Council Sets Hearings on Overnight Parking, Calvary, Development Rights Transfer

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WPCNR Common Council Chronicle-Examiner. Filed by John F. Bailey, September 3, 2003: In the shortest Common Council meeting of the Delfino Administration, just 51 minutes, the Common Council set dates for significant pubic hearings. The Council also passed a resolution reaffirming that speakers at Common Council meetings would be held to five minutes at future meetings.

“OFFICER IN THE SCHOOLS” HOWARD TRIBBLE NAMED EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH: Detective Howard Tribble, graduate of White Plains High School accepts the prestigious award from Mayor Joseph Delfino. With his mother, wife and children in attendance Detective Tribble said, “when you honor one officer from the White Plains Police Department, you honor them all, I accept this honor on behalf of each and every member of the White Plains Police Department. Mayor Delfino said that F. Thomas Eaton, Administrator of North House at White Plains High School, said that Detective Tribble “is doing a tremendous job increasing security,” and interacting with the students, and that “the students feel comfortable speaking to Detective Tribble. He is truly an asset to the WPPD.”
Photo by WPCNR

In taking care of the people’s business, the Common Council set September 17 for the Hearing on the Special Permit for the Sears/Sears Auto Shop move to the Galleria; a public hearing on the Calvary Baptist Church Sanctuary Project (October 7); another public hearing on acquisition of the Dellwood Property (October 7); a public hearing on permitting overnight parking on Old Mamaroneck Road in the Highlands (October 7), and a hearing on Transferring Development Rights in the Core Downtown area, also October 7.

The Council also passed a resolution reaffirming that speakers at Common Council meetings would be held to five minutes at future Council meetings.

No more Passionate Soliloquys

Each member of the council weighed in in favor of the resolution re-affirming the provisions of Section 2-3-20(B) of the White Plains Municipal Code which allows five minutes for individuals addressing the Council.

Cary Gouldner was the lone resident to appear, protesting the time limitation. However, his arguments that questions could not be answered within five minutes were dismissed by the council.

“Your Five Minutes Are Up.”

Thomas Roach said the council’s purpose was to be fair to all, by allowing all to speak by limiting long-winded speakers, “assuring everyone who comes (to the council) has had the opportunity to be heard anmd to say their piece.”

Councilman Robert Greer said he felt the five minutes was fair, being that speakers could submit supplemental written material to the council to be read into the record. Greer ventured that council members should limit their comments, perhaps to five minutes, too.

Councilperson Rita Malmud said the Gettysburg Address which lasted less than five minutes was an example of how a strong point could be made in a short period of time, saying, in five minutes, “they can get their point across.”

Benjamin Boykin said enforcing the five-minute rule would “assure fair and equitable treatment for every member of the public. It is a reasonable process for everyone to be heard.”

Boykin noted that the council has had one meeting run until 3:45 AM and another run until 2:30 A.M. on August 5, noting the how unlimited speaking time drags out meetings.

Councilman William King noted that there should be some flexibility, but he appreciated the reasons for the limitation, noting the 3-minute time limit in effect at the County Board of Legislators.

Minieri The Time-Reaper

Mayor Delfino assigned City Clerk Janice Minieri, the task of determining what device would be used to signal speakers at future council meetings when their five minutes was up. Minieri would also be in charge of timing each speaker. Ms. Minieri’s first thoughts on a timing/signaling device were to install a buzzer arrangement. She said she would be investigating possibilities.

Rampant Media Speculation

Speculation was rampant among the assembled media, (which at one time outnumbered the gallery, 3 to 2), what method would be used to rein in 5-minute violators.

Mayor Delfino ruled out the use of an oriental gong chime to WPCNR. Council President Benjamin Boykin suggested to WPCNR that a sequence of green, yellow, and red lights be rigged up similar to a traffic signal to cue the speaker silently and visually to wrap it up.

One reporter suggested a siren, and a trap-door behind the Council lectern for long-winded litigants.

A technical expert for the city, speaking on condition of anonymity, suggested theme music similar to a talk-show break be played about 30 seconds before the five-minute mark was reached. Thanks for the Memories was suggested by this reporter as the appropriate tune.

