“Let Them Play,” Say Banned Sports Parents and Players to Governor, Section 1. “Not Fair,” Says Former County Executive, Robert Astorino

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WPCNR SCHOOL DAYS . By John F. Bailey. September 13, 2020: Slightly over 70 parents and their student athletes whose sports have been shut down by New York State in Westchester and Long Island, held a rally at the County Center this morning. Their message was that allowing soccer, field hockey, and tennis to play starting in October, but disallowing football and volleyball and competitive cheerleading,was unfair and called for Governor Cuomo and the Sections to “Let Them Play.”

Robert Astorino, Republican candidate for State Senate and former County Executive began the rally with this statement:

Robert Astorino begins the rally. (WPCNR Video)

After the rally, WPCNR asked Mr. Astorino if he had specific recommendations of how players in football, volleyball, cheerleading could be equipped to play safely if allowed to play, here is his response:

Mr. Astorino on keeping players safe in competition if all sports are allowed to play

More on this developing story later today.

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