Voting Machines Not Impounded until Thursday Noon in the 89th. 11 Hours Late.

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WPCNR EVENING CITY STAR REPORTER. September 13, 2002: The eight Town Clerk Offices in Bedford, Harrison, Lewisboro, Mount Kisco, New Castle, North Castle, Pound Ridge and White Plains reported to WPCNR that they did not receive the impoundment order from the Board of Elections to lock down and guard the 89th Assembly District voting machines until Thursday morning between the hour of approximately 11 AM and 12 noon, just one day before the recanvass begins Friday.
Seven town clerk offices outside White Plains reported to WPCNR Thursday they had received the faxed copy of Adam Bradley’s Impoundment Order signed by Judge Orazio Bellantoni at the Board of Elections offices Tuesday evening, about 23 hours after it was signed and served to the Board of Elections by Mr. Bradley personally.

It was not until 12 noon Thursday that clerks we spoke to proceeded to initiate lockdown procedures for the voting machines. According to Mr. Bradley, he met with Judge Bellantoni at the Board of Elections headquarters in White Plains Tuesday evening at 11:30 P.M. to have the Judge sign a court order impounding the machines.

By 11:30 PM when Mr. Bradley had gone to have the order signed, no election returns had been posted since 10:15 PM by the Board of Elections, and the vote margin was 80 votes. Mr. Bradley knew the race was “too close to call,” and moved, as is standard in close elections to impound the machines.

Bradley told WPNCR at 5 PM Thursday evening that he went from the judge directly to one of the Board of Elections Commissioners, and presented the Court order.

Impoundment process fails to comply with courtset deadline: 11 hours late.

WPCNR’s photograph of the actual court order indicates that the impoundment calls for securing of the voting machines by 12 noon, Wednesday, September 11.

According to the Town Clerk offices and three town clerks who spoke with WPCNR in person, Thursday morning was the first time they had even heard of an impoundment order being issued.

County Police Responsible for Notifying Towns.

According to a City of White Plains source, the Westchester County Public Safety Commissioner (now Lewis D’Aliso) has the responsibility for notifying the town clerks through the local police departments of an impoundment order via teletype.

The Deputy Commissioner of Public Safety, William Rehm, when asked if the impoundment order had been teletyped, said he would check into it, and phoned WPCNR back to say that “We never received any order for an impoundment and so we didn’t send out a teletype.”

Just an Innocent Question.

WPCNR was curious Thursday morning as to how an impoundment proceding was executed so we contacted Janice Manieri, the White Plains City Clerk, to explain the process.

Ms. Manieri told WPCNR Thursday morning that she had not received an impoundment order, but when she read the Journal News Wednesday morning, reading of the impoundment, she ordered the machines impounded as a conscientious measure.

Town Clerk shocked.

One Town Clerk (who volunteered that she supported Naomi Matusow), said she had been expecting an impoundment Wednesday, because, she said, there is almost always an impoundment order issued in a such a close election. She said she called the Board of Elections Wednesday and asked if an impoundment was coming. She was told “No,” but did not tell us the Board of Elections official who said no impoundment order was in effect.

Impoundment Orders Faxed After WPCNR Call.

WPCNR spoke to Ms. Minieri, the White Plains City Clerk at approximately 9:30 Thursday morning. When she told us she had not received the impoundment order, WPCNR contacted the Board of Elections, and said that White Plains had not received the impoundment order. The person we spoke to said, it was faxed. A few minutes later, WPCNR called the Board of Elections back, and was told “we’re checking on it.” By this time it was approximately 10:30 A.M.

Not quite believing the impoundment order had not been served by the Board of Elections, WPCNR polled the clerks offices around the 89th District.

Each office WPCNR talked with said faxed copies of the impoundment order were then received approximately 11 A.M. at the 7 offices we called. The information was willingly and graciously provided by the actual town clerks or personnel in the Town Clerk offices or legal officials in Bedford, Harrison, Lewisboro, Mount Kisco, New Castle, North Castle, Pound Ridge and White Plains WPCNR contacted, even being so courteous as to call WPCNR back.

