arranged with Westchester County or New York State, and that he would like to hear from the Westchester County Planning Board about what they think of the project.

Though sent documents detailing the hospital proposal and resolution, the Westchester County Planning Board has not commented as of Monday evening on whether they approved or disapprove of the project, according to Mr. King.

“I’d like to say slow down, let’s not be herded to a judgment,” King said in his last remark at 1:32 A.M. The 25 or sow remaining in the audience gave him a round of applause.

HOCKLEY’S WALK-ABOUTS TELL HIM MR. AND MRS. WHITE PLAINS ARE NOT AGAINST THE PROJECT: Councilman Glen Hockley said in less than five minutes that he felt the council had considered the project and built in safeguards. He said that in his weekly “Walk-Abouts” in which he walks the neighborhoods of the city, discussing city issues with residents, he has found the most citizens are not against the project, even are “mostly for” the project.
Photo by WPCNR

Glen Hockley discussed his position next, saying he felt the council had reviewed the project, built in safe guards within the resolution, and he would vote to approve it.

Mr. Hockley had been called out of the Council meeting at 10:30 PM, being informed of an emergency involving his wife, which he and his wife wished not to discuss. Mrs. Hockley told WPCNR she was fine after the council meeting had ended. Mr. Hockley, exercising his “sunchin” (focus) after learning his wife was safe, returned to his post on the council and completed the historic evening under strain. WPCNR has learned from a reliable source the matter had nothing to do with the resolution under discussion.

COUNCILMAN GREER DEFUSES ANCILLARY USE ISSUE: Councilman Robert Greer said he was “torn between great beauty” in considering the issue. He said Michael Gerrard, the city environmental lawyer had advised the council “that an ancillary use could be both ancillary and major at the same time.”
Photo by WPCNR

Mr. Greer lauded the resolution for its retaining “control” of the project. He said the Council built safeguards into the resolution, retaining the right to approve or deny Biotech Level 3 research to the hospital, prohibiting Levels 4 & 5, and that safety procedures permit Level 3 research in Manhattan, a much more crowded place than White Plains.

City Hospital Leaders Rebuffed by Resolution Guidelines.

The Council’s retention of right of approval of what the hospital does, rejects concerns of leaders of White Plains Hospital, Burk Hospital and St. Agnes Hospital expressed in the last three weeks to the Common Council, that the council was interjecting itself in the management and mission of hospitals.

Expects a Dialogue. Wants to Develop Master Plan with the Hospital, Address Zoning on All City Hospital Property.

Councilman Greer said the resolution begged the question that the city had to look at all hospital zoning in the city:

“Our major concerns have been dealt with in the resolution. We’re not thinking if this is approved, if it happens, it is an opportunity for the city to work with the (New York Presbyterian) Hospital to update their Master Plan, developing a clear understanding of what the hospital is planning on doing,” Greer said. “It’s time for us to go ahead with this project.”

Greer added that the city would also expect to address zoning ordinances governing all hospital properties in the city.

ROACH REFUSES TO LITIGATE TO MAKE A POINT: Responding to Lewis Trippett’s advice “not to be afraid of lawyers,” Tom Roach said that the easiest thing for him to do politically would be to say “No” to the project.
Photo by WPCNR

Councilman Thomas Roach, stepped to the plate next, and expressed that, he being new to the issue, “The cards had already been dealt and I was forced to deal with the hand before me, and I’ve done the best I can with that.”

Roach said one thing was certain, “We don’t own it (the NYPH property), and they’re entitled to make use of this property in conformance with our land-use laws.”

Roach commented on his attitude towards litigation, and the threat of being sued if the city should turn down the resolution for the hospital facility: “I have no fear of litigation, but I don’t take to litigation to make a point. A large majority makes a point. Another group of people not coming to the meeting, they elect you and you’re going to make a reasonable finding.”

He characterized that the hospital and the city are “essentially on a war-footing. The easy thing for me is to just say “No.” Because they are under the law they have the legal right to proceed with this project.”