WPCNR will follow up with Ms. Minieri on development of the media-dubbed, Speaker Intensive Limiting Early Notification Countdown Editor or “SILENCE” device.

Bergins Catches a Moment of Council Zen

Paul Bergins, attorney for The Galleria, caught the Common Council in a procedural gaff, jumping up unexpectedly, striding to the lectern. Mr. Bergins, former Corporation Counsel for the city, noted to the Mayor, that the council was approving setting a public hearing (on the Galleria Sears Auto Shop), before they had approved the zoning change for it.

GALLERIA SEARS MOVE ZONING APPROVED: Paul Bergins at the Common Council podium, gives the details on the Sears Auto Repair Shop design targetted for the lower parking level under the former JC PENNEY space. Bergins said Sears’ present store would remain open until August 2003 when construction of the new Galleria Sears complex was scheduled to be completed. Wynnette Peltz, Director of Marketing for the Galleria, observes in the foreground.
Photo by WPCNR

Mayor Delfino thanked Mr. Bergins for catching the procedural error, saying with a smile “You lawyers….even when you’re winning…” and shaking his head.

Zoning Change approved allowing Sears to operate auto shop in Galleria.

After disposing of the consent agenda, the Council saw a layout of the proposed ground floor auto repair shop in the Galleria, and approved the zoning change (limited to the Galleria’s custom specifications), by unanimous vote.

SEARS AUTO BAY: The configuration of the new Sears Auto Repair Shop on the ground floor underneath former JC PENNEY location. Main Street is at bottom of the picture. Lexington Avenue on the right. Cars enter from West off Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard.
Photo by WPCNR

In other action…

The Council approved street closings for various city events…a contract with the Housing Authority bringing $10,901 for a Computer Learning Center at 120 Lake Street from September to June 2002…set a hearing for Special Permit to operate a cabaret at 15 South Broadway (October 7)…

Citizens to be Heard

In the Citizens to be Heard Forum, Cary Gouldner suggested to the Common Council that the city modernize its method of recording and billing water. He noted that Harrison and Greenburg both have computer plug-in reading devices that more accurately tabulate water consumption. He said White Plains still reads the meters by hand and bills residents only semi-annually as a consequence.

Gouldner said that New York City bills the city quarterly, for White Plains residents’ use of water, and said the city was essentially extending six months credit to consumers by the archaic personal meter reading system. He urged computerizing the water billing readings and more frequent billings. He also encouraged raising rates for commercial wpcnr_users.

Two residents of Hillair Circle spoke again complaining about the Amodio’s mulching business, pleading with the city to take action about what they allege is an increase in trucking activities there.

A city official contacted by WPCNR after the Citizens to be Heard forum said that the city had already sued Amodios once and lost on the issue, but that the city was “looking into a few things.”

MAYOR DELFINO SIGNS OFF AT 8:22 PM: The Mayor bids the council and White Plains good night at the shortest formal Common Council meeting of the Delfino Administration. The Mayor asked all residents to join in the White Plains Walk of Remembrance next Wednesday, September 11 at 6 PM when six residents of White Plains who died in the Trade Center Towers attack would be honored.
Photo by WPCNR

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Chappaqua’s CHANGE Switches to Bradley.

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WPCNR NEWSREEL.From Elise Levine Cooper. September 3, 2002: Chappaqua Against Nuclear Generated Energy (CHANGE) at Indian Point, a group of local residents dedicated to closing the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant, is endorsing Adam Bradley for the Democratic ticket for the New York State Assembly.
After meeting with both Bradley and Naomi Matusow, CHANGE feels that Mr. Bradley, who worked closely with Richard Brodsky, is determined to close the plant. Although, Naomi Matusow, has recently initiated actions to close Indian Point, CHANGE feels that she has not been vocal on this critical issue following the 9-11 catastrophe.

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Matusow Lineup of Supporters

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WPCNR NEWSREEL. From the Matusow Campaign. September 2, 2002: Assemblywoman Naomi Matusow, who is running for reelection in the 89th assembly district, has garnered widespread support and endorsements from top Democrats, environmentalists, workers and women’s rights groups.
All have recognized Ms. Matusow’s efforts for the past 10 years in bringing increased state aid for public education, libraries, environmental protection and open space preservation initiatives, banning assault weapons, and supporting workers’ and women’s rights.