Voting machines locked up in many cases

Three town clerks we spoke to said the voting machines were locked up any way in storage garages, though not under any special impoundment-level protection. WPCNR did not ask where the machines were before they reached their typical storage locations.

Bradley shocked.

When we talked to Adam Bradley about impoundment impediment, he was shocked that his order had just been sent to Assembly District 89 Town Clerks today. He had not checked on whether the impoundment orders had been served or not, automatically, assuming that the impoundments would be executed in a timely manner as “they have been for the last 15 years,” as he put it.

Bradley said Thursday evening that he had been told by Carolee Sunderland that the impoundment order had been sent to the police Tuesday evening to be served, but that the person was new “and did not know what to do with it.”

A Town Clerk said she did not think it made any sense to impound less than one day before a recanvass was to start.

Commissioner of the Board of Elections, Carolee Sunderland was contacted by WPCNR first thing Thursday morning to talk about the impoundment procedure, before we contacted Ms. Minieri. Sunderland did return the call at 6:15 PM when WPCNR was unable to speak with her.

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Matusow Lead Down to 99 Votes. All Districts In.

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WPCNR COUNTY CLARION-LEDGER. By John F. Bailey. September 12, 2002 NEW INFORMATION 11:45 P.M. EDT: In a posting to its website Thursday morning, the Westchester County Board of Elections reported incumbent Assemblywoman Naomi Matusow’s lead after all 78 districts have been counted as being 99 votes, 2,547 votes to 2,448 with 18% of the Absentee Ballots still to be counted, 60 in all, and an undertimined amount of “Affidavitt Ballots.”
This sets the stage for a dramatic recanvass which will begin Friday, according to a spokesperson for Commissioner Reginald LaFayette’s office. The days and times for the recanvass of the eight communities in the 89th Assembly District were reported to WPCNR, Thursday morning, but have since been changed, Harrison being moved to Tuesday.
The unofficial results posted on the Board of Elections Thursday morning:


PARTY 78 Districts out of 78 Reporting (100)% Votes Percent

82% of Absentee Ballots Counted



Office Totals 4,995 100%


The Board of Elections Recanvass Caravan

One team of inspectors from the Westchester County Board of Elections will begin the sensitive recanvassing of the Primary Vote beginning Friday, in the north end of the 89th, staggering the visits. The team will begin in Pound Ridge approximately 11:30 A.M., then on to Mount Kisco at 12:30 P.M. and wrap up with New Castle at 2:30 P.M.

The locations of the voting machines where the recanvasses will be conducted by a single team Friday, according to Maureen Keating-Tsuchiya, of the Bradley campaign, who is assigning her watchers are as follows:
Friday 11:30 Pound Ridge–Highway Garage, Stonehill Road, Rt. 137

12:30 Mt. Kisco–Whalen Moving & Storage
39 Kiscona Avenue, Mt. Kisco

2:30 New Castle–200 So.Greeley Avenue, Chappaqua

For Tuesday, the format has changed with two Board of Elections teams splitting North District locations and White Plains and Harrison to the South.

On Tuesday, (not Monday as previously written in error), the North BOE team begins counting with Lewisboro at 10:30 A.M., hits Bedford at 12:30, and completes the canvas planning to arrive North Castle at approximately 1 P.M or later.

The South Team Tuesday begins with Harrison at 9:30 A.M. and moves on to White Plains at 12 noon. The Tuesday locations:

North Watch

Tuesday Team #1 10:30 Lewisboro: Meadow Pond School Warehouse, Deepwell Farm Road, Lewisboro

12:30 Bedford Whalen Moving & Storage 39 Kiscona Avenue, Mt.Kisco.

1:00 North Castle Recreation Center, Whippowill Road, Armonk.

South Watch

Team #2 9:30 Harrison, Town Garage Gleason Place off Harrison Avenue

Noon–White Plains 20 Ferris Ave (firehouse)
lower level

Bradley Estimate of Total Vote Very Close. But Wrong Horse.