MALMUD SAYS RESOLUTION RETAINS CONTROL ON HOSPITAL PROJECT IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST: Councilperson Rita Malmud says the Findings Resolution protects the residents of the city.
Photo by WPCNR

Councilwoman Rita Malmud noted that she has long opposed development on the hospital property and had been in the lead for years on preserving open space. She said the resolution up for approval improved the hospital’s proposal because it had teeth in it, stipulating,

1.)There would be no commercial activity of any kind on the property.

2.) The project the hospital is considering is not a commercial venture.

3.) The biotech/proton accelerator building has been moved to an interior site.

4.) Bryant Avenue is closed to all hospital traffic, except for emergencies.

5.) The number of trees removed has been reduced.

6.) Safety Officers with backup officers will be on duty at all times in the labs.

7.) The nature of research will be subject to Common Council Approval (Level 3 has to be approved, Levels 4 & 5 prohibited).

Malmud Expects Issue of Hospital Land to be Discussed.

Ms. Malmud noted that no tree-cutting should take place “until all permits are in place.” Then she added a hope:

“The broader issue of hospital land use should be discussed in the very near future. We need to re-evaluate. This Council’s work should not end tonight.”

COUNCIL PRESIDENT BOYKIN CALLS FOR A NEW DIRECTION IN CASTING FIFTH VOTE PUTS RESOLUTION IN A NEW PERSPECTIVE: In his remarks at approximately 2:10 A.M. Tuesday morning, Councilman Boykin said why he was voting to approve the project, he also called for discussions on land for a park.
Photo by WPCNR

Councilman Benjamin Boykin, casting the fifth and decisive vote, passing the project, and giving the New York Presbyterian Hospital approval for the project, eloquently stated the hospital’s opportunity to develop a new relationship with the city, saying,

“The discussion over this project has sparked much passion from various individuals and organizations. The range of discussion has gone from absolutely no development on this property to those who say that this is private property and the applicant has the right to develop it. It has been, and it will continue to be, my attempt to find some middle ground where everyone has given something up, but in return, everyone benefits because we have more than we started with.”

Saying “No” to the project would be the easy political choice:

“Some individuals have advocated that we just say no – reject the project and move on. Do not allow any development on this property. The hospital, under its current R1-12.5 zoning, can build about 490 single-family houses on their property. They could, in theory, start this development tomorrow. The status quo is therefore residential development.”

SEQRA Review prohibits massive development of property in future. Kills Hospital Master Plan.

Boykin said the environmental review of the hospital project set standards indicating what the city feels can be built on the hospital, and informs the hospital what they can propose in the future:

“…the right of private property ownership carries with it the public responsibility to be considerate of your neighbor and sensitive to the environment. In the environmental process for this application, the Council has built a public record that will prevent massive development of this property. Therefore, most of the conceptual master plan information presented early in this process will never happen. We must make sure through legislation and the forming of new relationships with the hospital, that community concerns are considered and addressed for this property.”

Boykin: Council decides use is ancillary. Mechanism in place to collect taxes if appropriate.

The Council President said, “While there is no definition of ancillary use, this council has wrestled with this issue and decided that the proposed medical use is ancillary. In addition, any medical research done at the White Plains Campus of NYPH must be connected with the hospital activities at this location. There will not be any labs for the production of items for distribution. Commercial activity on this site is strictly prohibited…We have placed language in the Environmental Findings Statement to allow the Assessor to collect the appropriate information to make the tax status determination.”

City assures residents their water rates will not go up with this project.

Boykin went on record as saying, “this project will not increase water rates for our residents,” and that Con Edison “has stated they can handle the increased electrical burden with the current or reconstructed substations.”

Boykin asserts city could lose control of its fate, if city goes to court.

In response to the suggestion that the city vote No and confront hospital attorneys in court in an Article 78 action, Boykin put the matter into consideration:

“I am concerned that if we deny this application, the city may lose control of our special permit and zoning rights and the courts will determine the fate of this project. This would be the worse of all situations for the residents of White Plains. I believe the project to Site 8, the closing of the Bryant Avenue Entrance and imposing detailed conditions for hospital related uses, the impact on our neighborhoods and the City of White Plains have been mitigated. Therefore I will vote to approve the Environmental Findings Statement and the Site Plan Approval for the Applicant.”

