White Plains 2019 Assessment Scores “Very Similar to 2018”

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WPCNR SCHOOL DAYS. From the White Plains Board of Education. October 21, 2019:

At the Board of Education meeting October 7, the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, Dr. Debbie Hand presented the New York State Assessment Data for 2018-19.

She reminded everyone that this is only one measurement of academic performance and that a singular moment in time does not characterize a child’s abilities.

Test refusal (or opting out) creates a challenge when tracking data. Dr. Hand also noted that a lot of effort goes into the analysis of the data and the determination of where more targeted instruction, and possibly curriculum changes, are needed.

Some of the findings in the data:

*Results for Grades 3-5 ELA were very similar to 2018.

*ELA results show a decrease for Grades 6-7 but a steady increase for Grade 8.

  • Steady gains in Math are being made in Grades 4-6-8
  • A strong cohort Math performance for Grades 4 to 6 and 6-8 were shown.
  • Grade 8 students scoring at or above 65 was 99% in Algebra and 100% in Geometry.

Editor’s Note: In the White Plains City School District, 43% of Students taking the ELA were “Proficient”, placing in levels 3 & 4, compared to 45% being deemed proficient in 2018. In Math, White Plains students improved to 44% “Proficient” compared to 41% in 2018.

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