The estimates received from the Adam Bradley “Election Analysts” Tuesday evening said the projected winner, according to their election night runners, and expected absentee and affidavitt ballots, would receiver 2,500 to 2,600 votes and the loser 2,400 votes. That estimate is in line with the actual vote count so far.

Only their reports from elections sites had Bradley with the winning totals, not Ms. Matusow.

The recanvass will sort out whether the Board of Elections recorded the canvass sheets taken from the backs of the voting machines corrrectly. The Board does not assign their clerks to specific elections so results are not tracked by a specific clerk who is in charge of a particular race.

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White Plains Walks to Remember

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WPCNR MORNING SUN. By John F. Bailey. September 12, 2002: The City gathered approximately 2,000 citizens strong stretching two long city blocks, at twilight Wednesday evening for the City of White Plains Memorial Walk & Ceremony to honor the dead, the heroic, the sufferering of the World Trade Center-Pentagon attacks.

MAYOR DELFINO AND COMPANY lead the community marching down Main Street from City to begin the solemn march, a serious procession that blended pride in country, reflection on sacrifice, and resolve, stirred by The Westchester Firefighters Emerald Society bagpipesmen playing The Marine’s Hymn, and Over There Left to Right, County Legislator William Ryan, Councilpersons Tom Roach, Rita Malmud, Glen Hockley, Robert Greer, Benjamin Boykin, Mayor Delfino, Lois Bronz, County Legislator, and Councilman William King. They were on the march to the Public Safety Building. More Photos Follow.

Photo by WPCNR

FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS OF ALL RACES AND CREEDS AND RELIGIOUS PERSUASIONS marched down Main Street, turned left at Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, down Martine Avenue facing the golden sunset and a strong Northwest wind. It was the second annual “Memorial Walk,” an event created by the City Administration, last year within a week after the 9/11 horror.

Photo by WPCNR


Photo by WPCNR

DIGNATARIES AND THE CITY FATHERS ADDRESSED THE CITIZENS WHO CAME TO REMEMBER 9/11 from the steps of the Public Safety Building. That is the Common Council seated on the steps. The 20-knot winds gusting across the city, whipping the crowd symbolized that the struggle for rights, and freedom and happiness is not a walk in the park, and the silent statues reminded this reporter of the persons who sacrifice to protect, preserve and keep you and me out of harm’s way.

Photo by WPCNR

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Matusow Surges Ahead with One District To Go Before Recanvass

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WPCNR EVENING CITY STAR REPORTER. By John F. Bailey. September 11, 2002:The Board of Elections this evening posted their first update of the “too close to call” 89th Assembly District in almost 24 hours.

Photo by WPCNR

Incumbent Naomi Matusow with one district out, not identified, has a 159-vote lead over her challenger Adam Bradley, 2,525 votes to 2,366. The unofficial figures from the Board of Elections website as of 10 PM EDT follow:

PARTY 77 Districts out of 78 Reporting (98)% Votes Percent
82% of Absentee Ballots Counted



Office Totals 4,891 100%


The Bradley camp reacting to the numbers disagrees with the unofficial Board of Elections count, pending recanvas, based on their tallies at the machines on site. Jonathan Appel, Bradley campaign manager, points to confused reports coming from the Board of Elections, as evidence for optimism on the part of his candidate. Appel said the Board of Elections has told the Bradley team they were missing three White Plains districts, then that only one was missing.

Appel, who handles the numbers for Adam Bradley, says the absentee ballots have yet to be opened and counted, of which there are, he understands, about 40 from White Plains alone. Appel, who said his candidate’s unofficial numbers last night from the election machine sites, showed Bradley winning by as much as 200 to 300 votes when all was said and done, was still confident and awaited the recanvass.

LaFayette: Recanvass May Begin Friday.

Reginald LaFayette, Co-Chair of the Board of Elections, told WPCNR Thursday afternoon that he thought canvassing would begin on Friday.

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White Plains Remembers the Towers

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WPCNR AFTERNOON TRIB & POST. By John F. Bailey. September 11, 2002: White Plains paused to pay tribute to the lives lost in the World Trade Center attacks of 2001 Wednesday morning with ceremonies at the Michaelian Office Building and at White Plains High School.