The time when Boykin finished speaking was 2:23 A.M. You could have heard a pin drop. It was all over. The hospital had its 5-1 majority.

Councilman Boykin wasn’t finished, he called for a new beginning:

“It is time for a new beginning with the hospital. I ask the hospital to immediately meet with us to address pressing community concerns. I look forward to working with the hospital to provide the residents of White Plains with public access to the beautiful property for passive as well as leisure and active recreational uses.”

Hospital officials, appearing stunned, and not quite knowing how to react to what appeared to be an unexpected victory in the opinion of those observing them, refused to comment on that statement after the meeting, other than issuing a preprinted statement, thanking the council for their approval.

MAYOR CALLS FOR A CENTRAL PARK: In his address to the Council Mayor Joseph Delfino remarked on the 25 years of hospital/city conflict, and called for finding a way to achieve finally a “Central Park for White Plains.”
Photo by WPCNR

The Mayor, his sixth vote no longer an issue, placed a benediction on the historic evening, as fitting and uplifting in this reporter’s opinion as Calvary Baptist Church’s Reverend Lester Cousins’ rousing singing of a psalm to open the Council meeting seven hours before:

The Mayor remarked on how the council had reached the evening’s predicament, chiding opposition forces for rejecting Plan A, that would have provided 60 acres of free park land, and Plan B, calling for massive development of buildings on the property two years and 19 days before.

He was not satisfied with the proposal before him: “What we have here is Plan B. It has a number of great benefits…it’s about saving the lives of our citizens.”

Mayor Says Cancer Facility is Needed Citing Deaths from the Disease.

The Mayor mentioned 50,000 persons died in 2001 of cancer, 1,500 persons a day, and 16 million persons had died of cancer since 1990, 100 million persons in the last century. The Mayor put the cost of caring for cancer victims at $157 billion in just the year 2001.

Dunphy Da Man.

The Mayor said “We really didn’t have much choice (in approving the proposal).” He praised his Corporation Counsel, Edward Dunphy, whom he described as “absolutely right on the money,” on all the legal issues, chiding the Council for rejecting referral of Plans A & B on July 17, 2000: “They heard the messenger (Dunphy) but they did not like the music.”

Kudos for the Department Heads

He thanked the city department heads, Executive Officer George Gretsas, Michael Gerrard, the Arnold & Porter environmental consultant, and Susan Habel, Commissioner of Planning, whom he described as “going above and beyond to protect the city’s interests.” Ms. Habel and her Deputy Commissioner wrote the massive, 70-page Environmental Findings Statement.

Now that the Approval is Granted, A Central Park Can Be Discussed: Delfino

The Mayor said the city and the hospital now could discuss land issues (formerly prohibited by the city’s settlement of the hospital’s lawsuit in January, 2001), and secure a “Central Park” for White Plains.

With that the Mayor asked to move the resolution, a roll call vote was taken, and the Center of Advanced Proton Therapeutics and Biotech Lab was approved by a 6-1 vote. The time was 2:32 A.M.

The UnCommon Council meeting adjourned at 2:40 A.M.

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Park Crusaders Fail to Sway Council in Marathon Last Stand.

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WPCNR Common Council Chronicle. By John F. Bailey. August 6, 2003: Twenty-seven White Plains neighborhood activists and eleven New York Presbyterian Hospital supporters took five hours Monday evening to deliver in passionate, eloquent, and poignant voices their opposition and support respectively, for the New York Presbyterian Hospital biotech/proton accelerator proposal subsequently approved by the Common Council at officially 2:32 A.M. Tuesday morning.

THE HOUSE AT 1:30 A.M.: Diehard Council watchers observing William King’s 50-minute attempt to persuade Council colleagues to turn down the New York Presbyterian Hospital project.
Photo by WPCNR

For perhaps the last time, the “Park Crusaders” who have worked for “A Central Park for White Plains” for almost a quarter of a century stalked doggedly and spiritedly to the podium delivering both eloquence and innuendo, at times pleading, at times cajoling, other times scolding the council for backing off their campaign promises.

