Hudson River Bandits Battling 12’s Win Harrisburg Tournament with 6 in a row!

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WPCNR PRESS BOX. July 29,2002. Special to WPCNR: The Hudson River Bandits 12-and-under-team, New York’s fastpitch softball ambassadors, with players hailing from towns all over the tri-county area, Buchanan, Chappaqua, Cortlandt Manor, Croton-on-Hudson, Pleasantville, Putnam Valley, Valhalla, Verplanck, and White Plains completed their 2002 season with a perfect 6-0 weekend in the Harrisburg Pennsylvania Invitational Fastpitch Tournament.

DUH BANDITS WIN!: Posing for the traditional Championship portrait, the 12-and-under Hudson River Bandits, smiles a foot wide, celebrate their winning the Harrisburg Pennsylvania Invitational Sunday. The club responded under pressure with players playing in new positions, pitchers hanging tough in the clutch, and playing virtually error-free ball all weekend long, winning six-straight games to finish 21-18-2 for the year, on the heels of a terrific 1-2 week at the ASA Nationals. The players are, Seated, L to R: Gina Guiliano, Juliana Bailey, Kristen Brown, Jillian Gallagher, Rachael Costello. Standing L to Right, Heather Clausen, Kirby Wright, Niki Tamburri, Kiki Guernier, Emma Covello, and Cody Picker. Coaches are Emmett Covello, standing left back, Jim Tamburri, standing to the right. Standing center back: John Bailey, Statistician.
Photo by WPCNR

The 12’s Banditas hung-on with a nail-biting 6-5 win over their worthy adversaries, the hard-hitting, fleet Northampton All-Stars in the Invitational’s Championship Game Sunday evening. The victory came after the Bandits shut-out two teams earlier in 100-degree sun, heat and humidity in the Susquehanna River Valley.

In a late bulletin, word has just come in that the Bandits 16-and Under Team, nipped the Pennsylvania Silver Bullets, 2-1 in the gloamin’ Sunday night to take the Sixteens Championship, for their second Championship of the season.

The five Bandit teams, 18s,16,14s, 12s and 10s, went 19 and 7 on the weekend for “the most successful weekend in Hudson River Bandits history,” according to Bandit magnate and founder, Rudy Nedek. Mr. Nedek is currently negotiating television rights for 2002 Bandit games.

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County Sales Tax Receipts Sink. Spano Asks Albany to Help Out.

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WPCNR Evening Star Reporter. From Westchester County Department of Communications. July 22, 2002:Westchester County is predicting a $5 million shortfall in sales tax revenues if numbers from the first six months of the year are any indicator.
According to sales tax receipts released by the state, Westchester collected $328,625 less than expected during the first six months of the year. Sales tax receipts were $116,136,962 from January to June 2002 compared with $116,465,587 that was budgeted.

Sales Tax to the Rescue?

“The news is not good,’’ said County Executive Andy Spano. “The shaky national economy is causing people to spend less, and that means we are losing vital sales tax dollars. This does not bode well for next year. We are facing a $102 million deficit caused by programs the State imposes on us, and if Albany does not give us a new revenue source, the people of Westchester could see a State-imposed double digit tax increase.’’

Asks Albany for 1% Increase in Sales Tax

If Albany would allow Westchester to increase its sales tax by 1 percent, it would raise about $75 million, enough to close about three-quarters of the budget gap.

“Without the sales tax increase our options are not good: a 29 percent State-imposed increase in property taxes or severe cuts in county services or a combination of both,’’ said Spano.

Westchester County Budget Director Kate Carrano said the latest sales tax figures are another blow to the county’s efforts to close the estimated $102 million budget gap.

“The 2002 budget amount for sales tax revenue was the same that was budgeted for 2001,’’ said Carrano. “However, 2001 actual revenues came in $4.5 million short. In the current sales tax picture, we are facing an additional $500,000 shortfall.’’

Spano said while increased costs for State mandated services like pre-school special education, Medicaid and health care were hurting the county, two added mandates from Albany this year delivered a crushing blow — the addition of Family Health Plus health insurance for working families and passage of the Health Care Reform Act.

Both these new programs must be funded by Westchester, increasing the cost to county taxpayers by millions of dollars. This year Medicaid costs increased 19 percent — more than double the 8 percent increase budgeted by the county based on the normal expectations from previous years.

Spano said while these programs were certainly worthy, it was not fair for Albany to pass along their cost to Westchester residents. He said the least that Albany could do was to give Westchester the right to raise additional revenue.

“Our State legislators know how much these State mandated programs are hurting our taxpayers and our only relief is the ability to raise the sales tax one cent on the dollar,’’ said Spano. “I hope they will work with us. Albany caused the problem. Now we need Albany to help solve it.’’

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Attorney General and SEIU Union Endorse Naomi Matusow for 89th

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WPCNR Evening Star Reporter. From the Matusow Press Office July 22, 2002 UPDATED July 23, 2002: Attorney General Eliot Spitzer announced Tuesday his endorsement of Naomi Matusow for re-election as Assemblywoman for the 89th AD, specifically praising her record on environmental protection and public safety issues.

