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WPCNR THE LETTER TICKER. February 5, 2022:

Let’s plan ahead for a NEW SENIOR CENTER in White Plains                                        

The lease on the current rented Senior Center, in the basement of the Armory on Mitchell Place and S. Broadway, will expire in about 6 to 7 years. The Center was flooded in 2021, became unusable, and required extensive repairs. Senior activities have been held in the White Plains Public Library, and before that outdoor in a park. Activities will resume in the Armory basement in the spring.

White Plains needs a new Senior Center befitting a City that is encouraging the building of many more apartments, more arts, and more restaurants. It needs a center to provide space for seniors to socialize, exercise, eat together, and learn and practice new skills.

What should a new White Plains Senior Center include? 

It should have accessibility; enough large rooms, and one with a stage, so that arranging a lunch time holiday party won’t preempt popular morning exercise classes; places for informal socializing; a walking track; a library; space for a meal program with up-to-date equipment; a computer room; a room for nurse consultation in privacy; a safe area for drop-offs and for parking; offices for personnel. What about placing the Senior Center on an entry-level floor in one of the new residences to be built on the Winbrook campus?

… … …

What would you like a new Senior Center to include? Have you visited other Senior Centers?

Send your ideas to:

Mayor Tom Roach tmroachwp@gmail.com  

Hon. Justin Brasch braschlaw@aol.com 

Hon. Nadine Hunt-Robinson   nadine.hunt.robinson@gmail.com    

Hon. John Martin jmartin@allnyt.com

Hon. Rich Payne  RPayne76@hotmail.com                                

Hon. Vicki Presser  VPresser@aol.com 

Hon. Jen Puja  pujaforwhiteplains@gmail.com

Many thanks for thinking about this exciting project – A New Senior Center for White Plains.

Renee Cohen

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