They included Alan Teck, Barbara Benjamin, Don Wilson, Claire Eisenstadt, and were joined by concerned neighbors from the Gedney Association, Bryant Circle, neighborhoods directly affected by the hospital project. The ranks were swelled as the evening moved past midnight by persons watching on television, then coming to City Hall to speak.

The supporters included a handful of professionals employed on the White Plains New York Presbyterian Hospital campus, and some notable White Plains personalities, including former Councilman Hal Masbach, Carl Barrera, Tim Sheehan, and former Mayor Michael Keating. A last minute mailing from New York Presbyterian Hospital which arrived only Monday in White Plains mailboxes failed to bring more “in-person” support for the hospital to City Hall.

The Council meeting attracted 45 persons at its start, and had dwindled to a diehard 25 by the time the final vote was taken.

Supporters Advocate the Medical Future.

Behavorial specialists from New York Presbyterian Hospital began the reopening of the marathon public hearing in its seventh month. Dr. John Docherty, leading off for the hospital, commented how the close proximity of researchers at the proposed biomedical research facility would result in “knowledge transfer,” between doctors and researchers, a key component of progress in mental health treatment, saying “The White Plains campus is a very unique opportunity to bring these communities (treatment specialists and researchers) together.” He said treatment of depression in the elderly would be one of the hospital missions that would be facilitated by the biomedical facility.

Gail Ryder of the hospital, said, “This is a great evening. This is the next generation of health care. Thank you for reading what I know has been reams of material. This (proposed facility) is the future pace and future direction for wellness.”

Hal Masbach, of the Downtown Business Improvement District, a former Councilman, said, “It’s mind-boggling that the city fathers could consider not adding this facility (to White Plains). I’ve heard all the objections. There’s not one of these objections that’s either untrue or dealt with (in the resolution to approve).”

FORMER MAYOR ENDORSES PROJECT: Michael Keating, Mayor of White Plains for a portion of 1974 and all of 1975, addressed the Common Council, recalling the New York Presbyterian Hospital’s history of treating the mentally ill. He recalled when the hospital applied for and received approval for the Bloomingdale’s project in the mid-70s. He described that as a period of time when the hospital “had lost their way,” but now, he feels that the present project shows that they have “found their way” and that he encouraged the Council to approve the resolution.
Photo by WPCNR

Opposition centers on Zoning Change, Ancillary Use Turning into Primary Use.

After an initial sequence of supporters, the long familiar line of those opposed to the project weighed-in, one after another.

One gentleman likened the hospital proposal on the table to an orchestrated, calculated plot leading off with the worst proposal first, (locating two buildings on Bryant Avenue), then strategically withdrawing to the Site 8, 6-story one building proposal the council was voting on.

This gentleman reported that former White Plains resident Joseph Clark was the mysterious reporter of the toxic dump site on the campus. Mr. Clark’s identity has been long shielded by Concerned Citizens for Open Space, which has refused to reveal their source for this charge they have made throughout the current review process.

WHYATT FOR THE DEFENSE: Thomas Whyatt urging defeat of the hospital proposal on zoning, ancillary use violation, and failure to produce a detailed master plan Monday evening.
Photo by WPCNR

Whyatt: Proposal Violates Zoning, Ancillary Use Definition.

Concerned Citizens for Open Space Attorney, Thomas Whyatt, constructed the legal argument that the size of the project, with over 900 employees expected, dwarfs the number of employees now on the campus, saying this made the project far from ancillary (defined as “subordinate”), thus violating the city’s Special Permit conditions. Whyatt, in addition maintained that the project violated the R-1-12.5 residential zoning, and called the project an industrial park. He said the Council was in its resolution, its controls on the project were being left to future councils.

He said, “I don’t think this is legal.” He called for the Council to reject and ask the hospital to come back with a request for a zoning change, prepared to discuss land. “It should be on the table,” he said. Marc Pollitzer of the North Street Civic Association echoed Whyatt’s arguments saying the project violated zoning.

Doris Simon called on the council to “stop this monstrous project,” calling it “an environmental crime.”

Rosemarie Hicks, a research technician, criticized the hospital description of their proposed research facility as “a fantasy,” saying, “they’re throwing out numbers that do not make sense in an every day laboratory facility.”

Benjamin cites wide anti-project sentiment.

