State Suspends Proposed Background Check Program on Ammunition Buyers Indefinitely. (Database “Not Ready” Times Reports) Surprise: No Press Release on This One.

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WPCNR ALBANY ROUNDS. From a White Plains CitizeNetRepoter. July 13, 2015:

A reader writes that Governor Andrew Cuomo’s highly touted SAFE Act has had a key restriction suspended as a result of the efforts of the State Senate Majority Leader and Governor Cuomo’s Office, which she learned from a New York Times report.

The Governor’s office did not send out its usual press release on this decision which is their usual practice.  that went into effect Friday, July 10, suspending the SAFE Act requirement that purchases of ammunition required a background check by the ammunition dealer.

According to the Times article:

The Times reported that Cuomo’s director of state operations, Jim Malatras, and Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan signed a memorandum of understanding suspending that part of the SAFE Act, which went into effect shortly after the Newtown, Conn,. attack occurred in December 2012.

The memorandum stated that there was “a lack of adequate technology” for the planned database of gun owners, the Times noted.

The complete Times Report may be read at


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