The Bud Bungle: There’s No Crying in Baseball and No Ties Until Now.

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WPCNR Press Box. By John Baseball Bailey. July 15, 2002: Commissioner of Baseball, Bud Selig, has added another bungle to his line score as commissioner, in declaring last week’s All-Star Game a tie because the two teams allegedly had no pitchers left.
First the two managers each had one pitcher left. But, the poor babies, they had pitched recently and Joe Torre said he did not want to send Fred Garcia, his pitcher back to Lou Piniella, the Seattle manager with an injury.

As a person who has watched 12 year-olds throw well over 200 pitches in a day in fastpitch softball, I have to say that any pitcher who cannot get it up for one or two innings after having at least two days off doesn’t deserve being on an all-star team.

Second, since when do the managers of any team say they don’t want to “play it out?” Does the game mean so little that you can play three hours and not want to win it?

Third, you have to play it to a conclusion. That’s the way baseball is supposed to be.

This is so typical of the reasoning of persons that run baseball today: the integrity of the game no longer matters

I’ll tell you what Selig should have done.He should have told Torre and Brenly to get someone out on that mound and pitch.

The list of transgressions on the integrity of today’s game with Selig at the helm is long:

1. The Contraction Movement: In order to create an exclusive market for Milwaukee, the franchise Bud Selig’s daughter just happens to own, Selig has spearheaded a movement to eliminate the Minnesota franchise, which just happens to have a contending team: something Selig’s lame management of the Brewers has not been able to create since 1982. Selig also failed to disclose that the owner of the Twins, Carl Pohlad, financed Selig with a $3MM loan. That smells like a conflict of interest to me.

The elimination of Minneapolis-St. Paul as a major league city would be the second time in 50 years that a thriving franchise had been taken away from its loyal fans to serve the interests of owners with a self-interest. Anyone remember the Brooklyn Dodgers and New York Giants who were moved out of New York simply to appease Walter O’Malley?

2. The Sandbagging of Montreal: Selig is also the man who arranged to have major league baseball take over the Montreal franchise, and reward its incompetent owner, Jeff Luria with the Florida Marlins franchise. Has Luria shown astute management of Montreal? No. He has traded off star after star since 1994 when the Expos were contenders and drawing well in the Paris of the North.

This week, Luria is at it again dealing two Marlins stars away when his team still has a shot at the NL East Wild Card. No wonder Miami fans stay away. What a bum.

3. The Rewarding of Huizenga: In a parallel outrage, Selig allowed Wayne Huzienga the erstwhile owner of the Florida Marlins to break up a World Champion in 1997, to save salaries, because it suited the major league owners’ agenda to do so: (i.e., it was too expensive to put together a contending team).

The intriguing parallel is that when Charles O. Finley tried to do the same thing with the old Oakland A’s of the mid-70s, Commissioner Bowie Kuhn stopped him. Selig never lifted a finger, because it helped him prove a point that even a multi-millionaire like Huizenga could not afford to keep winning ballplayers. The result of that: Miami fans do not believe in their team, or baseball anymore. They show up in woeful numbers to support a very exciting Marlins team this year. The Huizenga betrayal all too fresh in their minds.

4. The Juicing of the baseball. Tom Seaver, the Hall of Fame Pitcher, proved in a Mets telecast within the last two years, that the baseball is indeed more tightly wound than the baseball of 40 years ago by showing the inside of a 2000 baseball compared to a 1960s baseball. It proved that despite, baseball’s claim the baseball has not been “jacked,” that hitting has been artificially inflated by the juiced baseball.

5. The Shrinking of the Strike Zone. By demanding that umpires shrink the strike zone from belt to knees, it forces more offense into the game, taking away the high strike from the pitcher. The ball right over the plate, belt high is easiest to hit.

6. The Beanball Warning: Pitchers live on the outside corner. When hitters crowd the plate to hit the outside pitch, traditionally pitchers have thrown inside to scare hitters off the plate. They cannot do that now, because umpires warn them about throwing at hitters, with the next inside pitch meaning ejection. Another pitcher weapon taken away.

7. Interleague Play That Means Nothing.We applaud Mr. Selig for championing interleague play, but unfortunately he has not taken the other step: realigned teams in divisions geographically so teams like the Cubs and White Sox, Yanks and Mets, Dodgers Giants, Royals-Cardinals, Marlins, Devil Rays, Rangers, Astros are in the same divisions. This way the interleague meetings would mean more.