“I thank the various elected officials, and each group and the individuals they represent, for their support. I look forward to working with all of them in my next term,” said Assemblywoman Matusow.

TOP DEMS Give Matusow the Nod

Matusow has been endorsed by NYS Senator Chuck Schumer, NYS Attorney General Elliot Spitzer, Westchester County Executive Andy Spano, County Legislators Michael Kaplowitz and Richard Wishnie, the Northern Westchester Democratic Coalition (Democrats from North Castle, Pound Ridge, Bedford, Mount Kisco, Lewisboro, and Somers). An independent grassroots party, the Lewisboro Leadership Party is also endorsing Matusow’s candidacy.

Citing her support for libraries, the New York Library Association, said
“your support of the library community and your understanding of the needs of libraries is unmatched in the Assembly.”

Women’s Rights

NARAL (National Abortion Rights Action League) endorsed Matusow, thanking her “for your commitment and dedication to protecting women’s reproductive health care in New York.”

Polly Rothstein, former executive Director of Westchester Coalition for Legal Abortion (WCLA) has also endorsed Matusow’s candidacy.

“Endorsement from librarians and advocates for women’s rights, as well as my fellow Democrats, gives me great satisfaction in their recognition of all the accomplishments we’ve achieved over the years,” said Matusow.


Naomi Matusow is endorsed by both the New York League of Conservation Voters and the Sierra Club.

“Naomi Matusow is clearly an environmental leader, and the New York League of Conservation Voters enthusiastically supports her reelection,” said Marcia Bystryn, Executive Director of the NYLCV. “The League believes that Matusow will continue an excellent voting record that reflects her strong commitment to environmental issues.”

Matusow was elected to the New York State Assembly in 1992, and has an impressive environmental record. In 1998, Matusow guided a bill that established the Clean Drinking Water Revolving Fund and negotiated the Pesticide Reporting bill through the NYS Legislature. In 2000, Matusow authored a law requiring the Department of Environmental Conservation to adopt stringent air emission standards for personal watercraft.

The Sierra Club’s Lower Hudson Chapter also endorses Matusow, praising her “for defending the environment and the natural resources of New York State. Of late, we appreciate (her) leadership role in strengthening the bottle bill, increasing the focus on alternative energy, protecting the watershed and limiting growth of the Westchester County Airport,” said Roger Savitt, of the Sierra Club.

“It is gratifying that my commitment to environmental protection,
preservation of open space, improvement of air and water quality, and
opposition to unchecked urban sprawl has been acknowledged. Every citizen of the 89th A.D., can rely on me for continued leadership on these crucial issues,” said Assemblywoman Matusow.

“My endorsements by the Sierra Club and League of Conservation Voters, both of whom work with me to protect our environment, bodes well for more environmental successes in the district and statewide,” she said.


Naomi Matusow, Assemblywoman 89th AD, is also endorsed by SEIU 1199 (Service Employees International Union). Dennis Rivera, President of 1199 SEIU, praised her record on her commitment to workers’ rights and health care.

“(Matusow’s) distinguished record of service demonstrates (her) commitment to the rights of workers, quality health care, and numerous other issues of importance to the nursing home, hospital, home care, clinic and social service workers represented by 1199 SEIU, ” said Mr. Rivera.

Matusow has also been endorsed by NYSUT (New York State United Teachers), CSEA (Civil Service Employees Association), AFSCME (American Federation of State and County Municipal Employees), PEF (Public Employees Federation), BTOBA (Bridge and Tunnel Officers Benevolent Association), United Transportation Union, Westchester/Putnam Central Labor Body, AFL-CIO, Westchester County Correction Officers Benevolent Association, and Westchester Corrections Superior Officers have endorsed Assemblywoman

Assemblywoman Matusow is grateful for the endorsements from all of these organizations and the individuals they represent. “I am pleased to be endorsed by all those who do so much for the people of New York, including our teachers and public employees and law enforcement officers.These fine people are a big part of what makes New York great. I deeply appreciate their support of me and all the work they do for New Yorkers,” said Matusow.

