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Approach 1,500 Cases a week. 184 new cases a day  13th Consecutive Week of 1,000 cases a week.

WPCNR CORONAVIRUS SURVEILLANCE. Statistics from NY Covid Tracker. Observations and Analysis by John F. Bailey. October 30, 2022:

October 2021, Westchester showed 2,682 infections. For October 2022 through 29 days total new covid 19  infections are at 5,216, 50% more than last October infections that created  25,000 infections in the middle of January and shut us down for 5 months.

Through Saturday, Westchester reported 1,287 lab-confirmed cases of covid last week October 23-29. Last week is the 13th consecutive week back through August 1 that Westchester has sustained 1,000 new cases a week.

Covid is sustaining itself and now creeping up to the 1,500 level of infections the county experienced through August. The number of 5,216 cases the last 29 days (168 a day) is double the 80 per day rate of last October that saw December cases of covid skyrocket.

 Let’s look at what has happened the last three months!

After 2,062 cases the first week in August, the county new covid cases  dropped to 1,300 new cases a week the third, fourth and fifth week of August . Schools opened the next week, and in September the County averaged 1,158 new cases a week over 5 weeks, with highs of  1,468 and 1,465 the third and fourth weeks of September with two weeks of opened schools..

In October the infections grew in the Monday Tues Wednesday parts of the week as the diseases infected persons with the bivalient strain that makes you sick within 48 hours. October saw 5,216 infections, 1,304 average each week. This means more cases more often in November with essentially no socialization, masking or capacity restrictions in place throughout the county.

The 1,287 infections last week was the highest week in  October, 90 more than last week, 1,197.

Westchester is infecting covid at 184 persons a day.  This creates about 1,500 infections next week with Armistice Day and Thanksgiving travel and holidays coming up.

The pattern of spread this fall is eerily parallel to last October, but actually more infections this October. Lots more.

October 2021, Westchester showed 2,682 infections. For October 2022 through 29 days total new covid 19  infections are at 5,216 that is 50% more than last October infections that brought over 25,000 infections in the middle of January and shut us down for 5 months.

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