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WPCNR THE LETTER TICKER. December 22, 2021:

Dear Friends,

The rising number of COVID-19 cases in both Westchester and across the state is extremely concerning. I have been in touch with the Governor’s office, advocating for the distribution of free home test kits, a return to drive-through testing facilities, and to make boosters more readily available.

I know that dealing with the surge in cases is of utmost importance to the Governor (who recently announced new funding to help counties deal with their COVID-19 response), and I will continue to keep the community posted as additional pandemic-related information is made available.

Meanwhile, the best way to stay safe in the face of this surge is to continue to wear a mask – especially in indoor public spaces – and to get yourself vaccinated and boosted. 

If you have not yet been vaccinated, I urge you to do so right away. If you are vaccinated and eligible for a booster, please get it. The vaccine and boosters are widely available at state-run locations and through many pharmacies and health care providers. The Governor also recently announced that 40 pop-up vaccine sites have opened across the state to fight the winter surge.

 For those looking for the pediatric Pfizer vaccine for children ages 5-11,

the state has opened a pediatric site at Westchester Medical Center’s Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital (please click here to schedule an appointment)

The County will also be holding a clinic for children ages 5-11 to receive their first Pfizer pediatric dose on December 28 from 2:00-6:30 pmAppointments are necessary and can be made here.

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