Barbara Benjamin said she had been inundated with telephone calls over the weekend from persons opposed to the project after reading the Journal News story that the council was going to approve the project. But, to anyone following the council maneuverings in recent weeks, it has become apparent the Council was spelling out conditions under which it was going to approve this project. Public Access Channel 71 White Plains Week commentators James Benerofe and John Bailey have been predicting this approval on the air for a month, and they said so again on last Friday evening’s show.

Benjamin said she had heard from a vast and diverse number of citizens, who, she said, ended their conversations with the same words, “I’ll never trust anyone on the Common Council again.”

Benjamin said she also resented the hospital’s alleged attitude that those opposing the project were indifferent to the pain and suffering of cancer victims, remarking her own husband had died of the disease. This criticism was echoed by several other speakers, one of whom had trouble holding on to her emotions, fighting back tears.

CAMPAIGN PROMISES QUOTED TO THE COUNCIL: Resident Claire Eisenstadt, quoting from the White Plains Watch, reads the campaign promises and quotes of several councilpersons, in which the councilpersons promised they would not support development of the hospital in any way, and would work for a park. Eisenstadt said, “We voters will not forget this project on the next election day.”
Photo by WPCNR

READING OF THE NO ROLL: Eva Stern commanded 15 minutes of hearing time by reading 434 names of persons opposed to the project from a CCOS advertisement that appeared in the White Plains Watch. Stern began her “roll call” saying, “I’m very disappointed in you. I think you’re making a terrible mistake. I hope you have the guts to say No to this project.”
Photo by WPCNR

Wilson, founder of CCOS calls for a new dialogue.

Don Wilson, speaking early in the evening called on the council to deny the resolution, ask the hospital to come back, asking for rezoning. He urged, “using the rezoning process to permit an industrial park on the (medical) oval only, and work with the New York Historical Preservation” to preserve elements of the hospital’s Millennium Preservation Plan to make part of the open space a city park.

VOICE OF REASON: Donald Wilson, CCOS founder, who helped stop the infamous “City Within a City” project in 1984, called for the council to reject the proposal. Later in the evening, Councilman Benjamin Boykin was to call for the hospital to discuss land appropriations to the city after the council had approved the project.
Photo by WPCNR

Others speaking strongly against the project were Robert Wall, Amy Barish, Brian Henderson, Louis Trippett, and Betsy Desoye. Desoye particularly drew Mayor Delfino’s ire by bringing up Robert Greer’s disclosure of his wife’s employment at the hospital. Desoiye was of the opinion Greer should have recused himself from the impending vote. Mayor Delfino stated the Corporation Counsel, Edward Dunphy had absolved Greer of any conflict of interest, and that the Ethics Board had declined to take up the issue.

GRILLING GREER: Betsy DeSoye made Robert Greer uncomfortable challenging the ethics of the Councilman for not recusing himself from the vote. The Mayor dismissed her charges as already having been dealt with.
Photo by WPCNR

After Carl Barrera, the 38th speaker of the evening, ended the comments at 12:30 AM Tuesday morning, supporting the project, the Mayor introduced Michael Gerrard, the city legal environmental attorney who assisted in preparation of the environmental review and the Findings Statement. Gerrard said that comments from the public received up until July 29 did not introduce any new matters impacting the Findings Statement. With that the Mayor asked the council to close the hearing after seven months, and it was ready for the Council to be heard.

INTERMISSION: SCHMOOZING IN THE ROTUNDA: During one of three breaks in the seven hour and 45 minute meeting, White Plains movers and shaker schmooze, speculate and rumorize in the famous City Hall rotunda.
Photo by WPCNR
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Gedney Association to “Digest” Hospital Decision.

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WPCNR Afternoon Tribune. By John F. Bailey. August 6, 2002: The President of the Gedney Association, Guy D’Antona , commenting on last night’s Common Council approval of the New York Presbyterian Hospital biomedical research/proton accelerator project, said “We’re disappointed in the vote, and we’re going to digest its contents and see what’s going to happen.”

D’Antona, a lawyer by profession, said that he personally had never been involved in an Article 78 legal proceeding. Asked what monetary resources would be required for a legal challenge to reverse the council decision, D’Antona said he expected it would “cost a substantial amount of money.”