8. The Looming Stike: In 1994, the owners took a players’ strike over free agency and salary cap. We lost the World Series, the only time the Series has ever been cancelled. Now, they are about to force the players into another strike over virtually the same demands disguised in two other strategies: contraction and a higher luxury tax on the richer teams. What makes the owners think the players will give in now, especially when the players have already been paid three-quarters of their salaries?

9. The Failure to Support Women’s Softball. The National Basketball Association gained a whole new fanbase by creating the Women’s N.B.A. As a result, millions of women are becoming basketball fans. Does baseball support fastpitch softball, the fast-growing women’s sport as a result of our Olympic success? No. Another example of the failure of Selig and his owners to recognize the opportunity to promote the game to a whole new fan base.

10. Failure to Look at the Whole Game. Just as Torre and Brenly mismanaged their pitching staffs Tuesday evening, creating the “Bud Bungle,” Selig and his fellow owners are not looking long term. They are so wrapped up in their egos and micromanaging their budgets, and in controlling the players, they do not realize the game is being jeopardized.

No one really cares how much the players make, as long as their team wins. No one really pays to see an owner put a terrible team on the field. Clark Griffith and the Carpenter Family who owned the old Washington Senators and Philadelphia Phillies, respectively did this repeatedly for years. No fans came. The argument that teams cannot afford to compete, I do not buy.

You build with scouting and through the draft. How is it that the Twins won Series in 1987 and 1991, if they were in too small a market? How is it that the Kansas City Royals contended for years in the late seventies and early 80s when free agency was just as rampant as it is now? Why did the Yankees never win in the eighties when George Steinbrenner spent millions? It is astute judgment of talent and management of it that builds winners, not just money.

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More than 1,200 Turned Out
to Support Cancer Research and Patient Services

Westchester, NY – Crowds cheered them on, as 140 cancer survivors walked the first laps in celebration of their victory over cancer at the American Cancer Society Relay For Life events in Westchester County. The annual events held in Dobbs Ferry, New Rochelle and Yorktown/Cortlandt raised more than $150,000 to support lifesaving research, as well as local education, advocacy and patient service programs.

More than 1,200 people, came out to the events held throughout the month of June to take their turns walking or running, relay-style, in an effort to fight cancer in Westchester. The highlight of the evening, were the luminaria services held to honor cancer survivors and to remember those who have lost the battle against the disease. More than 6,500 luminaria candles lined the perimeter of the tracks at each of the venues, lighting the path of hope for walkers and runners. The solemnity of the luminaria ceremony reminded participants of the incredible importance of their contributions.
On the sidelines, teams enjoyed a variety of entertainment and activities scheduled throughout the night.

“We appreciate all the support we received from each of the teams as well as our event sponsors and underwriters,” said Karen Finnegan, Relay For Life Director for Westchester County. “We are especially grateful to the many volunteers and their families for all of their hard work to make these event happen.”
For those who participated in Relay For Life, the event represented hope that those lost to cancer will never be forgotten, that those who face cancer will be supported, and that the disease will be one day be eliminated. Since the first Relay For Life was held in 1985 in Tacoma, Wash., the event has raised over $732 million.
For more information about Relay For Life, call the American Cancer Society at 1-800-ACS-2345.
The American Cancer Society is the nationwide community-based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives and diminishing suffering from cancer, through research, education, advocacy and service. For more information about the American Cancer Society, call 1-800-ACS-2345 or visit its web site at
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Robert Ruger, Mr. White Plains, Interviewed on WPW.

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WPCNR VARIETY. July 15, 2002.: Former Councilman Robert Ruger will be interviewed about his life in White Plains Monday evening on White Plains Week, beginning at 7 PM on Channel 71. It will be recablecast Friday at 7:30 PM. The program recorded last year is timeless in the advice and reminisces that “Mr. White Plains” shares with John Bailey, Alex Philippidis, and Jim Benerofe.

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Routine Week at City Hall

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WPCNR Monday Morning Sun.By John F. Bailey. July 15, 2002.: The Common Council toured Indian Point. The City Center Project began erecting steel pillars. A new law firm is coming to 360 Hamilton Avenue, and JPI’s Jefferson at White Plains is still a “go.” The new Public Safety Commissioner took over.