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O’Donnell on WPHS Varsity Poem and Scholar Athletes.

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WPCNR PRESSBOX. Letter From Ted O’Donnell, WPHS Varsity Softball Coach:


With the summer softball season starting immediately after the Varsity season, I neglected to log on to your site. As a result, I did not see your poem about the WPHS Varsity Softball Team until just now. What a nice tribute to such a very special group of student/athletes. (Letter continues)

As you know, we lost to defending Class A New York State champions, John Jay, East Fishkill, 2-1 in extra innings. John Jay ended up being ranked #2 in the state. We ended up #12. Only 7 players in Class A in Section 1 made All-State. John Jay had 2 players and we had 2 players.

Cristin Pasqua was selected 4th Team shortstop and Tara Pollard was selected 6th Team pitcher.

We had 3 of the 12 Journal-News All-County 1st Team players with Cristin, Leslie Busch and Ciara DiFrancesco. We also had 2 players on the 2nd Team with Cyndi Carnaghi and Tara Pollard. Jesse Orfe was Honorable Mention. Those 6 players also made All-Section. In addition, Kelly O’Neil and Jessica Isaacs made All-League.

White Plains HS had more All-Section and All-County picks than any other school in Section 1 for the 2nd consecutive year.

The accomplishments of this special team are too numerous to list but here are a few: 3 consecutive undefeated League 1A titles. 48 League wins in a row. 77 wins in the last 4 years. 1st WPHS team to be ranked in the Top 10 in NYS (8th 5 weeks in a row), and all of the individual honors listed above.

Champions in the Classroom

While these kids are champions on the field, more importantly they are champions in the classroom and in the community. The 7 graduating seniors are all going on to college where some of them will continue their softball careers. Leslie (Busch) Division 1 Albany, and Cyndi (Carnaghi), Division 2, University of North Carolina/Pembrooke) received the first WPHS softball scholarships.

Cristin (Pasqua) was heavily recruited by Division 3 Union where she will play. Ciara (DiFransceso) received an academic scholarship and is entering the Honors program at the University of Maryland. Kathryn (Fitzmorris) will attend a well-known school in South Bend, Indiana (Notre Dame). Jesse (Orfe) will be attending Hofstra and Kara Younkin is intending to play at Division 3 Salve Regina.

An important part of their lives

We will all miss these great kids. Softball has been an important part of their lives. Whether or not they intend to play in college, they will have a lifetime of memories from their softball days. While we are a richer community because of what they have given us these past 4 years, they, too are richer. Softball has helped teach them the importance of hard work and what it means to be a part of a team.

The experiences they had on the practice and playing field, the relationships they formed and the life lessons they learned will be with them forever. I believe that these are the most important reasons kids should play sports.

Over the years, the trophies and the scrap books end up in boxes gathering dust in the attic. The character building that takes place is far more valuable. We as adults, the coaches, the parents and even the fans, need to work harder to keep this all in perspective.

We need to focus less on starting positions and playing time. In the final analysis, that is not what is important. It is the experience of playing and being part of a team.

I know this because this is what my players tell me.

As always, thank you for the coverage and the kind words.


Ted O’Donnell

Varsity Softball Coach

August 16, 2002

Photo by WPCNR

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Free Career Counseling at White Plains Public Library

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WPCNR City Desk. From Rick Ammirato, the Mayor’s Office August 30, 2002: Mayor Joseph Delfino has announced a new initiative targeting umemployment through career counseling, education and training.

Beginning September 17, the White Plains Public Library will provide free career counseling by appointment on Tuesdays from 10 AM to 4 PM in its Center for Business, Jobs & Nonprofits.

“This program will help ensure that our residents are among the first to capitalize on the City’s rapid economic growth. This initiative, together with our Digital Divide effort launched two years ago, will help prepare our residents to complete in the City’s expanding job market,” Mayor Delfino said.

Individuals can meet privately with a bilingual (English/Spanish) professional career counselor to discuss such topics as identifying the right job/career, writing a winning resume or upgrading skills through training and education.

To make an appointment with the career counselor, register at the Reference Desk or call the Library at 422-1480. This service is free and open to the public.