He said his association will meet to discuss the decision aftermath, its impact and possible future action on the part of his neighborhood. He did not say an Article 78 was ruled out, but did not say it was certain, either.

Mr. D’Antona is President of the Gedney Association, the neighborhood south of Bryant Avenue, closest to the New York Presbyterian Hospital Property. Residents of that neighborhood have been the most vocal and active in opposing the hospital project, under review by the Common Council the last 18 months since January of 2001, when the city agreed to settle the Article 78 lawsuit the hospital had filed against the city and review their “Plan B” project under threat of $500 million damage suits from the hospital were to lose the proton accelerator franchise opportunity for their campus.

Speaking thoughtfully, D’Antona said the Association could not understand the Council decision. He said the Association disagreed because “the traffic would have been too much,” and because the environmental impact would aggravate a city already plagued by air pollution.

He also took issue with the Councilpersons’ conclusion about “ancillary use,” praising Thomas Whyatt’s comments made at the Monday Council meeting. “It is not ancillary,” he said, “It’s a primary use. It is industrial, and inappropriate (for this location)”

He said the Association had sent three or four letters to the Council expressing these reasons to deny the project.

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Lasselle: High School Buildings Under Renovation to be Complete by Opening.

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WPCNR School Days Dispatch. By John F. Bailey. August 6, 2002: As window work continues at White Plains High School, Richard Lasselle, Assistant Superintendent for Business of the White Plains City School District reported today that the North House, C Building and C North wings of White Plains High School will be completed in time for the start of the new high school year in September.
Lasselle said that there remained a “punch list” of matters to be completed, including electrical work and some heating installation to be executed in the fall, but assured WPCNR that the windows in North Building, C-Building and “C-North” would be in by September 4, the Wednesday after Labor Day when school traditionally begins with all three North, C and C North wings functioning.

At this point, Lasselle said the project remains “on budget.”

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Teck: CCOS will not Mount Article 78 Action to Stop Proton Accelerator.

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WPCNR Daily Mirror. By John F. Bailey. August 6, 2002:The President of Concerned Citizens for Open Space, reacting to the Common Council vote approving the New York Presbyterian Hospital project early Tuesday morning, has told WPCNR the citizens’ open space and parks advocacy group was not contemplating bringing an Article 78 action to overturn the council approval.

CCOS LEADER CONCILIATORY IN AFTERMATH: Alan Teck, President of Concerned Citizens for Open Space, is shown speaking out at last night’s Common Council meeting. Teck, in a thoughtful and rational discourse citing eloquently pleaded for the Council to have a “death bed converson” and vote the hospital plan down. He finished his remarks saying, “It takes a Common Council to make a great city. It takes an UnCommon Council to make a City great.” Teck was just one of 38 speakers to address the Council in a 5-hour marathon finale to the New York Presbyterian Hospital biotech/proton accelerator saga.
Photo by WPCNR

Alan Teck, President of Concerned Citizens for Open Space which has long crusaded for a “Central Park for White Plains” on the hospital property told WPCNR this morning that the citizen’s group was not considering an Article 78 action to attempt to overturn the Council decision in the courts. A gracious man, speaking at a time that must have been very difficult for him, said he and the organization were “looking forward to the city negotiating with the hospital.”

Asked if he had any indication that New York Presbyterian Hospital, now that it had received its approval, was inclined to discuss providing some of its property for a park, Teck said, “not at all.”

Teck said he felt it was “interesting,” that Mayor Joseph Delfino ended his remarks with a reference to the fact that now perhaps White Plains could have a Central Park.

Asked for his comments on the historic Council vote ending twenty-seven years of Common Council wrangling with the hospital, Teck said,
“Over this long process, significant changes occurred from the original plan to the one that was ultimately approved, and those changes, in every case, benefited the city.”

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Council Approves NYPH Biotech Research/Proton Accelerator Project by 6 to 1.

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WPCNR Daily Sun. By John F. Bailey. August 6, 2002.: The Common Council approved the New York Presbyterian Hospital biotech research and proton accelerator cancer treatment center project by a vote of 6 to 1 Tuesday morning, approving its location on the golf course meadow of the property, known as Site 8.

