HPN Travelers: Allow 2 Hours at Peak Travel Times for New Federal Security Check

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WPCNR County Clarion-Ledger. By John F. Bailey. November 7, 2002:Westchester County Airport departing passengers were formally introduced to the Transportation Security Adminstration airport security system today at a news conference describing the new 4-step security procedure that has been in place for about one week, checking and rechecking passengers through 4 separate levels of security.

WHAT NOT TO TAKE ON AN AIRPLANE: Close-up view of items “abandoned” by passengers, which include scissors, nailfiles, sharp instruments of all kinds. You will be given an opportunity to return to the luggage check-in and place it in your luggage, or in your automobile, if you have time, otherwise TSA inspectors will collect the item. TSA Federal Security Director, Paul Crispi urged passengers to be aware of what will not be allowed to be carried on a plane.


County officials and TSA Directors reported on the system which now incorporates 100 specially trained TSA inspectors to inspect passenger luggage and carry-on baggage at four separate checkpoints, after you have checked in at your airline ticket counter.

New TSA inspectors interviewed by WPCNR noted that at peak hours it may take 10 to 15 minutes to clear the new procedures after your ticket check-in procedures at high density airport hours, 7 to 9 AM and 4:30 to 7 PM, and more on the holidays coming up. TSA Westchester County Airport safety director, Romero Iral suggested passengers allow 2 hours at these times.

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IRS Fraud Squad: Beware responding to phony IRS Requests

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WPCNR SERGEANT JOE FRIDAY REPORTS. From Westchester County Chamber of Commerce. November 7, 2002: The IRS is warning that fraudulent schemes are currently circulating to steal your identity and bank deposits. The perpetrators are using fictitious bank correspondence and IRS forms in an attempt to trick taxpayers into disclosing their personal and banking data. One such phony form is “W-9095, Application Form for Certificate Status/Ownership for Withholding Tax”. Details will be pursued.

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Children’s Services Sues City to Open Group Home, Conditions House for Winter

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WPCNR WHITE PLAINS LAW JOURNAL. By John F. Bailey. November 6, 2002: The Jewish Board of Family and Childrens Services sued the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Building Department of the City of White Plains today, asking the Supreme Court to overturn the Zoning Board revocation of their Building Permit on their proposed Group Home at 139 Walworth Avenue.

The suit seeks no monetary damages and asks the court in an Article 78 action to rule that the city “be permanently enjoined from taking any action adverse to or inconsistent with JBFCS’ vested rights, including but not limited to efforts to deny JBFCS’ Building Permit or Certificate of Occupancy…” and asks “that a final judment be made…annulling, vacating and setting aside the ZBA’s decision and declaring that the…group home is permitted in the R1-5 Zoning District,” and other relief (perhaps monetary) as the court sees fit.

In a related matter, the Jewish Board of Family and Children’s Services informed the Building Department they had begun winterproofing the 139 Walworth Avenue facility to prevent pipes from freezing, and sustaining damage to the home.

The city is asked to respond in court, November 27.

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WPCNR HEARSAY. By John F. Bailey. November 6, 2002:Good Day, Mr. and Mrs. White Plains and all the Judges at Sea. We know who you are. Welcome to Hearsay the things WPCNR hears as WPCNR gets buttonholed, fed, leaked, stroked, stiffed and stifled in dealing with the newsmakers and news creators in White Plains. What you are about to read is all hearsay, unless we affix a name who dares to go “on the record” this is stuff, that may happen, should have happened, or might happen, but it’s what WPCNR hears and finds out, which is always the best stuff. In the following, the names have been changed or suppressed to protect the guilty and the innocent. After all, it’s just Hearsay:

Department of Slumlords of Gotham North That hard walking man, the man of the weekly “Hockley Walkabouts,” White Plains Councilman Glen Hockley has told WPCNR he is conducting personal surveillance of alleged homes harboring multiple boarders illegally in White Plains.

He is making a list, and checking it twice and will be turning in his own personal “Slumlord Indictment” of alleged offending homes with addresses over to the Mayor’s Office for investigation and will be asking for answers as to why they have not been prosecuted, closed down, or fined.

Hockley is walking the walk, instead of talking the talk.

He is doing “stakeouts” of the streets. He has company on his personal investigations. He’s being assisted by neighborhood association types in Battle Hill, Fisher Hill, and the Ferris Avenue neighborhood pointing out homes of a suspicious nature.

Mr. Hockley adds that illegal housing is wrong. He feels it is hurting the legal residents of these neighborhoods and it exploits the persons who live in the illegal homes. All you slumlords, White Plains will soon know where your over rented homes are and who you are.

