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WPCNR NEWS AND COMMENT. From New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy August 12, 2021 updated 11:30 AM EDT:
WPCNR watched Governor Phil Murphy of New Jersey conduct a state of coronavirus news conference Monday in which he took on the key issue New York Connecticut and New Jersey have to make very quickly. Right now in New York school districts are on their own in determining policy and politicians (not all) are in doubt as to what school districts should do.
The entire news conference delivered by Governor Murphy on Monday also details how persons who are fully vaccinated fare against combatting the Delta variant now ramping up new cases in New Jersey. He pointed out how persons not vaccinated are the majority of infections. The video below deals with announcement of his schools policy beginning in September. The entire video that I highly recommend viewing may be viewed at
Governor Murphy of New Jersey crystalizes the issue of opening schools in the following video below .
It is only three minutes but contains blunt truth and responsibility in his decision, in view of the inexorable spread of the Delta Variant Coronavirus in New Jersey over the summer, (also being experienced exponentially right now in Westchester County, which exceeds 4 of the 5 boroughs of New York City in the percentage of new cases or coronavirus daily:
Governor Murphy: