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WPCNR THE LETTER TICKER. From New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing. June 11, 2024:



A 5-point Plan to Save Public Transit


  1. Full EIS & Full Economic Study per SAPA.  There must be a full Environmental Impact Statement under applicable federal and state laws and in accord with the State Administrative Procedure Act, a complete socio-economic study that includes an analysis of the impacts on small business and job retention of congestion pricing (Central Business District Tolling Plan).


  1. Impose Fiscal Responsibility and Controls on MTA operations and Capital Program.  The MTA must address the loss of some $700 million in fare and toll evasion, manage unnecessary overtime, and impose strict accountability on its capital program to focus on service needs and avoid glamorous add-ons to its projects.


  1. End State and City General Tax Levy Defunding of the MTA.  Restore State and City General Revenue funding of the Capital Program during the Giuliani (in FY’95 NYC cut $400 million) and Pataki (In 1982-1986, the state gave $1,509 million; in 1987-1991, the state gave $879 million) administrations.  Direct governmental [capital] subsidies reached a peak of $5.2 billion in the 1987-1991 plan and then fell in each of the two subsequent plans. These subsidies accounted for 55 percent of the capital financing in the 1982-1986 plan and 64 percent in the 1987-1991 plan, but only 39 percent in the 1995-1999 plan. (NYC IBO August 1999).


  1. Fund MTA Capital Program the same way NYC and NYS fund their regular capital programs.  Funding for public transit should be a priority in the same manner the city and state fund schools, hospitals, senior center, roads, libraries, museums and parks.


  1. Since Public Transit fuels the City economy which fuels the state economy which fuels the U.S. economy, secure steady stream of capital funding from the Federal government. The federal government must come through with substantial funding for the Public transit system that fuels the economy of the city and state the fuel the national economy.


“The congestion pricing tax is solely about revenue and that discussion diverts attention away from correcting the malfeasance of the state and city in defunding transit (capital programs) and trying to stick us with a new bill,” stated Corey Bearak, Esq.

A member of the Steering and Legal Committee of New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax and the architect of this plan to correct the gross DISINVESTMENT in the MTA capital plan by the state and city after both ceased routine funding of the plan in the 80s and early 90s “Why are the so-called transit advocates giving New York City and New York State a pass on this gross defunding of the MTA capital plan? Why the Dead Silence? Rectify this unfair Defunding of our subways, buses and commuter rails.  That should be the first act.”


New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax is a coalition of residents from diverse neighborhoods around New York City who have initiated a lawsuit to demand that the Federal Highway Administration perform an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to show the real impacts of Congestion Pricing (CP) on our communities. The federal government and the Metropolitan Transit Authority rushed an incomplete Environmental Assessment Statement (EAS) instead of applying the more extensive and comprehensive EIS. An EIS would properly examine the three E’s: Environmental Impacts, Economic Hardship, and Equity.



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