The Councilman feels strongly he cannot turn people out into the street without taking care of them. Hockley reports to WPCNR he will be meeting with Assemblyman-Elect Adam Bradley and Assemblywoman Amy Paulin, just elected, and County Legislator Bill Ryan to see if the County or the state can furnish funds to house the illegal residents legally, in temporary or permanent housing.

“These people can’t continue to live illegally. It’s dangerous for them, and dangerous for their neighbors and neighborhoods.” Hockley told WPCNR.

Department of Ultra-Picky, Thorough Lawyers: Speaking of Glen Hockley, and his jamming partner, Larry Delgado of White Plains, It’s one year and one day since the voting machine in White Plains 18th Election District jammed, presenting Glen Hockley with his Council seat, courtesy of the New York State Court of Appeals.

WPCNR wonders how long it will take our Attorney General to get around to ruling on the Larry Delgado request for a quo warranto proceeding. He’s had the request since March 22, 2002. He’s had three of his attorneys working on it. March 22 to November 6. That’s seven months, on a case that was thoroughly argued three times in Supreme Court, Appellate Court and the Court of Appeals. What’s the holdup, Mr. S? Maybe he’s just been holding off stiff-arming of Larry Delgado until after Election Day. Well, it’s November 6, Mr. Attorney General. May we have your final answer?

Department of Wrist-Slapping:Those “holier than thous,” the Commission on Judicial Conduct should censure the Attorney General attorneys like they censured White Plains Judge Roseanne Washington last week for not ruling on cases fast enough when her mom was sick. She is part-time and they come down on her, when the Attorney General Cast of a Thousand Lawyers on full-time, big-time salaries, take six months (how about a little work) on a case already argued three times?

It did not take the Attorney General’s Office half as long to whack Merrill Lynch (a shooting gallery case the federal government handed him on a platter), as it’s taking his three attorneys to consider the Delgado-Hockley matter. The Delgado delay is a joke. Mr. Delgado is reported by close confidents as ready to yank Mr. Spitzer’s chain in about two weeks if he does not hear anything.

Mr. Spitzer, White Plains knows it’s a tough decision, but everybody knows the machine jammed. Have a little respect for the voter!

Sources close to the case told me off the record at the time that the Court of Appeals just didn’t want to work on a lot of election cases and that’s why they reversed the Judge Francis Nicolai decision. The judges of the Court of Appeals said they felt the Election Law did not allow the Courts to call for new elections, and saw a quo warranto as the only avenue open to Mr. Delgado, and that the Attorney General should move quickly to address it.

Are they kidding us? What were they thinking? Not with Elliot Spitzer’s office, it isn’t. He had all his work done for him three times over, by the “best and the brightest” the Court of Appeals, and he still can’t decide? Come on. So much for his Executive ability to make a tough decision under pressure. It’s a full year and a day when the “Jam of the Century” happened. The voters of White Plains don’t count?

Department of Upward Mobility: Jeaniners for Justice? Speaking of the Court of Appeals, rampantly speculating here, WPCNR has heard from Albany handicappers that what we really need on the state’s highest court is the crusading, high profile local prosecutor type we know and love, with a great track record on convictions, great stats, and who knows how to move a case through the courts without going to court, appointed to the Court of Appeals to shake them up.

WPCNR hears from polltakers of pols that a certain local and national high profiler, strong on violence against women, strong against teenage drinking, a real crusader, could seriously be considered for appointment to the New York State Court of Appeals when this person’s current term ends in 2006, or sooner, to get this person closer to Albany where they can do more. This media idol has nowhere to go but up. This individual is well-connected and the position fits them to a “t,” and would be very convenient for the powers that be and great for Westchester County.

Associate Justice of the Court of Appeals, George Smith is serving a 14-year term that ends in 2006 (appointed in 1992), conveniently, just the time our crusader will need a job, if they are not reelected. Now Governor George Pataki is reelected, and our highly photogenic out-in-fronter is certainly a logical candidate, given their high standing in Pataki Ville, by ’06 or sooner if they want to move on up.

Dateline: Where’s a Civil Liberties Union When You Need One Department? How can impoundment of a personal computer be legal under the U.S. Constitution? If you wanted to “get” somebody, you simply break into their home or office and upload some incriminating files. You accuse them of doing something to you. The authorities get a warrant, impound the computer, and presto, there’s the evidence. It’s easy. The person does not even know it’s there.