STUDENTS OF WHITE PLAINS HIGH SCHOOL CREATE UNIQUE TRIBUTE: Under a somber cloudy sky, freshened by a clearing wind, the mournful bagpipe of Kevin Daugherty accompanied the lowering of The Stars and Stripes to half-mast, moving many of the students who had gathered at the White Plains High School courtyard to tears as the evocative pipes stirred emotions deep inside. A lone bagpiper marched up the path to the high school entrance followed by the White Plains Police Color Guard, who raised the flag while David Nightingale sang The Star Spangled Banner. The Guard raised the flag, lowered it to half-mast and slowly marched out. The simple, moving ceremony was created by the General Organization with several teachers and administration. It was so right. The temporary flag pole was donated by a teacher’s mother and stood up proudly in the stiff wind.
Photo by WPCNR

CEREMONY OF THE FOUR-FIVES was the most moving segment of the Westchester County Community Gathering of Remembrance and Hope at the Michaelian Office Building at 8:30 AM. The bells were struck in remembrance of the perished of 9/11, by representatives of Westchester County Fire, Police and EMS departments in honor of those who have “returned to quarters.” The county reports over 1,200 persons gathered on Martine Avenue for the remembrance.
Photo by WPCNR

“WHEN YOUR EYES ARE FILLED WITH TEARS, YOUR HEART IS FULL,” County Executive Andy Spano remarked in his brief address at the County ceremony. Spano said the county is planning a memorial to those lost on September 11. Spano ended his address by saying the best way to remember the persons who died in the attacks was for us the living to “do the right thing.”

Photo by WPCNR

COUNTY POLICE OFFICERS LOOK ON AT THE COUNTY REMEMBRANCE: A moment of silence was observed at 8:46 AM, to observe the moment the attacks began. As the silence played out, gusts of a strong West wind sweeped across the crowd. Shevon Jacobs performed an original song, “The Call.” Juliet Brisman, widow of Mark A. Brisman read a poem “Days” by Billy Collins, the U.S. Poet Laureate. Rachel Smith, a witness to the events of September 11 spoke of the long anguish she had felt through the last year and the time to move on. The Westchester Chordsmen finished the event with a unique arrangement of God Bless America which brought tears to those around this reporter.

Photo by WPCNR

LONE BAGPIPER, KEVIN DAUGHERTY LEADS POLICE HONOR GUARD up the path to the entrance to White Plains High School to begin the students’ tribute.
Photo by WPCNR

THE NEXT GENERATION of leaders looks on at the WPHS ceremony. Many students and teachers could be seen tearing, remembering in their own way, with a mission on their faces as the music of the pipes evoked the loss and the legacy of the lost uniquely for each observer.

Photo by WPCNR

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Impounded! Machines to be Recanvassed in the 89th.

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WPCNR MILKMAN’S MATINEE NEWS DELIVERY. September 11, 2002 UPDATED NEW PHOTO & BOARD OF ELECTIONS NUMBERS AS OF 1:10 PM EDT: Adam Bradley filed a court order at approximately 11:30 PM to midnight Tuesday evening, impounding the voting machines in the eight towns in the 89th Assembly District, saying the race was “too close to call.”

The Board of Elections website as of 1:10 PM Wednesday afternoon was still reporting only 85% of election districts accounted for in their unofficially posted results which show Ms. Matusow leading Mr. Bradley by 86 votes. This margin has remained the same on the Board of Elections website without being updated since 10:15 PM Tuesday evening.

HERE WE GO AGAIN: The impoundment order filed by Adam Bradley near midnight last night which calls for rounding up the approximately 50 to 60 voting machines in the 78 Election Districts making up the 89th Assembly District, pending a recanvass to determine the winner in Bradley’s primary challenge of Naomi Matusow. Bradley said he spoke with Matusow approximately 12:45 AM and she “agreed it was too close to call,” according to Bradley and that she had 11 districts she did not have numbers for, but did not disclose her numbers to him. Asked if she had commented that he had run a good race, Bradley said, she did not.

