For Whom the Roll Tolls. It Tolls for Thee: City Assessment Roll Down ¾ of a Million Dollars. School Assessment Roll Down $1 Million.

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WPCNR QUILL & EYESHADE. By John F. Bailey.March 4, 2014:

The Assessor’s Office of the City of White Plains released the 2014 Assessement Roll Monday and the assessed value of White Plains property is $276,979,095, down $761,498.

A certiorari filed by The White Plains Pavilion accounts for $625,000 of that figure according to the Asessor’s office, and another $250,000 is attributable to 10 Bank Street.

The 2014 Assessment Roll the School District uses to determine the school tax rate has declined $1,006,773 to $278,335,896. Assistant Superintendent for Business of the White Plains City School District, Fred Seiler, said he has not looked hard at the decline to determine how far the City School Tax Rate would go up to make up the million dollars in lost assessments.

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