When is some attorney going to file a class action suit on behalf of the hundreds of persons whose computers have been seized and found to contain what warrants say they contain? The amendment in the U.S. Constitution, that deals with this is Amendment IV, it reads: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Somehow, I do not think “We think he/she has pornography on a computer showing a picture of our Suzi” is a good reason to impound a person’s computer. It’s popular, but is it right? The courts do it because it is for a “just cause.” The child pornography laws have opened up prosecution avenues and investigative techniques that are rapidly being applied to other fields.

The Attorney General’s examination of Merrill Lynch e-mails to make the case for restitution to investors is a good example. Please, if that is not a violation of Amendment IV, I do not know what is. Whatever is seized is entirely circumstantial and could have been planted. The reaction of law enforcement is always, “of course it’s not.” But someday, it could, actually could be planted. You never know.

Can Anyone Take This Property Off JPI’s hands Department? Privately we hear from two real estate sources that JPI is shopping the 300 Mamaroneck Avenue property. No dirt has been moved by machine for about six months. Maybe certain “official designated developers of Westchester County” will step in and bail them out.

Department of School Budget Hits: Johnnie Cochran’s law firm continues to prepare its discovery proceedings against the White Plains City School District in the matter of the October 2000 Highlands sexual assault of a Highlands student. This most likely will result in a multi-million dollar school budget “hit” when it hurts the most.

End of CCOS As We Know It Department:

Principals of Concerned Citizens for Open Space could be in some serious law problems if their Article 78 lawsuit is upheld by the New York State Supreme Court. New York Presbyterian Hospital, if they were feeling particularly nasty, could sue CCOS principals for interference with a contract, as well as Westchester County Medical Center.

As WPCNR reported last week, and if CCOS and participants in the suit do not know it, the CCOS law firm, Oxman, Tulis, Kirkpatrick, Whyatt & Geiger has a relationship with Westchester County Medical Center. One of their principals ( Marc Tulis) being the chairman of the board of the agency that runs the Westchester County Medical Center.

Let’s think: It makes sense for O.T.K.W. & G to step in give CCOS a hand. The organizations have similar interests, and law firms can represent clients in fields where they are active, despite interlocking relationships. It’s the nature of the business. The Westchester County Medical Center is a direct rival of New York Presbyterian Hospital contending for the dwindling pool of Pataki biotech research dollars NYPH needs to build its proton accelerator/biotech research facility. The Westchester County Medical Center wants biotech funds, too. Sounds like it makes very good business sense for Westchester County Medical Center and Mr. Tulis, and Mr. Oxman (an Andy Spano supporter, now ousted Executive Director of the Democratic Party) to use their law expertise to step in on the side of good old Concerned Citizens for Open Space. Who better? Very much like Shoprite trying to stop a Stop N Shop project.

CCOS and their good people being used to make a point?

I mean somebody, some organization, or some account has to pay Oxman, Tulis, Kirpatrick, Whyatt & Geiger’s fees, and it is likely not to be the “deep pockets of CCOS” which may be more accurately described as “a tin cup with change in it,” inasmuch CCOS has never divulged how much money they raised in two separate pleas for funds with the last six months. The tab on an Article 78 is like a White Plains parking meter. It goes up fast. Who’s funding that?

Oxman, Tulis, Kirpatrick, Whyatt & Geiger is reported by CCOS to be giving CCOS a real cut rate. WPCNR commends the law firm for its generosity and pro bono spirit doing what’s in the best interest of CCOS. But wouldn’t it also be in the best interest of Westchester County Medical Center to stop the proton accelerator, or acquiring it or its biotech lab for themselves? It makes logical sense that O.T.K.W & G, experts at winning contentious zoning battles would be a logical choice of both the Westchester County Medical Center and CCOS to go hard at the City of White Plains

What’s curious is what we can only assume is coincidental timing when Oxman, Tulis, Kirpatrick, Whyatt & Geiger were formed: in the spring of 2001. The law firm was created just after New York Presbyterian Hospital settled the lawsuit they had against the City of White Plains in January 2001 and had announced their plans to build a proton accelerator. Within three months of that settlement, Oxman, Tulis, Kirkpatrick & Whyatt was formed. John Kirkpatrick is a zoning expert, and Mr. Whyatt was a zoning, environmental specialist long a CCOS advocate, who were invited to join the law firm. They were circling the wagons against a New York Presbyterian Hospital approval which was granted just four months later in August of this year?

Whyatt continued to speak out for CCOS as the proton accelerator environmental review began and his signature is on the lawsuit as being affiliated with Oxman Tulis, Kirkpatrick law firm in the current CCOS Article 78 action. Why would Messrs. Oxman and Tulis, highly successful zoning and real estate litigators, want to affiliate with Messrs. Whyatt and Kirkpatrick at that time?

