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The League of Women Voters of White Plains today announces that it will sponsor a virtual Candidates Forum for candidates in the election for seats on the White Plains Common Council.

The virtual Forum will be held Monday October 18, 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The League will use the cloud-based video conferencing application Zoom. Participants will join from their chosen remote locations. Invitations to register for the Forum and submit questions for the candidates will be sent shortly.
The Forum will also be live streamed via YouTube and be available for subsequent viewing through Election Day Tuesday November 2.
There are four candidates running for three seats on the White Plains Common Council. The candidates are, Justin Brasch (D), Allan Grafman (R, Common Sense), John Martin (D), and Richard Payne (D). Members serve at-large for four-year terms. They have all confirmed they will participate in the Forum.
League of Women Voters of White Plains president, Stephen Cohen, said, “This Candidates Forum is an important opportunity for residents of White Plains to hear where the candidates for Common Council stand on important issues in a calm, respectful, nonpartisan setting that encourages civil discourse. The Forums have even greater importance today when candidates’ options for making themselves known to their constituents is greatly curtailed. We are pleased that all four candidates in the race will be participating.”
Note that there is no challenger in the White Plains Mayoral race. League policy is that Candidates Forums are not held when a candidate is running unopposed. Therefore, LWVWP will not host a Candidates Forum for the mayoral election.
For information contact: LWVWP.CF@GMAIL.COM
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