Latimer: Legislature should NOT receive raises next January without enacting Ethics Reform

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WPCNR ALBANY ROUNDS. From State Senator George Latimer. March 30, 2016:

State Senator George Latimer (D-Westchester), a past opponent of proposals to increase the paychecks of New York State Legislators, blasted any plans by leaders of the Senate Majority Conference to push through a pay raise this year. The issue has been passed along to a commission the state legislature created in the state budget almost exactly a year ago.
“Despite the convictions of the two top Senate leaders since the Commission was created, the plan appears to be full speed ahead for raises for state legislators as of next January 1. Without real ethics reform, not one single elected state legislator deserves a raise,” Latimer said.
Latimer, who has sponsored and co-sponsored numerous pieces of legislation that would improve the accountability, oversight and ethics of elected officials, believes that the failure to pass ethics reform is one more reason to withhold pay raises this year.
“Corrupt politicians are still getting their pensions. They are still using campaign funds to pay for their criminal defense. They can be convicted and still hold office in a political party. There are many important reforms that never make it to the floor of the Senate; we need to show our residents that we are not going to tolerate business as usual. Reform comes first.


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