Mr. Whyatt’s legal advice, reportedly pro buono had produced mixed results for the CCOS cause: 1.)The loss of 60 acres of free land through Whyatt’s argument to revisit eminent domain, and 2.) The persuasion of the Common Council that they had a right not to refer the NYPH project for review.

The Council decision that Mr. Whyatt argued for and prevailed, precipitated the disastrous (for the city) New York Presbyterian Hospital Article 78 suit against the Common Council and subsequent “blackjack” settlement with NYPH in January 2001, giving Presbyterian Hospital the whip hand over the city, blocking any chance at negotiation for park land. Did Oxman and Tulis think CCOS needed more help than Whyatt could provide on the Article 78?

Department of Employment The new Stop N Shop on 90 Westchester Avenue at the City’s eastern “Gateway,” is advertising for staffers. The very sharp redbrick edifice completing rapidly at South Kensico Avenue and Westchester Avenue, unfortunately marred by “Mobil Ugly” has openings for part-time Grocery, Produce, Florist & Cashiers at $6.75 an hour, Meat & Deli men at $7.50 an hour, Bake Shop Salad Bar, for $6.35 an hour, Seafood guys for $6.50 an hour, and baggers, $6.05 an hour, and Night Crew, $8.25 an hour plus 10% premium. Go to the Stop & Shop Website at www.stopandshop.com, or telephone 914-686-8913.

Department of Unemployed Reporters In what came a complete surprise to us, because we do not quite understand it, The Journal-News, the only daily newspaper in Westchester County, is looking for a Director of Public Relations. Another surprise: They are also looking to upgrade their website content aggressively, seeking an “Online Multimedia Content Developer, to research and write online content for their site, propose and develop new online products. Research and recommend multimedia components to supplement content.”

That’s a serious mistake: writers, creative types – idea men and women — do not have a clue on how HTML, Photoshop and streaming media works, news clips work. They just have great ideas. Getting a tech type in is not the way to improve a website. Bells, Whistles, Icons is not what you need. Content is the key. Creative, ever-changing content. If you’re interested, E-mail resume to mkervick@gannet.com or fax your resume to 914-696-8174, tell them the WhitePlains CitizeNetReporter sent you.

Department of Parking Garage Management: The Westchester Mall is gearing up for the holiday season and holding an Open House for Valets, Cashiers, Traffic Directors at $6.75 an hour. Monday 10 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. at 125 Westchester Avenue at the South Paulding Entrance. Email your resume to: KStorm@Parking.com, or Fax it to 914-683-8596.

That’s what we heard last week. That’s the beauty of Hearsay you never know what you’re going to get. Look for more Hearsay, when we get it. Remember, it’s just “Hearsay.”

Good Day, Mr. and Mrs. White Plains.

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It’s Bradley and Paulin to Albany for White Plains

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WPCNR EVENING CITY STAR REPORTER. By John F. Bailey. November 5, 2002 UPDATED: Adam Bradley was elected by a 12 to 1 margin over Joseph Giardina to his first elected office, Assemblyperson for the 89th Assembly District Tuesday. Incumbent Assemblyperson Amy Paulin weathered her ethnic indiscretions of the last two weeks by defeating Tony Sayegh, by a 58% to 42% margin with 72% of the votes counted. Suzi Oppenheimer will represent White Plains in the State Senate.
Mr. Bradley, surrounded by an oddly subdued entourage of White Plains Democrats, Glen Hockley, Tom Roach, who were visible on television and a poker-faced Jonathan Appel, spoke to the media at Heathcote Tavern in Scarsdale. A calm Bradley said he was looking forward to working with Amy Paulin in the Assembly, whom he described as one of the most effective new Assemblypersons in Albany with a great freshman record in the Assembly, and said he looked forward to working with her for White Plains.

Ms. Paulin, claimed victory over Sayegh at about 10:45 PM, appearing rather subdued and relieved in her television appearance, said her victory proved it was results that counted, and that she would move forward to work more on womens issues, keeping taxes low, and protecting the environment. In the portion of the speech telecast, she did not mention her opponent by name, but she may have mentioned Mr.Sayegh earlier before camera cut to her, away from Mr. Bradley. Turn in the Paulin-Sayegh contest was 32%. With 72% of the votes counted, she lead Mr. Sayegh, 13,372 to 9,877.

Oppenheimer Cruises

Suzi Oppenheimer goes back to the senate with a 2 to 1 margin over Irving Scharf to represent White Plains.

Big winner of night was not Governor George Pataki, but the Board of Elections

The Westchester County Board of Elections posted results early and often, updating their site of election tallys on the average of every 10 minutes, even less. The Board,which has been taken to task for lagging returns, especially in the September 5 primary this year, performed we thought flawlessly Tuesday evening. The site was easy to get to, and results downloaded quickly.

