City Approves Firefighters New Contract. Approves 400 Hamilton Avenue Apartments.

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The Common Council approved retroactive raises in pay for White Plains Firefighters back to July 1, 2015, in approving pay increases per step of 2%, 2-1/4% and 2-1/2% for the firefighters. Firefighters also accepted random drug testing for druguse and controlled substances, including marijuana, but not alcohol.

Firefighters hired before July 1, 1995, had their full health care benefit restored as part of the new contract. New firefighters joining the department will be paid $50,000 a year as opposed to the $60,850 they would have received previously.

The city has also agreed to hire 12 new firefighters who begin March 10. Negotiations on a new contract will begin next spring,since the three year contract runs out June 30, 2018. No firefighters appeared to have attended the meeting approving their contract.

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The rendering of view of the approved apartment complex at 400 Hamilton Avenue, looking across North Broadway

In another action, the renovation of the almost vacant 400 Hamilton Avenue former AT&T building into 245rental apartments, (41 studios, 120 1 Bedrooms, 77 2 bedrooms, and 7 2 Bedrooms on the ground floor, was approved by the Common Council. This project set, WPCNR believes,a record for the speed of its approval: 2 months.


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