COUNCIL PRESIDENT CASTS DECIDING VOTE AT 2:23 AM. Common Council President Benjamin Boykin is seen announcing his intention to approve the controversial hospital project, the fifth and clinching vote. Boykin said “It is time for a new beginning with the hospital. I ask the hospital to immediately meet with us to address pressing community concerns. I look forward to working with the hospital to provide the residents of White Plains with public access to the beautiful property for passive as well as leisure and active recreational uses.” He also said, in explaining his vote for the project, “I am concerned that if we deny this application, the city may lose control of our special permit and zoning rights and the courts will determine the fate of this project. This would be the worse of all situations for the residents of White Plains.”
Photo by WPCNR

APPROVED ACCELERATOR/BIOTECH LAB SITE: Known as Site Eight, is the so-called “driving range meadow” is the site the Council has approved for the building of a 6-story doublewinged biotech research lab facility and proteon accelerator cancer treatment center. John Bailey points to the site in a photograph taken in May of this year.

Constance Hildesley, Vice President of Real Estate for the hospital would not comment after the historic vote, but instead passed out a prepared statement which said, in part,

“NYPH thanks the Mayor and the members of the Common Council who spent many hours in careful deliberation and ultimately voted approval for this important medical research and cancer treatment center this evening.”

Dean Bender, spokesman for the hospital and Paul Bergins, hospital attorney said it was too early to say what would happen next now that approval had been granted.

Mayor Delfino, Rita Malmud and Robert Greer, councilpersons voting for the proposal said they expected the hospital to begin a new dialogue with the city on possible use of land for a park for the city.

Thomas Whyatt, attorney for Concerned Citizens for Open Space said he had no idea what the organization would do next, or how much money an Article 78 challenge to the approval on the part of CCOS might cost. He also did not know what lawyers CCOS might use.

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Presbyterian Hospital Letter Requesting Support of Biotech Proposal Arrives Late

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WPCNR Sunset Sentinel Courier. August 5, 2002: A letter mailed first class by New York Presbyterian Hospital requesting community support for their biotech/proton accelerator proposal has apparently been either mailed too late to have impact, or has arrived only today in local mailboxes. It requests citizens to attend tonight’s council meeting and support the proposal
The letter arrived this afternoon in the Haviland Manor neighborhood, a scant 5 hours before the Council is scheduled to take up the issue. Obviously too late for most citizens to contact the Common Council to have any impact, or attend the meeting.

When was it mailed?

The letter, signed by “The Administration and Staff of New York-Presbyterian Hospital” was dated July 30, 2002, and mailed with First Class postage indicia out of New Rochelle.

Apparently, the post office mistook the first class indicia for third class mail, for it has taken the better part of 4 to 5 days to be delivered to White Plains.

The text of the letter is as follows:

On August 5th, the Common Council of the City of White Plains will be voting on a proposal by New York-Presbyterian Hospital to add a Biomedical Research and state-of-the-art Cancer Treatment Center at our White Plains campus.

For the past 100 years we have been your neighbors, offering the highest quality healthcare services and community programs to White Plains, Westchester County and beyond. With the creation of this new biomedical facility, we are looking forward to enhancing and enriching the delivery of healthcare, community outreach and cancer treatment.

We are asking that you reach out to the Mayor and Common Council to express your support and help make this dream a reality.

Thank for making this effor on our behalf and we welcome your participation at the August 5th meeting.

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Attorney General’s Panel Doesn’t Request Breakdown of District 18 Voting Machine

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WPCNR Sunset Sentinel Courier. August 5, 2002: City Clerk for the City of White Plains, Janice Minieri, advised WPCNR today that the investigative panel of attorneys appointed by Eliot Spitzer, New York’s Attorney General met with her, her custodians, and election inspectors Friday morning as part of their investigation of whether or not the Attorney General’s office should bring a quo warranto action on behalf of Larry Delgado, White Plains deposed Councilman, restoring Mr. Delgado to his seat on the Common Council.
Ms. Minieri said the inquiry conducted by the three attorneys was observed by Edward Dunphy, city Corporation Counsel and the two Deputy Commissioners from the Westchester County Board of Elections.

