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WPCNR COMMON COUNCIL CHRONICLE-EXAMINER. From the City of White Plains. January 29, 2024:
A Special Meeting of the Common Council tonight is scheduled to vote on a new contract with Civil Service Employees Association. The meeting was announced by the City Friday. D
The new contract runs for two years and provides raises of 3% in the first year and 3% in the second year. The position of Legislative Aid will be established. The dental contribution will be increased $25 in each year.
The Common Council will also be presented with a newly revised proposal for the former Good Counsel property, at 52 North Broasway that has not been taken up since 2020. The former plan is pictured below.
Former plan for the 52 North Broadway property, formerly owned by the Sisters of the Good Counsel, that has not been considered since November 2020 when the covid epidemic was sweeping the city.A revision to it will be presented this evening.
The Special Meeting begins at 6:30 P.M. EST at City Hall, 255 Main Street,