Photo by WPCNR

The numbers as reported on the Board of Elections website as of 1:10 PM:


PARTY 67 Districts out of 78 Reporting (85)% Votes Percent

73% of Absentee Ballots Counted



Office Totals 4,348 100%


Bradley’s campaign manager, Jonathan Appel, was confident that according to the Bradley camp’s unofficial reports from the machines on site around the district that Mr. Bradley was maintaining a winning margin over Naomi Matusow of approximately 200 votes based on the White Plains numbers they had in their possession.

PRIMARY ANALYSTS: Jonathan Appel, left, and B. J. Markus, right, monitored Board of Election Returns, and compared them with their unofficial reports from the 78 Election Districts across the 89th.
Photo by WPCNR

Appel said conservatively he felt Bradley had a 120 to 150-vote margin, even though as of 1:30 AM, two districts from Lewisboro, two districts in Bedford and one from Mount Kisco, and one from White Plains had not reported in to him yet. Appel said he did not expect the Bedford and Lewisboro numbers to impact the Bradley lead because the Andrew Cuomo “pull-out” had held down the Bedford count, in his opinion.

BRADLEY BRIGADES CAMPAIGNED STRONGLY UP UNTIL 9 PM,POLLS DEADLINE:Jane Silverman and Maureen Keating Tsuchiya, volunteers for Adam Bradley’s 89th Assembly campaign, chatted with President Bill Clinton Tuesday evening at the Chappaqua Train Station. President Clinton was waiting for his daughter Chelsea to arrive from Grand Central Station. Silverman and Tsuchiya were making their final appeal to commuters to vote for Bradley, Markus & Schlaff before the polls closed.
Photo From Maureen Keating Tsuchiya

In an eerie replay of the Larry Delgado-Glen Hockley election count scenario of November of last year, The Board of Elections posted no results after 10:15 PM, when they showed with 85% of the districts counted that Matusow lead by a 51% to 49% margin. Both camps only had their own numbers to rely on.

White Plains Puts Bradley in Driver’s Seat

In early returns, Ms. Matusow was doing better leading Bradley at one time by 52% to 48% at 10 PM with 47 Districts In. Five minutes later, the gap had narrowed to 49%-51%, Matusow with half the districts in. Appel was optimistic because the bulk of White Plains returns had not come in yet.

HIGHLIGHT OF THE NIGHT: Arnold Bernstein, (center), Adam Bradley’s Co-Chair announced the Bradley team’s unofficial White Plains results that as of this writing appear, according the Bradley number-crunchers, to have Mr. Bradley leading the race, pending the recanvass.
Photo by WPCNR

Optimism increased in the lively room when Bradley and Matusow were tied with 50% of the vote each with 63% of the districts reporting. It was the next-to-the-last Board of Elections results for the evening by our count.

Then Arnold Bernstein rode to the rescue at 10:20 PM. Bradley’s Co-Chairman of his campaign had figures from White Plains, with 66 of 78 districts reporting, his personal reports from the White Plains E.D.’s showed Bradley running ahead of Matusow 1,071 to 399, or 3 to 1.

INTO THE NIGHT: Assemblyman-Maybe Adam Bradley leaving the Gedney Grille at 1:30 AM this morning, looking forward to the recanvass of the vote and a new political future.
Photo by WPCNR

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Adam Bradley Expected to Win Assembly Primary by 2 to 300 votes.

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WPCNR EVENING CITY STAR REPORTER. September 10, 2002: At 11:15 PM Tuesday evening, Jonathan Appel, Adam Bradley’s Campaign Manager, based on unofficial returns retrieved by their “Election District Runners” said he expected Adam Bradley to wind up with approximately 2,600 votes to incumbent Assemblywoman Naomi Matusow’s 2,400 votes.

The numbers at the time were awaiting results from four districts, District 4 in White Plains and 3 districts in Lewisboro. Bradley’s numbers people were confident based on their unofficial counts that the challenger was going to win.

