White Plains Daily News Service Since 2000 A.D. "24th YEAR DAILY COVERAGE OF WHITE PLAINS NY USA. John F. Bailey, Editor (914) 997-1607 wpcnr@aol.com Cell: 914-673-4054. (WE ALWAYS CALL YOU BACK.) News Politics Personalities Neighborhoods Schools Finance Real Estate Commentary Reviews Policy Correspondence Poetry Philosophy Photojournalism Arts. The WHITE PLAINS CITIZENETREPORTER. TELEVISION: "White Plains Week" News Roundup, 7:30 EDT FRI, 7 EDT MON & the incisive "People to Be Heard" Interview Program 8PM EDT THURS, 7 PM EDT SAT on FIOS CH 45 THROUGHOUT WESTCHESTER AND, ALTICE OPTIMUM WHITE PLAINS CH 76 "Fighting for Truth, Justice and the American Way." EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT! VOICE AND CHOICE OF WHITE PLAINS, WESTCHESTER AND THE WORLD FOR 23 YEARS. AND YOU CAN READ THE TYPE! ADVERTISE WHERE THE EYES AND THINKERS ARE FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD! IN MARCH TOP 10 VISITOR COUNTRIESl 1. USA 8,327 2. CHINA 3,590 3.IRELAND 1,018 4 GERMANY 933 5 RUSSIA 426 6 ISRAEL 366 7. CANADA 268 8 FRANCE 243 9 UNITED KINGDOM 240 10. NORWAY 216 (RATINGS SOURCE WORDPRESS ROBOT FREE)) THE NEWS YOU NEED TO KNOW THAT THEY DON'T TELL YOU! LOOK FOR THE FEDORA! 232 VISITORS TODAY AS OF 9 AM, 812 VISITS 494 YESTERDAY MADE 1,547 VISITS; 3,653 THE LAST WEEK MAKING 16.967 VISITS; 29.054 VISITORS IN LAST MONTH MALINGING 90,874 VISITS.
The story so far: Construction on rehabilitating Playland by a county-selected contractor began in September shortly after Playland closed for the season, after the county had settled with Standard Amusements over the county contention that Standard had not fulfilled their contract.
The Bankruptcy Court Judge Robert Drain had ruled in spring of 2021 the county and Standard Amusements had to negotiate an arrangement. The two parties settled their dispute with the county agreeing to pay $125 Million in Playland infrastructure improvements, and Standard Amusements taking over management of the park in January of this year.
The $125 Million the county is paying includes $40 million for a new family pool still under construction. Construction was begun in September on the infrastructure improvements . The county changed contractors in December because they deemed the work was progressing too slowly. Work has been progressing at a brisk pace through very tough cold and weather conditions.
How it looks this week:
WPCNR walked around the park last week and this is what WPCNR saw: