New Microsoft Scam Twist Could Drain Your Account: Do Not Fall for It.

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WPCNR  TECH WATCH. By Aaron Woodin, PC Ventures. July 24, 2018:

(Editor’s Note: Aaron Woodin, for seventeen years a computer expert in White Plains, advises WPCNR on issues affecting personal technology systems and consults with corporate clients. He advises from time to time on computer security trends.)

Over the past few days, I’ve received two phone calls claiming to be from either Microsoft and/or some other tech company.
Now, this isn’t something new – for at least the last five years, my clients have received this sort of unwanted contact from people pretending to be legitimate techs from Microsoft, Apple,etc.
But now there is a clever new twist: they’ve adjusted their script and are calling to say that they will refund money related to prior attempts at bilking you!
They ask for a checking account or other financial info, claiming they will swiftly process a refund, when in fact they will make false charges or drain the account. 
Pretty clever considering that a small minority
of those contacted have submitted some form of payment.
So please keep in mind:
1. NO tech company will reach out to YOU, unsolicited, for *any* reason.
    The only exception would be if you left a message with them, or chose to arrange a callback.
2. NEVER give out financial information over the phone.
3. NONE of the scammers have suddenly grown a conscience or have been forced to issue refunds, especially via unsolicited call.
 If you *have* given money to tech scammers, the best course of action is to contact your credit card issuer and insist that the transaction be reversed.
They are normally happy to help you with this.
Also remember to never click on any big, blaring “Alerts” about viruses that pop up from your web browser.
As with any phone call or computer alert, feel free to call me at PC Ventures with any questions

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