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WPCNR SCHOOL DAYS. BY John F. Bailey May 21, 2024:
The City of White Plains voters passed the proposed 2024-25 $259.9 Million Dollar school budget Tuesday and in addition approved the set aside Capital Fund of $10 Million for future district expenses.
The election for three open seats on the Board of Education saw Cayne Letizia reelected for a third term, and two newcomers to the Board, Jessica Buck and Craig Mondschein (both endorsed by the White Plains Teachers Association) were elected, while Rose Lovitch incumbent boardmember was not.
Buck was the leading vote-getter with 1,371, Monschein, 1331, and Letiza winning reelection with 1,220.
The school budget was passed overwhelmingly by the largest turnout (2,151) in a school board budget and election in 13 years according to Michelle Schoenfeld, former Clerk to the Board of Education. The budget and capital Fund Proposal passed by over 85% of the vote
The vote is not official, because some affidavit ballots, absentee ballots have yet to be counted.
There was a report that Highlands results were being challenged but details were not known as of this report.