Today, Assemblywoman Matusow also picked up the endorsement of the Service Employees International Union, announced by union President, Dennis Rivera.
“Naomi Matusow is an Assemblywoman I can rely upon for support of my efforts to protect the citizens of our state and their environment,” said Mr. Spitzer. “Naomi carried the assault weapons bill to a successful conclusion, and together we will ban possession of .50 caliber sniper weapons.”

“Naomi Matusow sponsored legislation that now requires fingerprinting and background checks for new school employees and mandates reporting of allegations of child abuse and/or child molestation, in a school setting, to law enforcement authorities.”

“Naomi has sponsored legislation that improves air quality, and is working with me on legislation to help keep New York cleaner by strengthening the provisions of our five-cent deposit bottle law”.

“Naomi Matusow has done a great job in the Assembly for the past ten years. I enthusiastically endorse her for re-election,” concluded Mr. Spitzer.

Matusow is running for re-election in the recently re-drawn 89th AD, and is currently facing a Democratic primary challenge for that seat from Adam Bradley of White Plains. No Republican candidate has announced to date.
SEIU Weighs In.

Dennis Rivera, President of 1199 SEIU, announced the union’s endorsement of
Naomi Matusow for reelection as Assemblywoman for the 89th AD, praising her
record on her commitment to workers’ rights and health care.

The Service Employees International Union 1199 has 220,000 members who live and work in New York State.

“(Matusow’s) distinguished record of service demonstrates (her) commitment to the rights of workers, quality health care, and numerous other issues of importance to the nursing home, hospital, home care, clinic and social service workers represented by 1199 SEIU. ” said Mr. Rivera.

Matusow was gratified by the union support:

“I am honored to receive the endorsement of 1199 SEIU. The contributions of the workers in the heath care services are a critical component to providing the best health care and necessary social services possible “, said Assemblywoman Matusow.

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“WPW” Matusow Show Fails to Air Due to Technical Glitch.

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WPCNR White Plains Variety. July 22, 2002: WPCNR has been notified within the hour by Public Access Channel 71 that this week’s edition of White Plains Week featuring an interview with Naomi Matusow cannot be aired this evening because of an as-yet-to-be-determined technical error which caused the program not to record.
At this hour, Public Access engineers are checking to find the cause of the error that failed to record the 30-minute interview recorded Friday morning, July 19.

Engineers are also checking on whether or not other programs recorded Friday also failed to transfer successfully to tape.

WPCNR is working to set up another date to interview Ms. Matusow. An interview with Robert Ruger, previously recorded will cablecast in place of the Matusow interview.

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County Drought Emergency Not Over, Spano Says.

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WPCNR County Clarion and Call. From Westchester County Department of Communications. July 19, 2002.:
Despite a wet May and June, Westchester remains in a drought emergency with mandatory restrictions on water use, County Executive Andy Spano said Friday.
The region has been hurt by an unusually dry July, with only a quarter-inch of rain since July 1, instead of the historical average of 4 inches.

July and August are typically the months when water usage rises. But there has not been significant rainfall since the end of June so an increase in water usage could severely impact supply.

“Another dry spell like last fall and winter and we could be placing the system under severe stress,” said Spano. “This would be particularly true if the levels in the reservoirs at the end of this summer are lower than what we had last summer. We must continue to conserve water now to make sure that there is enough water for the very near future.”

Only 80% of Capacity. 15% Lower Than Normal.

Westchester gets 85 percent of its water from the New York City water system. It will take significant rainfall to bring these reservoirs to what is normal and desired for mid-July — 93 percent of capacity. The system storage is in the low 80s and has not fully recovered from the dry fall and winter when capacities were as low as 40 percent.

“We had a false sense of security in May and June when we received almost 11 inches of rain,.” said Spano. “However since then less than a quarter-inch of rain has fallen in the reservoir system. We all must do our part to use our water wisely and limit non-essential water use. An increase in consumption could result in further restrictions.”

Current restrictions:

• Limit lawn watering to no more than four hours per day between 5-9 am and 7-9 pm on an odd-even schedule; odd-numbered addresses water on odd-numbered days and even-numbered addresses water on even-numbered days;

• Require business and non-residential wpcnr_users of more than 1000 gallons per day to devise and implement plans to reduce water use by 15 percent;

• Bar the use of a hose to wash sidewalks, driveways and automobiles.

For a complete list of residential and business restrictions and other water saving tips, please visit the County’s website at

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Planning Board Endorses Hospital Proposal and New Location

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WPCNR Planning Board Roundup. Special to WPCNR. July 19, 2002.: The White Plains Planning Board this week endorsed the New York Presbyterian Hospital biotech/proton accelerator proposal, and encouraged the White Plains Common Council to approve the project, according to WPCNR sources who attended last Tuesday evening’s meeting.
WPCNR’s source reports the Board not only supported the project unanimously, but also approved the new location of the project on the interior of the hospital property.

In other matters of note, the developers of the Scott Circle subdivision withdrew their proposal abruptly Tuesday before the meeting began.

According to our contact, “the applicant was unable to achieve the depth required for the middle lot.

