16% of White Plains 3rd to 8th Graders Opt Out of NYS Math Test–10% Opt out of English

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WPCNR SCHOOL DAYS. From the White Plains City School District. April 23, 2015:

More students were kept out of NYS Math Tests the last two day in White Plains Public Schools than were opted out of the English Language Arts test last week.

A total of 146 students across grades 3 through 8 were held back by their parents, a total of 16% of the 3,213 eligible to take the tests, Michele Schoenfeld, Clerk to the Board of Education, reported to WPCNR.

lAST WEEK, totals were lower. According to official figures released today, 10% of the 3,213 students (327) eligible to take the ELA Test were held out of the tests by parents.



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