Gedney Association Says City Corporation Counsel Urges Appeal Judge Lefkowitz Ruling that Council Must Vote on FASNY

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The following correspondence with the Mayor of White Plains has been shared with WPCNR by the Gedney Association:

January 28, 2016

Honorable Mayor Thomas Roach
255 Main Street
White Plains, NY 10601

Dear Mayor Roach,

There are disturbing rumors coming out of City Hall that your Corporation Counsel is urging the Common Council to “appeal” Judge Lefkowitz’s order to vote on the FASNY application for a Special Permit and Site Plan.  The obvious question is: “Why?”  FASNY has asked for a decision.

Those opposing the FASNY plan also agree that the Common Council needs to vote on it.  In fact, last August in tabling the application you and your colleagues essentially said the same, indicating that the road closure was an integral component to it.  So what is triggering this very unusual idea to challenge a Judge’s order?  What is the compelling reason not to comply with the Judge’s order?  What is the City’s interest in appealing her order?

Mr. Mayor, I and others fear we are entering a very serious and dangerous period in this long FASNY process.  We know that powerful outside interests have attempted to influence the outcome of this decision for a long time. It has already taken almost five years.

Let’s move this issue out of the shadows and vote.  The residents and voters are entitled to have their Common Council complete the process as the Judge has so directed and vote.  Doing otherwise will not pass the smell test and raise very serious questions about the real motivations of those arguing for such a position and will permanently damage the reputation of the Mayor and Common Council.

Very truly yours,

John E. Sheehan, President
The Gedney Association



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