“TOO CLOSE TO CALL:” Adam Bradley addressing his campaign workers at the Gedney Grille Tuesday evening prior to his impounding the voting machines. He said, “I want to thank you for all you have done,” and that the day’s vote showed White Plains and the towns of the district wanted a representative to represent them “ably.” He said the sales tax issue “resonated” with the voters, as did Ms. Matusow’s too little, too late position on Indian Point. He said later upon returning from filing the petition to impound that he was “cautiously optimistic” going into the recanvass, which he said might be begin Friday, depending on the Board of Elections, which would determine when the recount would begin. Johnathan Appel, Campaign Manger is in center, and B.J. Marcus, another Election Night Analyst is in background.
Photo by WPCNR

The strength lay in Bradley’s sweeping White Plains districts by a 3 to 1 margin, unofficially 1,070 votes to Matusow’s 399 in White Plains districts.

Bradley addressing his supporters at the Gedney Grille in White Plains said the race was too close to call. At 11:10 PM he left the gathering to file an impoundment order on the voting machines.

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McMahon, DePaso, Hilliard, Rosenthal to the Hall of Fame

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WPCNR School Days Report Card Dispatch. September 10, 2002: Four distinguished White Plains High School graduates were announced as the 2002 inductees into the White Plains High School Hall of Fame Monday evening at the Board of Education meeting at Education House.

The graduates are Frank McMahon, Class of 1933; Joseph DePaso, Class of 1941; Verdell Hilliard, Class of 1947, and Steven Rosenthal, Class of 1984. The four will be officially inducted on Tuesday, November 19.

THE FOUR HONOREES were announced by new WPHS Principal Dr. Christine Robbins who said , “I am especially pleased that inductees into the White Plains Hall of Fame spend time with students and have an opportunity to share their insights and experiences in the classroom and in group sessions. This year, with the memory and impact of the events of 9/11 still fresh, it is fitting and appropriate that all four of the inductees have devoted their lives, and in some cases, their professional careers, to helping others and to community service.”
Photo by WPCNR

Frank McMahon: A Household Name in the City.

Mr. McMahon graduated from WPHS in 1933 and buildt the largest funeral home business in Westchester County, while serving the city as a White Plains City Councilman, as President of the White Plains Firemen’s Relief Association, and as a Commissioner of the White Plains Parking Authority. He was also a volunteer fireman for nearly 60 years.

Joseph DePaso: Teacher Who Made a Difference.

A graduate of WPHS in 1941, Mr. DePaso served four years with the Marines in the South Pacific and then returned to the high school to teach in 1954. From 1954 to 1984, he eventually became Chairman of the Fine and Practical Arts Department, coached basketball, cross-country and football. He was also Senior Class Advisor and was named Teacher of the Year. In the community he was a volunteer fireman, a scoutmaster and Salvation Army volunteer. He passed away in 1997.

Verdell Hilliard: Fifty Years A Nurse in White Plains.

Ms. Hilliard is a member of the WPHS Class of 1947. During her career as a nurse, she was a school nurse at White Plains Middle School and Archbishop Stepinac High School. She served 14 years on the White Plains Youth Board and is active today in community service organizations. She has won local and regional awards for her service and community leadership.

Steven Rosenthal: Internationalist. Aid in 9/11 Rescue Effort.

Mr. Rosenthal graduated White Plains High in 1984, and founded Cross-Cultural Solutions in 1995 with one volunteer program in India. His organization today is active in seven countries in four continents and it is described by the Board of Education as “a leading catalyst for social development worldwide.”

Rosenthal and his organization, headquartered in New Rochelle, volunteered to help after the 9/11 attacks, eventually taking over the task of providing up to 10,000 meals a day to rescue workers at the Trade Center disaster site, placing some 6,500 volunteers in position during the recovery efforts.

Dr. Robbins invited the community to attend induction ceremonies for the 2002 Four on Tuesday of American Education Week, November 19 at White Plains High School. The four persons announced Monday evening join the 30 White Plains High School graduates previously selected.

Robbins said, in her remarks, that “Other scholls I’ve worked at had Halls of Fame and I have found that they are a terrific way to not only celebrate the achievements of outstanding graudates, but to also recognize the contributions of the high school teachers and staff, both past and present.”