Republican Judges Slide off Pataki’s robes in Westchester, but Rockland, Dutchess, Putnam, Ulster provide victory.

Mr. Pataki’s coattails did not extend to the Supreme Court candidates in Westchester County. All three Republican Judge candidates who accepted the Right to Life endorsement were having problems big-time in Westchester County as of 11:30 PM, but the four counties North of Westchester, Rockland, Dutchess, Putnam, and Ulster, gave them the margins they needed retain the bench

James Brands , Thomas Dickerson, and Mary Smith ran 14,000, 10,000, and 10,000 votes, respectively behind Republican Janet Difiore, with 69,000 votes, and also behind Linda Jamieson, another Republican with 60,000 votes in Westchester County. Both Defiore and Jamieson did not run on the Right to Life line.

Ahead were Democrat candidates, Bruce Tolbert with 67,000 votes; Marc Lust with 63,000; Jeffery Cohen with 68,400 votes. As of 11:30 PM, in a close horse race the judgeships on the Supreme Court look to be the three Democrats, Tolbert, Cohen and Lust, and the two Republicans without the Right to Life line, Ms. DeFiore and Ms. Jamieson, but they were being hotly pursued by Republicans Dickerson and Smith.

The results were turned around in the northern counties by Wednesday morning. Janet DiFiore retained her lead with Brands, Dickerson, Smith and Jamieson following in that order. Cohen, Loer, Lust and Tolbert fell by the wayside.

Meanwhile back in county court.

Irene Ratner maintained her slim lead over Sam Walker votes.

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Election Results on the Westchester County Website

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WPCNR COUNTY CLARION-LEDGER. From Westchester County Department of Communications. November 5, 2003:Election results will be posted on Westchester County’s web site starting shortly after 9 p.m. Tuesday, Nov 5. This year, in addition to offering constantly updated results, the site will also provide a breakdown of county-wide numbers by municipality.

The unofficial tally of election results, which comes directly from the Westchester County Board of Elections computer system, will be posted at http://www.westchestergov.com/electiontally.

As in previous years, the site will be updated every three minutes. Localized breakdowns will be provided for races that cross municipal boundaries and updated every half hour. To update, wpcnr_users should simply click the “refresh” or “reload” button on their web browsers.
Results will be posted for the Governor, Comptroller, Attorney General, Congressional, State Senate and Assembly and judicial races.

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Council Approves $7MM Theater & Downtown Fountain Plaza, Mamaroneck Ave Garage S

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WPCNR COMMON COUNCIL CHRONICLE-EXAMINER. By John F. Bailey. November 5, 2002: The Common Council unanimously voted to approve design and construction of a dancing light fountain plaza last night and the construction of a Community Theater.

The council also voted to give Commissioner of Public Works Joseph Nicoletti the go-ahead on site and feasibility studies of building a single deck parking level on Mamaroneck Avenue behind the Rader’s toDunkin Donuts retail strip.

In other action, overnight parking on Old Mamaroneck Road had its public hearing closed with a rejection vote, based on a rare public poll of the council at the conclusion of the hearing. The possible negative vote is likely at the December meeting. Council President Benjamin Boykin told WPCNR the Council was going to ask Albany to approve home rule on the city streets to seek the ability to issue resident permits. Insiders said this was akin to killing the project.

The Calvary Baptist Church sanctuary was unanimously approved.

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Mitchell Tarnopal Confirms Paulin “Whispering Campaign”

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WPCNR HIGN NOON NEWS. By John F. Bailey. November 4, 2002 UPDATED: Under the classic headline Westchester Racewar a NY POST editorial appearing today, made The Post the first major print daily to report a political figure daring to confirm the existence of the Paulin anti-Sayegh whispering campaign.

Mitchell Tarnopal, Vice Chairman of the New Rochelle Democratic Party is reported as going on record that he was “aware” of a “whisper campaign” aimed at drawing voters away from Sayegh because of race.

In a related development, Robert Fois told WPCNR that County Legislator James Maisano had complained to a man described by Fois as a senior Republican Party Leader, whose identity Fois would not disclose, about Fois’ letter in addition to commenting to Howard Sturman, the publisher of Easterchester Town Report.

The editorial by Robert George, comments: “Mitchell Tarnopal, vice chairman of the New Rochelle Democratic Party, says it’s “not the type of politics we should be engaging in,” and that Tarnopal also said, “Lebanese Christians have been some of Israel’s strongest supporters.”

