Greenburgh Guarantees a Property Tax Decrease

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WPCNR THE FEINER REPORT. By Paul Feiner, Greenburgh Town Supervisor. November 27, 2019:

SOMETHING TO BE THANKFUL FOR–A TAX RATE DECREASE AND A TAX LEVY FREEZE IN 2020 BUDGET  (for both villages and unincorporated Greenburgh)

  Have a great Thanksgiving holiday. To start off the holiday season I thought you’d be interested in some news that might make you thankful– an amended 2020 budget for the town that includes a tax rate decrease and a tax levy freeze in the 2020 budget.

    Prior to the November election I announced that I would propose a budget that included a zero percent tax hike. When I proposed the 2020 budget I proposed a tax rate hike of zero percent. However, the tax levy did go up, creating some confusion.

 If the rate stays the same  and if the levy goes up, some residents could have experienced a slight tax hike. We would not know that definitely until March when the tax bills are prepared. 

Westchester County Executive has proposed a tax rate decrease. Most communities in Westchester are using new sales tax revenues to reduce the size of their tax hike and are not freezing tax levy’s or reducing tax rates.

    I feel that it is important for people to have confidence in the integrity of their elected officials. It seems like there was some confusion by what I meant by a zero percent tax hike. People expected a zero percent tax levy increase as well.

     I have asked the Comptroller to amend the 2020 proposed budget to include a tax rate DECREASE  ( Approximately a 3 PERCENT REDUCTION IN THE A BUDGET AND ABOUT A 2 PERCENT DECREASE IN THE TAX RATE IN UNINCORPORATED B BUDGET). 

The tax levy will remain the same as in the 2019 budget and will enable us to keep the promises made prior to the election.     The tax levy is the aggregate amount for all property taxes by all property owners in a fiscal  year. 

The tax levy is determined by school budgets, voted independently, state aid and other revenues.Assessments change on a regular basis and are not set until March of each year for the town tax bills.
   I am sorry if there was confusion but concept of taxes based on rates and levy is difficult to understand and tends to be confusing. I trust this explanation meets everyone’s needs 

Tax levy: A budget $9,321,201

Tax levy B budget $59,201,693

The Town Board must approve the budget by December 20th. This proposed modification will not impact any services. We will be in compliance with our fund balance policy.  I have discussed the amended budget with the Town Board and made an announcement of this change at our Town Board meeting on Wednesday. 


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