Funding is provided by the White Plains Library Foundation with sponsorship gifts from JP Morgan Chase and The Shirley Benerofe Foundation.

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Eastview Fields Scheduled for Completion by November.

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WPCNR Schools Report Card Dispatch. By John F. Bailey. August 30, 2002: Commissioner of Public Works Joseph Nicoletti advised WPCNR Wednesday that the athletic fields at Eastview school will be completed by November 1, with the baseball and soccer fields being resodded first and ready by October 4. The track pictured below will be completed by November 1.

POPULAR TRACK & SOCCER FIELD BEING REFURISHED BY CITY: The scene Monday as work was progressing on the Eastview Middle School Campus athletic track and soccer oval.
Photo by WPCNR

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Local Football league holds registration

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WPCNR PRESSBOX. August 20, 2002:
The Atlantic Coast Football League is holding registration for the fall men’s 2002 season. The league is offering players 18 and over both flag and 2-hand touch football.
. In flag, there will be an 8-on-8 two-count league and an 8-on-8 no-count league. In 2-hand touch there will be a 7-on-7 ‘A’ league and a 6-on-6 ‘B’ league. Both teams and individual players are welcome.

Games will be played on local fields including: Westchester Community College in Valhalla, Trinity Field in New Rochelle and Croton-on-Hudson Park. The league begins on Sunday, September 15, 2002. For further information visit the Football Page at or call Mark at 1-877-ONSCORE.

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Virtual Labor Day Weekend at Beachcliff

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WPCNR White Plains City & Country Les Chochons Qui Vole at Beachcliff:For the last weekend of the summer, WPCNR introduces a new feature about food and wine featuring the tasteful adventures of nine area residents who are members of a secret wine society, Les Chochons Qui Vole (The Pigs Who Fly). This Labor Day Weekend, for those of you not spending a final weekend in “The Hamps,” or “The Berks” or “The Dacs,” or “The Jersey Shore” or “The Cape,” we take you now to enjoy a sunset dinner overlooking Long Island Sound on the North Folk of the Gold Coast.

THE PIG WHO FLIES, celebrated mascot of Les Chochons Qui Vole presides over the conviviality, conversation, and contretemps of every meeting of the secret wine society. The priceless statue was created by a former member of the group.
Photo by WPCNR

The Story So Far: Les Chochons Qui Vole were founded by a former publishing editor, Michael, and his wife, Cassandra in 1986, inviting Cassandra’s daughter and her husband, a doctor, another friend of theirs, Sonny and his wife at the time, and an old school friend Ron and his wife, Pin, and yours truly and spouse.

Investing in Vintages, Not Stocks.

Financial resources were pooled to stock a wine cellar and for the last sixteen years the group has met approximately five times a year. They sample the great wines of the planet, in consort with self-created culinary experiences from all nations, and to ruminate on the issues of the day.

16 Years of High Living and Delicious Dividends.

Eighty gatherings of this iconoclastic conclave have been held. The objective: to sample wines expensive and economical, see if the price matches the experience, compare vintages and drink good wine at affordable prices. The dividend: preparing feasts themselves better than any restaurant can.

Wives and Husbands prepare the dishes and each couple chooses the course they will prepare from the menu suggested by the host couples. On occasion picnics will take place at parks and scenic vistas in the area or selected restaurants.

A Lifetime in Wine and Good Taste

During this nearly quarter of a century, four of the original twelve “Dining Disciples” have departed the group, others have changed professions and retired, but Les Chochons Qui Vole continue to meet and remain forever young and “forever wine.”

The protagonists and prolific consumers in this unique society range from real wine enthusiasts and gourmands and preparers of food-to-die-for to persons like myself who just enjoy drinking wine and eating good food.

The society, founded in 1986 meets very loosely, bimonthly in the homes of the members. Michael, the self-appointed “wine steward” keeps the club’s “cellar” of fine wines and finetunes the selection.

Creating Special Occasions.

The Club host for each meeting plans the upcoming dinner, picnic, brunch, around a specific theme. The members munch to tastings of flights of wines intineraried around a 5 to 6-course dinner showcasing the palatery delights of a chosen cuisine from around the world. Each couple prepares a dish.