A number of figures have been reported as confirming this campaign, according to Robert Fois, but they have been reluctant to give their names for attribution. Some of them include a former Republican State Senate candidate, and six Democratic leaders in New Rochelle. WPCNR has asked for these names over this past weekend, but now at the eleventh hour the day before the election, they maintain their silence.

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Did Paulin, Maisano Screen Reporter’s Letter to Eastchester Town Report?

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WPCNR Milkman’s Matinee News Caravan. By John F. Bailey. November 4, 2002 UPDATED: WPCNR has learned Assemblyperson Amy Paulin and County Legislator James Maisano allegedly reviewed a letter to the editor that former Eastchester Town Report writer, Robert Fois had submitted to ETRPublisher Howard Sturman for presumed publication in last Thursday’s edition.

Today, in an editorial, The New York Post broke the wall of silence regarding the Paulin “whispering campaign,” going on record that Paulin forces have been subtlely talking Mr. Sayegh’s race for some time.

Meanwhile, as a consequence of the alleged Paulin-Maisano censorship, the Fois letter was never published, effectively preventing Fois comments from appearing in the newspaper before Election Day tomorrow.

The involvement of two politicians in discussion with a publisher, apparently evaluating whether or not a letter to the editor was acceptable to the politicians for publication began last Monday October 28, when Robert Fois submitted his letter to ETR publisher Howard Sturman.

Not Happy Campers

After Mr. Sturman shared the letter with Ms. Paulin and Mr. Maisano, one or both of the two politicians (it is not clear who, Sturman advised Fois) had a problem with a paragraph which they asked Sturman to remove from the letter.

Lawsuit Possibility

Sturman is reported by Fois to have said, (by way of explanation for delay in his Sturman’s approving Fois’ first letter), that the paragraph had to be removed because of a threat from Mr. Maisano of a lawsuit.

Fois said that ETR Editor Mike Moritz reported he would remove the questionable paragraph.

Writes Second Letter After Paragraph Removed

Mr. Fois revised his first letter, removing the offending paragraph, and resubmitted it to Mr. Sturman for publication. Fois said he resubmitted Wednesday morning “before work” in plenty of time for the 5 PM deadline for last week’s Eastchester Town Report.

“Not enough time to run it by legal”

Fois said he was told by Sturman Wednesday afternoon, he did not have time to “run it by legal,” consequently the letter never was published, effectively preventing Fois comments from appearing before Election Day. Perhaps the letter will be published this week, after Election Day.

The original letter Paulin and Maisano were reportedly advised the contents of, was Fois’ explanation of why he chose to turn over “the Amy Tape” to the Tony Sayegh campaign, (Mr. Sayegh is Ms. Paulin’s opponent in tomorrow’s election).

The “Amy Tape” revealed remarks Ms. Paulin made to Fois about Arab Nationals contained on a tape Mr. Fois had made during a telephone interview with her in July. A portion of that tape was played on television two weeks ago.

Paulin Statement Out of Blue Precipitates Inquiry.

That Ms. Paulin and Mr. Maisano were made aware of Mr. Fois’ letter was reported to WPCNR by Mr. Fois, when WPCNR contacted him for reaction to a statement sent WPCNR from Amy Paulin Saturday afternoon.

The statement, coming two weeks after WPCNR asked for a statement from Ms. Paulin, referenced a letter that Ms. Paulin expected had already been sent to WPCNR by Howard Sturman, which WPCNR has yet to receive.

Her statement stands by her comments which originally appeared in The Journal News, indicating he was dismissed. She disputes Mr. Fois’ account that he was put on a leave of absence, and takes the opportunity to comment on the ethics of Mr. Fois’ submission of the tape to Mr. Sayegh:

Fois said he submitted (at Mr. Sturman’s invitation) a letter about his side of the story on Monday, October 28 and was notified Tuesday, of the demand to remove one paragraph. Mr. Fois declined to release the text of the paragraph for publication due to the fear of a lawsuit, however he described for WPCNR its contents that aroused the legislators ire:

The Purloined Paragraph Contents

“I was informed by Hometown Media publisher Howard Sturman that his editor would be removing what he characterized as an “inflammatory” paragraph from my letter to the editor. It was explained that this was being done following what Sturman said was a threat of a lawsuit by Westchester County Legislator Jim Maisano over only this particular paragraph. The paragraph contained a reference to Jim Maisano and Frank Pasquale, detailing what numerous sources within the Democratic and Republican parties have described as an active political association between Jim Maisano and Amy Paulin.