THE STEEL ALSO RISES: The City Center construction entered a new phase last week when the first steel pillars were set in place. No new news on a hotel for the site, or new tenants but it’s still going up, according to Paul Wood, City Economic Development Officer. The view is from City Hall.
Photo by WPCNR

Indian Point:The Common Council toured Indian Point Wednesday evening and found the tour most impressive, according to City Hall spokesman, Rick Ammirato. Ammirato said council comments indicated they would consider the information they had learned in drafting any resolution regarding recommendation of closing of the facility. Ammirato also reported he and reporter Susan Elan of The Journal News had received some very minor radiation exposure, however he was not taking any iodine pills.

New Law Firm Paul Wood reported that one of the nation’s largest law firms is taking space at 360 Hamilton Avenue.

JPI Still Going.Mr. Wood also reported that the construction halt at the Jefferson at White Plains, 300 Mamaroneck Avenue, is a result of a contract dispute with the construction company. According to Wood, the construction company had informed JPI the excavation of the site would cost $20 million more than originally estimated, and that JPI did not agree with that, and they and the contractor are talking it over. He said JPI still has its financing intact and that the project is still viable.

New Commish.Paul Wood of the Mayor’s Office reported that the new Commissioner of Public Safety, Frank Straub, reported to duty last Monday morning and spent a routine day greeting and meeting the various personalities in the fire and police departments. But, he also did something very unique, according to Wood, Straub left work in the late afternoon, then returned Tuesday morning at midnight, when the Midnight police shift began.

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69% of WP Elementary Schools Pass ELA; 48% of Middle School 8-ers Fail.

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WPCNR SCHOOL DAYS DAILY. By John F. Bailey with Sean P. Cover. July 12, 2002. Results of the English Language Arts State education tests were published this week. Results show that while the White Plains Elementary Schools continue to have an average of 70% of their fourth graders pass the tests, the Middle School eighth grade performance remained at little more than 50% (51.9%) of eighth graders passing for the second year in a row. The following are the figures, complete with number of students taking the tests, and figures for the Levels 1 & 2 categories (the unsatisfactory levels).

  Number of Students Tested Mean ELA Scale Score Percent of Students at ELA Level 1 Percent of Students at ELA Level 2 Percent of Students at ELA Level 3 Percent of Students at ELA Level 4
White Plains School District 454 667.95 5.3 25.6 44.7 24.4
Church Street School 109 672.24 5.5 28.4 39.4 26.6
George Washington School 96 670.63 3.1 20.8 51.0 25.0
Mamaroneck Ave. School 97 659.00 8.2 32.0 35.1 24.7
Post Road School 78 664.19 7.7 20.5 53.8 17.9
Ridgeway School 74 673.88 1.4 24.3 47.3 27.0

Grade 4 English Language Arts Levels – Listening, Reading, and Writing Standards

Level 4 – These students exceed the standards and are moving toward high performance
on the Regents examination. All students scoring from 692 to 800 are in this

Level 3 – These students meet the standards and, with continued steady growth,
should pass the Regents examination. All students scoring from 645 to 691 are
in this level.

Level 2 – These students need extra help to meet the standards and pass the
Regents examination. All students scoring from 603 to 644 are in this level.

Level 1 – These students have serious academic deficiencies. All students scoring
from 455 to 602 are in this level.

Number of Students Tested
Mean ELA Scale Score
Percent of Students at ELA Level 1
Percent of Students at ELA Level 2
Percent of Students at ELA Level 3
Percent of Students at ELA Level 4
White Plains Middle School

Grade 8 English Language Arts Levels – Listening, Reading, and Writing Standards

Level 4 These students exceed the standards and are moving toward high performance
on the Regents examination. All students scoring from 739 to 830 are in this

Level 3 These students meet the standards and, with continued steady growth,
should pass the Regents examination. All students scoring from 701 to 738 are
in this level.

Level 2 These students need extra help to meet the standards and pass the Regents
examination. All students scoring from 662 to 700 are in this level.

Level 1 These students have serious academic deficiencies. All students scoring
from 527 to 661 are in this level.

(Editor’s Note: These test results were extracted from the press release and data issued by the NY State Education Department on July 10, 2002 and located online at

Level descriptions were extracted from the NYSED School Report Cards released in April 2002.)