In other projects of community interest: XM Radio’s application for an antenna for their satellite radio system and the Bayrakdarian subdivision on Greenridge Avenue were adjourned until the August 13 meeting.

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The American Cancer Society in Westchester is hosting their 2002 Golf Classic. This year’s event will take place on Monday, August 19th at the Centennial Golf Club in Carmel, NY.
This year the American Cancer Society is honoring Debbie Schreibman of Scarsdale. Debbie is an American Cancer Society volunteer and has facilitated breast cancer support groups for the American Cancer Society in Westchester for the past 10 years.

The day’s activities will include brunch, awards ceremony, cocktails, hors d’ oeuvres, an All-American barbecue dinner, prizes, a hole-in-one competition and more. This year participants will be able to purchase flag dedications to honor or memorialize someone who has battled cancer. The flags with their personalized messages will then be placed on the walkway to the 18th Green.

For information on the Westchester Golf Classic, sponsorship, journal listings, event packages or general cancer information contact the American Cancer Society at
1-800-ACS-2345 or

# # #

The American Cancer Society is the nationwide, community-based, voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives and diminishing suffering from cancer through research, education, advocacy and patient and family services. For more information, call the American Cancer Society at 1-800-ACS-2345 or visit

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Peter Bassano Appointed to Board of Education, Replacing Richard Bernstein.

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WPCNR SCHOOL DAYS. By John F. Bailey July 19, 2002. 1:30 PM E.D.T.: The Board of Education today announced that longtime White Plains attorney, Peter Bassano, has been appointed to complete the term of resigned Board member, Richard Bernstein.
Mr. Bassano is employed by the White Plains law firm of Bleakley, Platt & Schmidt. He has been a resident of White Plains for fourteen years and has two children in the White Plains public schools.

Bassano was previously a registered nurse in psychology, and has served on the White Plains Little League Board of Directors, as Safety Director and is very much involved in educational issues.

Board Confident says Schere.

Dorothy S. Schere, Board President, said, “The Board was pleased that five qualified candidates asked to be interviewed for the vacant seat. It’s a very positive indication of the broad interest in the success of our public schools and commitment to public education.” She added, “The Board is confident that Mr. Bassano will make a valuable contribution to the district in the coming year.”

Tratoros impressed.

Bassano was described by Board of Education member, Michelle Tratoros, as bringing excellent negotiating skills to the Board, one of the qualities that impressed her and other Board members.

Ms. Tratoros described him as “a person who will work very well with the Board,” and “very capable.”

Mr. Bassano, according to Ms. Tratoros, was selected from a group of five persons who applied for Mr. Bernstein’s vacant seat. She said he is very familiar with district affairs, having served on the Annual Budget Committee. He will serve until school board elections next May 20, when the seat will be up for election.

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Scarsdale Planning Board to take up Saxon Woods “Senior Housing” Project Wed.

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WPCNR Newsreel. Special to WPCNR from Scarsdale Today. July 19, 2002.: REALM, INCORPORATED’s senior assisted living facility targeted for the Saxon Woods Road area off Mamaroneck Avenue in White Plains will be on the Scarsdale Planning Board agenda Wednesday evening at 8 PM in Scarsdale Town Hall.

The L-shaped, three-story complex is planned for the wooded glen adjacent to the Ethical Culture Society of Westchester property requires 14 different approvals from the City of White Plains which is vehemently opposed to the project. The city has theatened to contest the project in court, if approved by the Scarsdale Planning Board which has accepted the Final Environmental Impact Statement without negative comment. The Board is expected to approve the project.

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Jack Posen Honored

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White Plains resident Jack Posen, DDS, was recently honored by Westchester Jewish Community Services (WJCS) with the agency’s 2002 Pillars of Community Award. Dr. Posen was recognized for his exceptional commitment and generosity of spirit to WJCS and the community it serves.

To honor his daughter, who perished when Pan Am Flight 103 exploded over Lockerbie, Scotland in 1988, Dr. Posen founded The Pammy Fund to help financially needy young people realize their dreams through education. Over the past 10 years, The Pammy Fund has contributed nearly $150,000 to graduates of the WJCS Parent-Child Home Program (PCHP) to help defray the cost of higher education.

PCHP is an early learning program designed to prevent school problems for disadvantaged pre-schoolers and promote self-esteem and child rearing competence in their parents. Working with families in Greenburgh, Mamaroneck, New Rochelle, Port Chester and White Plains, trained home visitors use specially selected toys and books to provide cognitive enrichment through verbal interaction and special game play. During the past 30 years, nearly 2,500 children have participated in the program.

“Jack Posen’s generosity has expanded opportunities for young adults and provided strength for the mission of WJCS,” said Maida Silver, PhD, WJCS Board President and White Plains resident. “A living testament to his daughter’s memory, the Pammy Fund grants nurture the hopes of others and create a family of young people carrying on a lasting and meaningful legacy.”

In addition to supporting PCHP graduates, The Pammy Fund also assists young people involved with Help USA, the YM-YWHA of the Inwwod Section of the Bronx and the Center for Preventive Psychiatry.

A graduate of Tufts University School of Dentistry and the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Dr. Posen is an orthodontist in Armonk.

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