The paragraph in my letter also said that Amy Paulin and others closely associated with her campaign had described John Zogby’s (President of the Arab American Institute) website as being run by Arabs who were “dangerous” in terms of Middle East politics. I felt that Amy Paulin was trying to get me to believe that her opponent Tony Sayegh was seeking money from terrorists and her political technique offended me. The letter explained that others had encountered similar experiences with Paulin and people closely associated with her campaign.

I had also said in my letter to the editor that I felt, in my humble opinion, that these statements by Paulin and others closely associated with her campaign were scare tactics and a “hate crime” in itself.”

Statement from Nowhere.

The call to Mr. Fois by WPCNR, Saturday evening, in which we left a message. Mr. Fois did not call back until Sunday evening. At that time, being informed of the Paulin statement, Fois shared his story of the Sturnam-reported “intervention” by Ms. Paulin and Mr. Maisano.

WPCNR made the call in response to a statement electronically transmitted to WPCNR over the weekend by it turned out, Julie Domonkos, Paulin’s Campaign Manager. In the statement, Ms. Paulin reconfirmed what she had told the Journal News when the Tony Sayegh News Conference playing the “Amy Tape” was held, that Fois was fired.

Prescreening Denied.

She added another dimension, emphatically denying prescreening Mr. Fois’ articles as Mr. Fois charged in a previous WPCNR story. Ms. Paulin also appeared on News12, (we believe Friday evening was the date of the telecast), interviewed by News12 reporter Tracy Everson alleging that the tape played on News12 was “edited,” suggesting it was not in context.

Michael Zanetti, Tony Sayegh’s Campaign Manager, said the tape had not been edited
in any way, and said he would produce recording engineers who could attest to that.

Paulin de Fois Gras

Paulin, in her statement to WPCNR, said, that she never prescreened articles. Instead, she said, “What I did do was complain after Mr. Fois’s articles appeared that he seemed biased against me in his reportage.”

Paulin wrote WPCNR that “Far from being an objective, non-partisan journalist, Mr. Fois was and is supporting my opponent. This is why he was put on leave of absence by the Eastchester Town Report, a fact also confirmed by Mr. Sturman.”

Paulin went even further in her written statement: “It is simply untrue that Mr. Fois asked to be put on a leave. In fact, Mr. Sturman disputes Mr. Fois’s entire account of what happened at the Eastchester Town Report.

Paulin: Fois dismissed.

When WPCNR talked to Ms. Paulin to confirm the statement came from her, WPCNR asked her if Mr. Sturman had told her that Fois was fired. She confirmed that Sturman had told her that he had been dismissed. WPCNR asked if there was more taped conversation that Mr. Fois had not released, and she said yes, saying that on that portion of the tape that she had said that she did not want to make race an issue.

Mr. Fois Demurs

Mr. Fois, as confirmation that he wrote not one, but two letters to the editor, the first of which, Paulin and Maisano allegedly reviewed, released the two letters he wrote to WPCNR News.

In those letters, he steadfastly maintains, it was his decision to go on a leave of absence:

“I resigned from Hometown Media in August over what I felt had been interference by Jim Maisano and Amy Paulin in the newsroom, with both often complaining about stories before they were on the newsstand.”

Fois Last Story

The last straw for Fois, was the last story he wrote for Eastchester Town Report. It dealt with the closing of firehouses in Mount Vernon, Eastchester, Tuckahoe and New Rochelle, in which he reported Paulin’s announcement of money for one firehouse in her district.

Fois said, he asked Paulin what about the firehouse in Tuckahoe, and other towns. Fois charges that before the article was published Paulin complained to editors that his asking that question of “what about Eastchester, and Tuckahoe” to which Mr. Fois said she responded, “it’s not a state issue,” was raised to make her look badly and showed his bias against her.

Head of Arab American Institute Takes Paulin to Task in The Scarsdale Inquirer

The Scarsdale Inquirer published a letter from Dr. James Zogby, the President of the Arab American Institute last week, severely criticizing Paulin for her remarks on the “Amy Tape,” and at the Scarsdale League of Women Voters debate. Among the comments, Mr. Zogby, a national figure in the Democratic Party, makes are:

Ms. Paulin further compounds this outrage (the tape comments) by making an issue of the fact that Mr. Sayegh’s candidacy is noted on the Web site of my organization: the Arab American Institute, which she falsely claims contains “a lot of anti-Semitism.” Her tactic in this regard is appalling and unwarranted of an elected official.

Zogby is outraged at the attack on his website, writing “I take this charge very personally. It is both hurtful and wrong. To lightly throw around the charge of anti-Semitism is dangerous and ugly character assassination, Ms. Paulin owes Mr. Sayegh and my institute an apology.”