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Little League’s Gedney Field Vandalized for Second Time in Week

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WPCNR Police Gazzette. From White Plains Little League. July 10, 2002.: The White Plains Little League office reports that the scoreboard at Gedney Field was rendered inoperable by vandalism for the second time in less than a week Tuesday night. Damage has been accessed by the league as over $800.00.
The league reports that sometime Tuesday evening, someone “sledgehammered” the data cable and electrical box at the rear of the Gedney Field backstop. The league office says no target date has been set for the repair. A new control panel costing $220 has also had to be ordered due to burnout of the former control panel while testing the repaired scoreboard last week.

Just one week ago, the electrical power wires at the top of the scoreboard in center field were completely severed. Electrical repairs were completed the next day.

Anyone with information leading to the identity of the perpetrators should contact the White Plains Police Department at 422-6111, or the Department of Recreation and Parks at 422-1336, ask for Commissioner Abramowitz.

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Bradley backs increased Workman’s Compensation Pct.

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WPCNR Afternoon Tribune. By John F. Bailey. July 10, 2002 2:15 PM E.D.T.: Adam Bradley, Democratic Challenger of Naomi Matusow, the Democrat-incumbent in the 89th Assembly District, said he would work to increase the percentage of salary a worker is entitled to, if injured on the job, under the Workman’s Compensation Law Wednesday.

WORKING FAMILIES PARTY ENDORSES ADAM BRADLEY: Mr. Bradley, standing on the steps of the White Plains Public Safety Building called for raising the Workman’s Compensation perceantage to 65% of salary Wednesday, in his acceptance of the WFP endorsement in the Democratic Primary September 10.
Photo by WPCNR

Mr. Bradley said the present law allowed workers to receive only 40% of salary,(though he was not sure if that was the correct percentage), if they were injured on the job, and said he supported the Working Families Party statewide initiative to reimburse injured workers 65% of their salary. He also said he supported the WFP goal of raising the minimum state wage from $5.15 to $6.75 an hour.

On a related wage issue, Bradley remarked he was behind the County Legislature initiative to introduce a “living wage law” in Westchester. Such a law, sponsored by County Legislator George Lattimer and James Maisano of New Rochelle, would require companies and organizations receiving county money (including tax abatements), to pay a minimum of $11.00 an hour with health benefits, and $13 an hour without health benefits.

WFP FOR BRADLEY: Kevin Heffernan, head of the Working Families Party called Adam Bradley “the best person to represent our Working Families” in the 89th Assembly District Wednesday, saying the endorsement was based on their extensive screening, questionnaire and personal interviews with Mr. Bradley and Ms. Matusow, the incumbent Democrat Assemblywoman. Mr. Bradley is shown third from left.
Photo by WPCNR

Benjamin Boykin, Common Council President, introduced Mr. Bradley, saying, “The Working Families Party represents the Democratic ideals: jobs, justice and health care.” He said that these concerns “can insure that our communities work.”

“Government Needs to Set an Example.”

Mr. Bradley said, “I am thrilled that the Working Families Party has chosen me as the candidate who will fight the hardest for working families in Westchester.”

Bradley said he supported both the minimum wage increase, and the concept of a living wage, saying, “Government needs to set an example on the minimum wage and the living wage.”

He said allegations of fraud in workman’s compensation claims should not be used as an excuse not to reimburse a worker “injured in the line of duty,” the wage necessary to support his family. He said that more investigators need to be added to investigate workman’s comp fraud.

In calling for the increase in the minimum wage and the workmen’s compensation, Bradley concluded his statement by saying about New York State, “We’re falling behind. We need to be the caring state we always were.”

Appearances coming up.

Mr. Bradley will be appearing in Bedford Hills Friday, and Harrison on Monday, as he continues to appear every day in communities throughout the 89th district. He was in New Castle Tuesday, and in White Plains Monday, meeting voters.

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WPCNR NewsReel. From the Sayegh Campaign. July 10, 2002.: Tony Sayegh, candidate for the New York State Assembly in the 88th District, joined families from White Plains and the surrounding area as they celebrated Independence Day at White Plains High School on July 3rd.
Sayegh greeted the area residents as they participated in many of the activities held at the high school and waited for the great fireworks that would end the night of celebrating our country’s day of independence. Mr. Sayegh introduced himself to residents in the crowd listening to their issues and concerns for their community.

“It is wonderful to see children and families celebrating our nation’s independence,” said Sayegh. “In the wake of recent tragedies, gatherings like this remind us of what is truly important.”