Members have traveled the world, around the nation, and live around the New York metropolitan area, from Queens to Westchester, Suffolk County to Fort Lee, and bring a lot of culinary experience and preparation expertise to the table.

A Peak Into Rare Archives of Taste

WPCNR has obtained permission of the members to present for the amusement and suggestion of our readers, the extensive wine notes and menus of the 80 meetings of Les Chochons Qui Vole, prepared by the obsessive but lovable Wine Steward, Michael, its founder.

Weekend at Beachcliff.

For our debut selection from the club archives, WPCNR has chosen the most recent meeting held at “Beachcliff,” Sonny’s magnificently refurbished cliffside bungalow overlooking Long Island Sound where a summer meeting was held. Let WPCNR take you there now to experience an idyllic summer wine experience (in celebration of Labor Day Weekend) overlooking Long Island Sound on a sultry summer evening.

Minutes of Meeting No. 79:

Picture if you will driving through the former potato fields of Suffolk County and motoring into the erstwhile vacation colony of small cottages on small backroads East of Port Jefferson. You pull up in front of a tiny bungalow which its owner has recently refurbished.

He has added two Hamptonesque decks snug to the edge of the sandcliffs overlooking the crescent panorama of Long Island Sound. The effect is as a ship’s bridge plowing out to sea with the wind from the water in your face.

A World Apart By the Sea

The air is humid, but astir with salty soundbreeze, perhaps the only place in the metropolitan area that is in the least bit comfortable on this muggy steamy summer of ’02. The dress casual and light for the women, golf shirts and khakis for the men. We are greeted by Sonny and ushered in to the booklined living room, and proceed to the small kitchen retrofitted with modern kitchen conveniences where Cassandra is fixing salad, and the first of the wines are being removed from their travel casks by the attentive Michael.

Cue the Sunset

The first order of business is to adjourn to the lower sundeck with the brooding, amazing clear dark slate gray waters of the Sound sprawl indolently stretching across to the Connecticut shore, visible in the waning lazy orange sun. We prepare ourselves for the sunset and the first course:

All of Michael’s notes begin with, of course the most important thing: the selection of wines for the affair:

On the Beach Wine Selection:

2000 Newton Chardonnay


1999 Paul Pernot Puligny Montrachet


1999 Robert Sinskey Pinot Noir


1999 Trapet Gevrey Chambertin


1998 Girardin Clos Vougeot


Now WPCNR turns the narrative reins over to the historian of the club, the impeccable Wine Steward, Michael:

On August 10, 2002, les cochons met to toast, if not roast, the pig. No one was sorry, however, that Sonny did not follow through on his longstanding threat to offer up a suckling pig, given the incredible flavor and perfect cooking of the beef tenderloin that served as the main course.

The day was perfect, as we got in behind the wheel, and not even the traffic broke the spell as we wound our way out into the wilds of Suffolk County. Michael and Sandy arrived first, in order to take up Sonny and Shellie on their offer to be ignored while enjoying the beach. Then Sol and Jean making their first visit to the Frankel’s fabulous beachfront property, followed fast behind, with Solomon greeting Michael with a cheery “hey bro!”

After a short walk on the beach, Sol and Jean returned to the house, where they were properly awed by the view. When WPCNR and spouse followed soon after, the meeting was called to order (“sooey!, sooey!”).

As to wine and food, the meeting was one of our most successful – and if we say that every time, that doesn’t make it false.


Served on the lower deck, the curried scallop salad appetizer was a stunner, with the spices (savory coriander seed, cumin and fennel) coming through the red wine vinegar. The scallops – London Lennie’s famous – were full of favor, the mango and figs (the last a necessary departure from the recipe after the greengrocer informed “yes we have no jicamas, we have no jicamas today”) providing a sweet foil to the spices. Tomatoes and arugala completed their wonderful dish.

The First Vintage

A Newton unfiltered Chardonnay, rich, rounded and slightly sweet, turned out to be a perfect accompaniment as as twilight rose in the east. Indeed, it was Solomon’s pick as the best of the evening (with the disclaimer that he also says that about the first wine he drinks).

So delightful was it on the deck that as soon as it was confirmed that it would not be needed for a subsequent course, the second white – a crisp, light and lemony Paul Pernot Chassagne – was served solo.