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Paulin Lauded on Administering Children’s Medications Legal Solution

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WPCNR WHITE PLAINS VOICE. From Lottie Harris of Child Care Council of Westchester. September 9, 2002: Assemblywoman Amy Paulin’s office shares these comments about the Assemblywoman’s role in recent legislation affecting medication of children.
August 30, 2002

To The Editor:

This letter is to express appreciation for Assemblywoman Amy Paulin’s efforts, which resulted in an amendment to the Nurse Practitioners Act. For three years, child care directors, advocates, and representatives of the Bureau of Early Childhood Services tried to find a solution to issues raised about a practice that had been in place for many years. The regulations of the New York State Office of Children and Family Services governing the provision of medication and treatment of children in child care permitted a very necessary practice for many children. However, within the past three years, child care programs suddenly became legally vulnerable for doing what they were permitted to do by regulation for many years.

It was only when Assemblywoman Paulin took on this issue that all the State agencies involved were brought together and a solution was agreed upon, even though it is temporary. Child care representatives and parents are very grateful for her interest, persistence, and success.

Thank you, Assemblywoman Paulin, for being so supportive of child care issues.


Lottie Harris

Executive Director, Child Care Council of Westchester, Inc.

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King Komments: Calls for New Fountain Cost Breakdown

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WPCNR’S KING KOMMENTS. By Councilman William King. September 9, 2002: The councilman takes a look at the White Plains downtown fountain and raises some concerns about the $3 Million fountain project described to the Common Council last week.

MAKEOVER FOR DOWNTOWN FOUNTAIN PLAZA: The White Plains Main Street and Mamaroneck Avenue fountain on Monday, September 9, 2002.

Photo by WPCNR

How sure are you of the general $#’s for the Main-Mamaroneck Fountain Plaza work? Do you know what the annual costs of operation and maintenance will be? Can you give a breakdown of the construction costs? i.e., how much to remove the 15-20 trees, how much for regrading and resurfacing, how much for demolishing the existing fountain (will the new proposed fountain utilize any of the existing underground pumps, etc.?), how much for the new fountains themselves?

SHADE TREES TO BE REMOVED: The Main and Mamaroneck Fountain as it appears in bright sunlight Monday. As part of the city’s second phase of Revitalization, the city proposes removing the present plaza and trees for a new fountain/lightshow/ plaza (See last week’s story), at a projected cost of approximately $3 Million. The fountain has been criticised by the city administration as in poor repair, dark and uninviting, and an encouragement to loiterers.
Photo by WPCNR

I went to the plaza yesterday to give it a good look, to see what actually has to be dealt with and to size it up and picture what it would look like with the new design. It struck me how many trees are there now (all of the same variety which I could not identify), how well they are actually doing in an otherwise paved-over, shady space with a lot of traffic going by, and how many pigeons actually sit up in the branches (a lot).

It struck me when I heard the church bells sounding from Grace Church that there was no way to actually see Grace Church from the Court Street side of the plaza, so thick are the trees. I wondered if it was actually necessary to cut down and uproot the trees nearest the buildings, in order to plant new trees that the landscape architect is proposing (I forgot the variety Sasaki said would do well there).

PROPOSED DESIGN, as seen from Macy’s looking back towards the City Center. The three green squares to the right are “greens,” the four blue areas are proposed fountains that would stage a “choreography of waters” at various times throughout the day and evening to recorded music.
Photo by WPCNR

In essence, I would just like to know how much would it cost to “open up” the plaza by removing most of the trees, demolishing the existing fountain, removing the earthen barrier on the Main Street side, and replanting the whole area with grass or grass and new sidewalks and how much will it cost just for the new fountains proposed? How much for regular fountains versus the high-tech, software-dependent ones?

I would like to be assured that the high-tech sound and light shows don’t cost an arm and a leg over and above everything else (would that be what Cappelli would be paying for?).

I am concerned that the City, and specifically the Downtown, also has other needs where we have to spend money, including the Community Theater at the City Center, fixing up Tibbits Park more and doing the Court Street extension. But, believe me, I would like that ugly fountain out of there quickly and the plaza area fixed up.

Councilman William King

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