Area residents enthusiastically greeted Sayegh and his campaign volunteers, who distributed red, white, and blue balloons at the event to add to the festive occasion.

Sayegh also attended holiday celebrations in White Plains, Eastchester, New Rochelle, Pelham and Tuckahoe this week. He is facing incumbent Democrat Assemblywoman Amy Paulin.

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Board of Ed Officers Elected.

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WPCNR School Days. From Michelle Schoenfeld. July 9, 2002:Dorothy S. Schere was elected President of the White Plains Board of Education at its Reorganization Meeting last week. Susan R. Kirkpatrick was elected Vice President.

PRESIDENT SCHERE TAKES THE REINS JULY 1: Dorothy Schere moving into the lead seat on the Board of Education last week.
Photo by WPCNR

Mrs. Schere has been a Board member for 15 years and was Vice President during five of those years.

In other action taken at this meeting, the firm of Ingerman Smith, LLP was designated as legal counsel, replacing Plunkett & Jaffe, PC, which is no longer acting as general counsel to school districts.

The next Regular meeting of the Board will take place on Monday August 12th, at 8 P.M., at Education House, 5 Homeside Lane. The public is welcome.

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King Komments: Aesthetics of White Plains

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King Komments:By White Plains Councilman William King. July 9, 2002: The peripatetic Councilman takes a weekend trip to Long Island and comes back with some ideas for White Plains.
Although you can’t bring the beautiful coastline of Eastern Long Island to White Plains (although securing the Dellwood property from the County hopefully soon finally for a low key lakeside park would be something), there are several elements in practice there that should be also done in White Plains.

Neat Pedestrian Signs

I suggest calling Easthampton, NY to see where they bought their red, yellow and white, highly visible, vertical, rectangular “Yield for Pedestrians in Crosswalk” signs that they have in the middle of the roadways all over town. Since they are much more visible than the plain black on white signs that White Plains and other towns around us use, people tend to stop more when there is someone who wants to cross in the crosswalk. Check it out!

Bike Signs in Use. No carnage.

Also, when are the Bike Route signs coming? They were also in abundance in Eastern Long Island, on Shelter Island and along the North Fork. A good look. As with White Plains, the bicyclists were already there and biking already – the signs mainly serve to give drivers an extra head’s up that there may be bicycles present -and there are many many bicyclists on Eastern Long Island.

Nifty Telephone Booths

Also, for George’s (Gretsas) edification (and mine), I saw a public payphone in a bright red British phonebox in Port Jefferson. It can be done!

Intriguing Novelties

They had a nice 4-horses-deep carousel in Greenport that was a big hit – many kids riding it. It was under an open air gazebo with big glass folding doors that were open but could be closed if it rained. The round, peaked roof should have at least had skylights or hatches that could have been open and closed too.

Festive Street Banners

I see these everywhere but in White Plains but in Long Island I saw a couple more banners across the street advertising some upcoming town fair or something. Still waiting for one in White Plains.

Finally, I saw a Victorian house-looking building in one town in a hamlet of Shelter Island that reminded me of similar ‘architectural statement’ types of buildings that can redirect and set the tone for an entire downtown or commercial strip.

Theme Architecture to Set a Mood.

There are a couple of Victorian style gems in downtown Santa Cruz, California that are used as commercial structures for restaurants and shops that act as the catalyst for downtown revitalization there. I would think a nice restaurant like the recently defunct Wrapsody would have fared better in such a structure than the plain, white (in White Plains, how ironic) 2-story office type building it was in, and failed in, on Mamaroneck Ave.

I believe it would pay for the City to help jump start the rest of Mamaroneck Avenue, between the City Center and the block between Post and Maple, by co-investing with a building owner to completely redo a facade in a more architectural way.

Thanks – Bill King

P.S. I noticed a pothole where all the asphalt is missing near the Food Emporium on Mam. Ave. – there was yellow brick underneath – wow- Mamaroneck Avenue used to be brick! – would be cool if it was again.

P.P.S. Coming back into White Plains from my weekend trip, I was hit by the bright glare of our streelights again, bathing our town in a bright amber glow, brighter than any place else.

It occurred to me once more that White Plains could be saving hundreds of thousands of dollars a year by not having so many streetlights so brightly illluminating our streets, especially our major arterials which seem as brightly lit as night-time construction sites.

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