She reports that their questions centered on procedures undertaken by the custodians to set the voting machines up for the election on November 6, 2002, and whether or not there was anything unusual that election inspectors observed in the District 18 location that day. She reports that her inspectors said there was nothing unusual reported during that fateful election day.

WPCNR asked if they viewed the voting machine. Minieri said they did and observed “exactly what you saw (the jammed Delgado counter wheel) the day we opened the machine.”

What Happened to the Delgado “Counter” Still in Doubt Because Attorneys Do Not Ask for Breakdown.

WPCNR asked whether the attorneys asked her custodians to remove the back of the voting machine to see exactly what had happened to the jammed Delgado counter, what made it jam, and she reported they had not.

“No one took it apart,” she said. “They were mainly concerned with what the process is, and whether there was anything unusual taking place at the polling place.”

Minieri said she would continue to keep the machine in question in its present condition, “just in case it is needed. I’m glad I didn’t have it repaired.”

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“New Fuji USA HQ IS In Westchester County!”: Pataki

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WPCNR Afternoon Tribune. By John F. Bailey.August 5, 2002.UPDATED 2:30 PM E.D.T.: Governor George Pataki appeared in Valhalla today, with County Executive Andrew Spano to announce that Fuji USA, the international film giant, is locating its new USA Headquarters at The Summit in Valhalla, and will be leaving its present Elmsford location in April 2003.

“FUJI TOOK A LOOK AND FOUND WESTCHESTER COUNTY TO BE IN THE FOREFRONT,” Governor George Pataki announced today in Valhalla. The Governor said that Fuji’s selection of the The Summit, Westchester corporate park over Stamford and other out-of-state locations, saved 400 Westchester jobs and will bring $18 Million into the county for the renovation of the new headquarters and an additional 250 jobs. The Governor praised County Executive Andy Spano, shown at left at this morning’s news conference, saying “It’s been a partnership. All of us are on the same wavelength, working together, making great things happen in the county.” Pataki announced the State and Westchester County are contributing $1.9 Million in aid towards the project.
Photo by WPCNR

“WHEN IT COMES TO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, THERE ARE NO PARTY LINES,” County Executive Andy Spano said today, echoing Governor Pataki’s praise for the Westchester County IDA in putting together a state-county package of $1.9MM that helped to keep Fujifilm in Westchester County. Spano praised Fuji Film for being a good corporate citizen in the county, singling out their lead sponsorship that brought the New York Philharmonic to Westchester County, as an example of the company’s involvement.

HAPPY TO STAY IN WESTCHESTER, FUJI FILM EMPLOYEES, observe the Governor’s news conference. Stamford, New Jersey and locations outside the New York Tri-State area were considered in Fuji’s three-year search for a new USA Headquarters location. The Summit was announced as their choice today. The company will be closing its Elmsford location.

Largest Lease Deal in Westchester in Two Years. Moving from Elmsford to Valhalla Venue

Fuji Photo Film U.S.A. said in a news release that the company is leasing 164,000 square feet, part of the second and all of the third and fourth floors at 200 Summit Lake Drive in Valhalla. This expands by 64% its current headquarters in the Taxter Corporate Park, which the company will vacate and move into the new Summit heaquarters in April, 2003. Current space at the Taxter facility comprises just 106,000 square feet.

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Swimmers in Long Island Sound Warned of Swimmer’s Itch

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WPCNR Getaway Gazette. From Westchester County Department of Communications. August 2, 2003: The county warned residents about a new parasite in Long Island Sound that is causing “Swimmer’s Itch” in persons bathing in the Sound along County and Connecticut beaches. Residents are urged to shower as quickly as possible after swimming in the Sound.
In a news release this morning the county reported widespread complaints about swimmers experiencing irritating “Swimmer’s Itch” after trips to Long Island Sound beaches.

The County Department of Health attributes this to a parasite found in the intestines of water birds which infests Long Island Sound snails. The snails, found on the beaches then pass the parasite along to swimmers.

The county does not report any ill effects on swimmers other than itching after swimming in the waters.

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