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WPCNR CORONAVIRUS REPORT. From the NYS WORKBOOK Covid-19 Tracker. With reporting by John F. Bailey. September 28, 2021:
The Third Wave of Covid-19 in Westchester County is at low tide after 7 weeks of high tide infections of 1,000 new Covid cases a week
The 8 weeks of a steady rise of over 1,000 new cases of new Covid-19 cases in Westchester stopped when the third week of September (September 19 through September 25) recorded 973 new cases of Covid last Saturday, 27 short of 1,000 new cases which had been steady for 7 weeks. The previous week of Sept 12 to 19, 1,164 new cases were reported for the week , 166 a day.
Westchester County Executive George Latimer confirmed this in his covid briefing Monday say number of positive cases had declined 25%.
This has been followed by three days of new cases of 81, 116 and yesterday, 96 new cases, meaning this week if the present rate of new positives continues will mean 679 new cases in Westchester this week, which would mean a 30% drop in the number of new cases this week.
Tuesday the average infection rate dropped to 1.3% of those tested the lowest since September 21. The previous week September 12 to 18 the infection rate averaged 2.4%. From September 19 to 25, the infection rate dropped to 2.0 persons infected of those tested. The trend appears to be lowering.
Testing numbers have been lower which is also encouraging, but when fewer tests are done you get lower number of positive cases. This lowering of testing could mean either people are afraid to get tested for fear of being quarantined even if they have symptoms, or are not feeling symptoms so do not go in to get tested.
Another factor that can be encouraging is new cases from two weeks ago are not passing on the disease as much, which may indicate they are not getting as sick. The two week infection rate from 177 persons testing positive on September 14 on the first 3 days of this week is .6, .7 and .five –infecting less than one person for every 2 persons testing positive. That is below the covid spread containment growth rate of 1 person infecting 1 other person.
Mr. Latimer in his covid briefing Monday pointed out 11,000 persons were vaccinated in Westchester last week, probably as a result of the approval of a third booster shot for over- 65s. He also said hospitalizations for Covid were down to 60, this week.
The number of new infections will be watched closely as schools are starting, socializing is growing, restaurants are opening, entertainment is opening
The new infections since Westchester (and the whole state) relaxed restrictions on July 1 is sobering. Westchester stopped getting vaccinated to a great extent. We socialized. We went out. We did not mask, and the numbers grew.
In the month of July, there were 786 infections in the countyl
In August, in 4 weeks, there were 5,545 new infections.
In September, in three weeks, there were 4,139 new infections
The total new infections in the third wave since July 1: 10,470.