The Main Course and Third and Fourth Selections

Adjourning upstairs (to the dining salon with its wraparound window view of the Long Island Sound), Les Cochons were treated to an excellent gazpacho, prepared by Sonny and Shelly as Bina was unfortunately unable to attend. Piquant and refreshing, it went well with the smoky, sweet Pinskey pinot noir.

The main course was outstanding, some of the best beef ever offered to les cochons (and clearly more than they deserved) and was perfectly cooked, juicy and rosé inside and a fabulous replication of Julia’s (Child) haricots.

The two burgundies that served as accompaniment were both wonderful, firm and with good intensity and sweetness, although the Clos Vougeot was in a league by itself, perfectly round, bursting with red fruit and without a trace of tannin.

Sol and Jean provided a refreshing baby greens and avocado salad, lightly and flavorfully dressed, but we missed having a cheese course.

To say that we were then ecstatic with our dessert, Mrs. WPCNR’s to-die-for chocolate cake, so rich and dense, would be the understatement of the summer.

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WPCNR POLL OF THE VOTER: Bradley or Matusow– Who Will Democrats Choose?

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WPCNR VOX POPULI. August 30, 2002: There are less than two weeks remaining before the Democratic Primary on September 10. WPCNR has decided to test the feelings of registered Democrats towards the incumbent, Naomi Matusow, Assemblyperson from the 89th District, and Adam Bradley, her challenger going into the final stretch run to Primary Day.

We respectfully are putting Republicans on the honor system not to vote in this poll. Democrats only please. Register your preference in the new WPCNR Poll at the right.

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NY TIMES endorses Adam Bradley in September 10 Primary

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WPCNR County Clarion-Ledger. By John F. Bailey. August 30, 2002: The New York Times today endorsed Adam Bradley, White Plains challenger to incumbent Assemblyperson Naomi Matusow in the Democratic primary September 10.

ADAM BRADLEY, “TIMES” MAN: The New York Times gave its prestigious endorsement to White Plains attorney Adam Bradley, in an editorial published Friday morning, describing Ms. Matusow’s 10-year record as “unenlightened on a number of issues, including her opposition to remorming the Rockefeller drug laws and her refusal to support the renewal of a modest White Plains sales tax…”
WPCNR File Photo

Mr. Bradley said he was ecastatic about the endorsement, saying he was gratified that the Times recognized the issues he has raised against Ms. Matusow.

He told WPCNR he would continue to work hard to overturn what he described as Assembly leader Sheldon Silver’s “incumbent protection program” through which Ms. Matusow, he charged, has mailed eight pieces of campaign literature at taxpayer expense to only democrats eligible to vote in the upcoming primary.

Bradley said that Ms. Matusow has refused to reveal how much taxpayer dollars were expended on those mailings. WPCNR asked Ms. Matusow this very question when Mr. Bradley first made the charge and said she did not know, that the mailings went out automatically as a function of the Assembly Communications Office under the auspices of Mr. Silver.

Bradley scoffed at that suggestion today, charging that he believes she requested Mr. Silver to send them out, “because she panicked.”

Bradley also said that the actual monies expended by the Assembly Communications Office on these incumbent mailings statewide was not disclosed in the state budget and is not available from Speaker Silver’s office. He pointed out that Ms. Matusow could waive the secrecy surrounding how much taxpayer dollars are spent on incumbent promotion by the Assembly, by coming forth with a figure, and said she has refused to do so.

Bradley also said his fundraising efforts in the last two weeks were going well, and that he has received the endorsement of an Indian Point opposition group from the Chappaqua area within the 89th district.

He also advised WPNCR he would also work for state money to be invested in upgrading election machines to avoid the mechanical problems caused by outdated voting equipment.
Mr. Bradley’s campaign manager reports that, in addition to the coveted Times nod today,
Bradley has attracted a majority of the major endorsements in the 89th District Democratic primary, including The White Plains Labor Coalition, The Harrison Democrats, The Working Families Party, The New Castle Democratic Party and The White Plains City Democrats. He has also received the support of most of the leading Democratic Politicians in Westchester County.

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