He makes the point that his website, www.aaiusa.org. notes various candidacies of Arab-Americans, including Congressman John Baldacci, running for Governor of Maine; Congressman John Sununu who is contending for the U.S. Senate in New Hampshire and Congressman Chris John up for re-election in Louisiana.

Zogby pulls no punches, closing the letter to The Scarsdale Inquirer, this way: Ms. Paulin and Mr. Sayegh’s campaign is one thing. But allegations made against a third party are a different matter. She should not have “Arab-baited” Mr. Sayegh and she most definitely attempted to smear AAI with anti-Semitism…”

Paulin reportedly accuses the Arab American Institute as being “anti-semitic” again at League of Women Voters Debate after tape airs.

However, it is reported by Fois, that Ms. Paulin, appearing at the Scarsdale League of Women Voters Debate on Monday, October 28, (one week after the “Amy Tape” had been made public at a Sayegh News Conference October 21), repeated comments about the Arab American Institute being “anti-semitic.”

In the first edition of this article, WPCNR wrote that The Scarsdale Inquirer did not report these debate comments of Paulin, not having a copy of the Scarsdale Inquirer available when the article was being created.

Mr. Zanetti, Campaign Manager for Mr. Sayegh said the Scarsdale Inquirer did report Ms. Paulin as saying an organization that supported Sayegh on their website was “anti-semtic,” and they should be investigated. The Journal News did not, to WPCNR knowledge at this time report her comments on this issue.

It has also been reported to WPCNR that Ms. Paulin has made similar comments at debates in New Rochelle and Eastchester, and WPCNR is working to confirm that.

“As James Zogby’s letter clearly illustrates,” Fois said last night, “respected people in the New York State community are offended by her statements and are demanding an apology. That she continues to characterize a Democrat, James Zogby as anti-semitic as recently as last Monday, (A week after the tape was aired) there’s clearly a deeper problem going on here with Ms. Paulin.”

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Cancer Walk Raises $870,000

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WPCNR Health Herald. From American Cancer Society.On Sunday, October 20th, at Manhattanville College, friends, families and co-workers joined together in Westchester for the American Cancer Society annual Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk.

“I would like to thank all the walkers, sponsors and volunteers for making this walk a success,” said Susan Petre, Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Manager for Westchester. “This five-mile, non-competitive walk is a great opportunity to stand up to breast cancer and help support life saving research, education, advocacy and patient and family services while having a good time.”

The 10,500 people who participated in the walk raised more than $870,000 to support the American Cancer Society’s work to fight breast cancer in Westchester County.

Some of the American Cancer Society programs supported through Making Strides Against Breast Cancer include:

· Reach to Recovery – the American Cancer Society links newly diagnosed breast cancer patients with survivors to offer information, answer questions and provide support while serving as role models for a life after cancer.

· Look Good Feel Better – A program that could be described as a makeover for the soul, Look Good… Feel Better is a one-time educational session run by professional cosmetologists. Women with cancer are taught how to manage the appearance side effects of treatment.

· Tell-A-Friend – A peer counseling approach to encourage women to schedule mammograms and clinical breast exams.

· Triple Touch – An early detection program that enables health care professionals to teach women about breast self-examination, mammography and clinical breast examination.

· 1-800-ACS-2345 – Trained cancer information specialists available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to answer questions about cancer, link callers with resources in their communities and provide information on local events.

· www.cancer.org – Most reliable, user-friendly site containing in-depth information on every major cancer type. Answers are provided to questions about the nature of breast cancer: causes and risk factors; the latest strategies for prevention and early detection; new diagnostic techniques; the latest treatment options and services available in your area.

· Road to Recovery – Transportation to life-saving medical appointments can be a challenge for a woman with breast cancer. An American Cancer Society volunteer will drive her to and from treatment.

· Sister to Sister – Although fewer black women are diagnosed with breast cancer each year, they are 28 percent more likely to die from the disease than white women due, in part, to detecting the disease in a later stage. The American Cancer Society has trained a network of black female volunteers to increase breast and cervical health awareness among their peers and direct them to get cancer-screening tests.

Petre continued, “By supporting these programs, you will make early detection a reality. You can save lives and help improve the lives of women currently fighting breast cancer. The American Cancer Society is grateful to the corporate flagship sponsors who have assumed a leadership role in the fight against cancer. This year’s sponsors are Pathmark, NYSUT, Diversified Investment Advisors, Houlihan Lawrence, Mastercard and New Rochelle Radiology. Media sponsors include Westchester Journal News, Lite-FM 106.7 and WABC Channel 7”, added Katharine Archibald, American Cancer Society’s Regional Vice President.

To find out more about breast cancer, contact the American Cancer Society at 1-800-ACS-2345 or visit www.cancer.org.

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