Westchester Domestic Violence Victims Now Protected by New Safe Leave Law. Guaranteed 40 Hours of Leave with pay to Deal With their Attack.

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WPCNR COUNTY CLARION-LEDGER. From Chairman of Westchester County Board of Legislators Benjamin Boykin. October 31, 2019:

I’m proud to say that Westchester County’s Safe Leave Law is now in effect.

The law, which passed the Board of Legislators in April with unanimous bi-partisan support, took effect October 30.

Now, victims of domestic violence are entitled to take up to 40 hours of paid leave to attend or testify in court proceedings related to their situations, to move from an abuser’s residence, or to confer with lawyers or other advisers.

This law protects people when they are at their most vulnerable, because domestic violence survivors should not have to choose between their safety and their jobs or incomes.

The County’s Human Rights Commission has prepared helpful guides in English and in Spanish for workers and for employers to explain the new law as well as model employee notices in English and in Spanish for employers to distribute.  Please visit https://humanrights.westchestergov.com/resources/westchester-s-safe-time-leave-law where you can link to the documents.

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